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About amrax

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  1. amrax

    Top 3 mods

    I just recently started playing OFP again since the disappointment of ArmA and was looking for a kick ass mod. I don't want a futuristic si-fi nor WW2 type of mods. Anyone...?
  2. amrax

    Top 3 mods

    I just recently started playing OFP again since the disappointment of ArmA and was looking for a kick ass mod. I don't want a futuristic si-fi nor WW2 type of mods. Anyone...?
  3. amrax

    What would you like to see?

    I'd like to see gadgets like my topic says: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=64890 But worked out well, not crappy coding and stuff so the thing sucks!
  4. amrax

    Customized Gadgets!

    I was talking about "MICRO" drone... not huge uavs! I mean to fly with it on groundlevel height through urban terrain. GIJOE94, no it doesn't. STOP CLOAKING up the thread!
  5. amrax

    Customized Gadgets!

    GIJOE94, NOT TOYS... I mean real gadgets! Matt Rochelle, yes as I said they are WAY WAY smaller! You honestly don't know anything about the Aurora? The information is out there mate, plenty.
  6. amrax

    Customized Gadgets!

    No, those are huge compared to what I ment. I can't help that your knowledge on the matter is extermely limited but they do exist!
  7. I'd like to see some customized gadgets in the game to make things easier like "microdrone" and "microflies" for a starter. You know these little drones the size of your hand with which you can fly around to spot the area instead of getting shot in the ass. And "tag" vehicles with them, as so to speak, so you won't lose track of them too easily as happens quite often. What are your thoughts? PS I don't mean to shift over to the futuristic theme too much like unreal tournament or something! Keeping it realistic but with 21st century digital gadgets.
  8. amrax

    Customized Gadgets!

    I'd like to see some customized gadgets in the game to make things easier like "microdrone" and "microflies" for a starter. You know these little drones the size of your hand with which you can fly around to spot the area instead of getting shot in the ass. And "tag" vehicles with them, as so to speak, so you won't lose track of them too easily as happens quite often. What are your thoughts? PS I don't mean to shift over to the futuristic theme too much like unreal tournament or something! Keeping it realistic but with 21st century digital gadgets.
  9. amrax

    Anti AI cheat mode

    AHHH , I'm actually starting to like you. :P I'm happy you got my point though. We should play a mission together and I'll show you. You did brought up another point, their decision making is diffirent AND they use diffirent tactics, although I like the Far Cry more I understand the ArmA can do more because there is more stuff in the game, like planes, tanks etc etc. YOu should be happy it has no conscious, imaging that . Than we would be in serious trouble... lol NO no, its not I don't believe you, its just that I know how AI works and can prove it to you. You are however not willing to see it, which is fine if you choose to - freedom of choice. By-the-way, I thought of another reason why some of you don't get shot so easily; because of your silent weapon choices. The AI responds diffirently to them I noticed. Which they should but you get the point.
  10. amrax

    Anti AI cheat mode

    For example yes but that isn't realistic or the kind of knowsabout the AI SHOULD have. If I were to shoot at you, you wouldn't know right away where my EXACT location is, drop down and kill me with your first 5 rounds, would you? Of course usually you would shoot to kill, but put that fact aside. Yes but the AI can see and shoot you nonetheless, try in a forest area where there is enough cover for you, they will still shoot you without you even seeing them or knowing where THEY are. That is what I mean, to them it is a matrix not a virtual simulation. What you say just doesn't work with this AI of ArmA. Other games yes, like Far Cry or such... They know the exact spot where you are, there is not much you can do against that. Counter measures like cover and changing position don't really help because by than you'd be dead. Exactly but for now that isn't the case which most people find normal here!
  11. amrax

    Anti AI cheat mode

    Yes, but those objects aren't filtered well, to them its like there is barely any object (objects blocking yours and their view don't matter to them but they do to YOU). To them it is a matrix, for us its a virtual reality. - We could go into the depth of both of them if you like but I think that would get too complex for you! - And their awareness jumps from 0 to the "magic" number on the first smallest clue. For example, if I were to shoot you (not kill you) you wouldn't know my EXACT position, you'd know approximately where I were if you were paying well attention and had a high awareness. You sure as hell won't drop to floor and shoot me with your first 5 rounds wihtin 10secs... Anyhow if you're shot your down on the floor in need of a medic, you won't do much at all (relay info to your commander perhaps). Unless you have super endurances of course . I hope you understand what I mean here and not skip it and focus on something that has nothing to do with this example. Thx for making me an artist . Those are vehicles, obviously they would respond diffirent with vehicles than with enemy soldiers. DUH Not exactly, but whatever - call it what you like. Thank you. "If I design a mission it would look stupid..." that is a good one! Did I ever say I "designed" a mission or are you making stuff up now? Yep you were! And what difficulty did you play it? Easy+ right?
  12. amrax

    Anti AI cheat mode

    In that link it said that their awareness raises from 0 to the "magic" number on the first clue no matter how small, that is not good nor realistic. You had a good example though, but it would get that info uploaded from the game, not the AI hearing himself. Damn, you still don't get what I'm trying to explain?! Than you have put it below medium, the difficulty. I didn't plan their waypoints. And ofpforum you dodged the Far Cry question...
  13. amrax

    ARMA Morealism, adding Ultra realism...

    Yea right... ROFL... put people in jail in on online game. Police State goes online... Why not run an presidential election too. What you want will just turn into political crap propaganda. This idea will turn out to be bad!
  14. amrax

    Anti AI cheat mode

    No I mean that they run to places which don't make any sense, there is no tactical advantage or such where they run to, so why should they run there? This indeed would be a partial observation. Yes but other people said it was their sight so I had to reply to that too and I was referring to other posts which you just red. AI doesn't see, hear, feel or senses anything. That would be far far too complex to design for just game makers as I'm sure you would understand. Yes I observe too, but I do know how AI works regardless of an observation. I'm not just stating facts of what I observe... I 60% talk about how AI works regardless of the game, if you know what I mean. Do you honestly don't get the point I'm making or are you just taking the piss at me? Unless you refer to something other than me and skip my point. What I said about the AI getting it's info is not by what I observed, obviously. Exactly. But regardless of what is said, won't you agree there is something wrong with the AI in ArmA? Compare the AI to Far Cry for example and hopefully you'll notice. Just a simple example. I know its a diffirent game and all blah blah!
  15. amrax

    Anti AI cheat mode

    After you engage them, not before. You missed the whole point! No, its not. read the link of wishper and you might understand if you have any intelligence. No its not, that is BS. You just don't know how AI works. I did test it and after a while they start to run to points way off, but they always use the exact same route. You just don't know AI . Read a few posts on page 2 and you find it. As many have giving examples as I did, we can tell when AI looks at us. They simply were looking at a complete other direction, turned and fired a kill round. The point is that they DIDN"T see us! EDIT: LOL . I centainly will.