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KilJoy -SFG-

Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

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@USNavySEAL-Op Lots of these ideas have been mentioned alreddy, i wanted to start all players as infantry and let them go pilot ect after a certin rank. but its not possibil to put a player in a new model type. Maybe in the future there will be a player versus player version. for now i just want to iron out all the bugs in the one version or i would end up having to debug more then one mission at a time. units in missions must be restricted to a certin amount but csar 20 has extra patroling units.

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Thanks for the reply. I don't really understand the mechanics of these things, just felt like voicing a few ideas (Albeit previously mentioned) - One idea can be "dittoed" thumbs-up.gif

Awesome job, regardless. That is all.

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Quote[/b] ]- Squad Leaders who commit suicide to re-spawn at base lose their squad leader status and thus bugs the missions system. Would be nice if you could look into this or possibly even fix it.

This is strange, was leadership transferred to another human player or an AI in your group?

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First, thank you for this great mission!

I guess this is more of an Arma issue than an Evolution issue but here it goes:

I would like to run this mission on a dedicated server, one or two nights a week with friends... Is there a way to save the mission after each session and then bring up the server at the next session with the mission at the same stage/state as it was when shutting down?


Unfortunately not, games cannot be saved in multiplayer =(

You can save players scores and keep playing from where you left off, only if the server is not shutdown, restarted etc.

Use persistant=1 in the server.cfg file

We use it on our MP server and all our players keep their previous scores.

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yer we found this in testing the respawn a squad leader in my missions, i think its an engine thing, feature, bug whatever. The leadership will go to the next highest ranking player in the group, or the next in the list. Not sure what can be done about it.

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I know, get a higher rank biggrin_o.gif,

Seriously tho i understand, missions are or should be set to fail if the player who started the mission is no longer leader.

I was considering having a fail condition for all missions if you die as leader while on a mission. No respawn fans could get there kicks better then. What do you all think?

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Great mission btw notworthy.gif I know this can be changed server side but the mission works Great with the AI set to around 40% on the slider under difficulty. Too many times have I engaged a target at distance 400m + only to get killed instantly by a single round from a AK (effective range around 280-300m) Having the AI toned down make for great fire fights If I could run a good server I would. In our opinion this would make it far more realistic whistle.gif

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First, thank you for this great mission!

I guess this is more of an Arma issue than an Evolution issue but here it goes:

I would like to run this mission on a dedicated server, one or two nights a week with friends... Is there a way to save the mission after each session and then bring up the server at the next session with the mission at the same stage/state as it was when shutting down?


Unfortunately not, games cannot be saved in multiplayer =(

You can save players scores and keep playing from where you left off, only if the server is not shutdown, restarted etc.

Use persistant=1 in the server.cfg file

We use it on our MP server and all our players keep their previous scores.

Yes, great command. I will also try having the server on a virtual machine... Anyone tested the performance on a WMware/MSVirtualPC solution?

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@CW4-JD I have done tests with ai difficulty and it seems to me no matter what i set it at in the mission the server overrides this with its settings, all ai are placed with 0.5 skill. Meny servers imploy the "Super AI" setting thinking it will give them ai that flank and use better tactics, it doesnt it just makes them aim and shoot with the accuracy of terminator.

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BUG: Was playing last night and a player managed to get into the first two cobras without ANY points?! I dont know how he did it.. he claims he just tried to get in and it let him fly... but i tried in the final cobra (furthest away from spawn) and i couldnt get in...

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While I love this mission, after version 1.1 the 1-8th server just can not handle this mission. After a 5 or more people, our CPU just gets maxed out. Any chance of a "light" version coming out? Love this mission, and what it can do.

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Is there any way to change it so that I can leave a vehicle hidden somewhere as an ammo resupply and not have it vanish? I'm finding that a bit annoying as playing this mission singleplayer is hard enough without having to keep going backwards and forwards to the base, if my vehicle isn't damaged can it stay where I put it please? smile_o.gif

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Placebo just leave an ai unit sitting in it.

rekster I am making good progress to fix the issues your talking about, in a few days i promise a much less dysnc version with a nice mission menu to by Dr Eyeball, I have found a major cause of this dysinc and have just about finnished fixing it.

Are you sure its cpu and not bandwith that is causing the problems and what are your server specs?

Jack-UK sounds strange cant think how it could happin. Thanks for the heads up. Ill keep an eye on it.

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Hy there

Great map Evolution

Bug report:::: not seen this listed anywhere.

Not a major problem just makes the map look untidy.

Several times and again last night I come across floating black uniformed troopers.  Looks like they are armour crew who have died in or on their vehicle.

This has then de-materialised away but left them high & dry looks most odd.

EDIT>>> I supose this is more likely to be an ArmA problem than Evolution.

I'm suprised that the ArmA team haven't made you an offer they should do as this is how the game should be played - excellent.  They need you on their team.

Keep up the good work KilJoy

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Mission bug;

If i complete a mission ,Waterpatrol, and get Corporal rank ,and get 1 AI ,I get completed mission instant ,every time i select same mission ,and +10 points. Seems it has something with getting 1 AI ,but not 100% sure.

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@ April 16 2007,09:04)]I know, get a higher rank biggrin_o.gif,

Seriously tho i understand, missions are or should be set to fail if the player who started the mission is no longer leader.

I was considering having a fail condition for all missions if you die as leader while on a mission. No respawn fans could get there kicks better then. What do you all think?

a must have.

great idea.


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BUG: Was playing last night and a player managed to get into the first two cobras without ANY points?! I dont know how he did it.. he claims he just tried to get in and it let him fly... but i tried in the final cobra (furthest away from spawn) and i couldnt get in...

Ive seen someone using the cobras without the required points as well. Not sure that its a bug tho.


Btw great mission. Best coop concept to date(IMHO).

Thanks a lot KilJoy.

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@ April 16 2007,19:38)]Placebo just leave an ai unit sitting in it.

Problem with that is that the vehicle then becomes a direct enemy target, they'll want to destroy it, also it's at the start of the mission that it's the most challenging and thus I need the ammo reserve at which point I'm not ranked high enough to control any AI, but if that's the only solution it'll at least help once I'm promoted smile_o.gif

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@ April 16 2007,19:38)]Placebo just leave an ai unit sitting in it.

Problem with that is that the vehicle then becomes a direct enemy target, they'll want to destroy it, also it's at the start of the mission that it's the most challenging and thus I need the ammo reserve at which point I'm not ranked high enough to control any AI, but if that's the only solution it'll at least help once I'm promoted smile_o.gif

yup i just experienced this 10 mins ago.

AI leave chopper by free will and then we will have a chopper empty for respawn sad_o.gif

Problem: Acelerating time causes alot LAG in server and players.

Suggestion: reduce aceleration.

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@ April 16 2007,02:02)]
Quote[/b] ]- Squad Leaders who commit suicide to re-spawn at base lose their squad leader status and thus bugs the missions system. Would be nice if you could look into this or possibly even fix it.

This is strange, was leadership transferred to another human player or an AI in your group?

Leadership was transferred to another player in the squad but for them it showed the original leader as the group leader.

Further testing shows that also if a squad leader teamkills (intentionally or accidently) it will cause the same issue.

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@ Placebo & Kiljoy I agree an option on the vehicle to have it "wait" would be a welcome feature. During an assault yesterday 12 of us were playing in a squad. We had one dedicated pilot in the UH-60, but also a LB for recon and resupply runs to the FARPs. I had to keep leaving the group to jump into the little-bird to avoid it despawning. IMHO all it needs is an action menu item that allows me to have it wait 30 minutes instead of 10.

@ Kiljoy Any thoughts on a variation that would be Team vs Team in nature?

@USNavy I can confirm that a TK such as crashing a LB and killing other squad members will screw the squad such that the SL is no longer in command, but no one else seems to be either.

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For those of you wanting the LB to be available to Pilots only on the start you can change the veccheck.sqf where it says

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">    case "MH6":


       if (score _dunit < _rank2) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank2] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";_unit action ["Eject",vehicle _unit]};


Put This

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">    case "MH6":


       if (typeOf driver _unit != "SoldierWPilot") then {hint format["You are not a pilot"];_unit action ["Eject",vehicle _unit]};


It removes the rank restriction and alows the pilot immediate access to the LB. In our server (Team DUCK) we are trying to add Armor Crew to the list of selectable units and force allow only pilots to fly and armor to drive the heavy stuff. We need to rename our server to "Modified" or something because people get on and get miffed when they run a few side missions to SGT and can't get in the LB.


Oddly, now when I decompress the 1.3a it won't uncompress the mission.sqm file but to 85k and makes it gibberish. Usually it is 200k+. Anyone have this same problem? I can't change the starting crew with the sqm file now... confused_o.gif

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the problem is that if you enable immediate access to littlebirds for 'pilots' you're gonna get people fighting over the spots, also u'll inevitably get noobs who come in, take a pilot slot and just f*ck around and crash them.

Personally i'd prefer all players to 'earn' their right to fly.

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Played this yesterday for the first time.

It's great, the ranking system is a very nice thing to have.

Thanks for this cool mission, keep up the good work!

MfG Lee thumbs-up.gif

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Quote[/b] ]rekster I am making good progress to fix the issues your talking about, in a few days i promise a much less dysnc version with a nice mission menu to by Dr Eyeball, I have found a major cause of this dysinc and have just about finnished fixing it.

Are you sure its cpu and not bandwith that is causing the problems and what are your server specs?

The server specs are a dual 2.2ghz Zeon with 2GB of ram, and a 100mb ethernet connection.

We did not see any issues with 1.1. The dysnc did not become and issue until 1.2 and really a problem with 1.3a.

When in monitor mode I can see the CPU drop to 4FPS and use about 525MB of memory, once we add a 5th player. At the same time, I can log onto the server and see the CPU running at 100%

Look forward to testing the new version when it comes out.

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