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Can sombody confirm this plz???

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Quote[/b] ]I don't understand how this was surprising to you. ArmA has mission unlocks to begin with, after all

I may be nitpicky but this clearly isn't the same :

A) Complete previous objective to unlock next mission

B) Create a point ladder to unlock new weapons.

It may just be a way of formulating the PR statement, but option A is the definition of any structured mission/campain while option B sounds like an attempt to reach BF2's fanbase (which is not meant as a bad comment, on the contrary actually, but a marketing analysis).

Do you get the difference ?

Oh, I see. You think it's going to work like BF2 as some sort of MP unlocking ladder?

I find that hard to believe, but I guess you'd have to ask the devs for the official word.

Quote[/b] ]# even the wesite you link says it, of course your biased ffs

Haha. Man. If you think that changed anything about my views on OFP or ArmA, you're mistaken.

Perhaps if you knew more and assumed less you'd be able to form a more substantiated viewpoint here? In any case, it's beside the point.

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The way they keep skinning and selling this engine is getting bit more twisted.. It looks like a 15 year old on a play date in militaryland, yet is actually a hardened combat vet with 10 tours under the belt. crazy_o.gif

Kinda freeky way to pull more into the fray. biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Why don't you guys just let it go. Just let it frigging go. You're fighting on the internet. It's not frigging worth it after four posts.

No we are debating on the internet , you are the one who is reading it in an angry tone, take sip of honey , put on a cd of lift music and relax , come back and read it in the style of a monk reading his daily prayers.

hope this helps your inabbilty to create less friction whilst creating more friction where there is none wink_o.gif

if that dosent work try a can of ironic brew .

Quote[/b] ]Perhaps if you knew more and assumed less you'd be able to form a more substantiated viewpoint here? In any case, it's beside the point.

we are what we read i guess , i can only make an assupmtion of what you have wrote this last few years and view you on it , i guess its just my view that your style/approach / unbiased viewpoint has changed.

anyway like you said beside the point and the fanboys are here now ,so i will end my debate/rant/fingerpointing.

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will the rest of the mortals no american be able to get those thunderbolts sooner or later ? mmm how would i say it ... i WANT them !

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will the rest of the mortals no american be able to get those thunderbolts sooner or later ? mmm how would i say it ... i WANT them !

seems to be just like 1.05, prove me worng anyone plz icon_rolleyes.gif

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Let me make this really clear.

The next crack about the said incident with this plane will result in a WL and a PR for the offender.

Make no mistake, this a dicussion about the Plane in ArmA game not a debate on the said incident.

You have been warned.

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From http://www.armedassault.com/us_armory.html...
Quote[/b] ]

<span style='color:red'>Jump your off-road 4x4 off a concrete ramp on the mobility range</span>, keep flying your helicopter below a ceiling of 30 meters, or hit as many targets as possible with your sniper rifle on the firing range. Completing these and many more challenges will score you points, which in turn unlock more equipment.

A small set of quality missions and more templates to compensate the not very incredible campaign would be just fine, that stuff sounds more gta alike crazy_o.gif .

It just sounds more like a way to showcase all the content in the game than anything else. That'd make it entirely optional too, I don't see how it'd interfere with the gameplay at all. Seems to me like just an extra tool somewhere between the mission editor and a collection of single missions/mission templates. It seems quite interesting really, maybe it will help solve the problem we had in OFP with too many addons and not enough missions to play with them.

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Quote[/b] ]will the rest of the mortals no american be able to get those thunderbolts sooner or later ? mmm how would i say it ... i WANT them !

Dont be silly, they will just be invisible to europeans online. tounge2.gif

It would definately be added in further patches william no doubt about it.


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Dont be silly, they will just be invisible to europeans online. tounge2.gif

Ah the Bis forums - sarcassum central! Love it! notworthy.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Please tell me you're aware of the fact that new vehicles/weapons/etc can be created completely independent of bugfixes and stuff, right? You don't seem to understand the separation between programmers and artists.

now now

in the first you have links to the company so you have a bias opinion

in the second he made a very valid point and now points

and finaly why have you turned this way, i was one of many that begged bis to let you review arma instaed of all the none playing over paid bullshitters that didnt have a clue and were so biased against arma that the reviews were flawed from the outset.

please dont turn it 180 degrees and become so bias that you wont let anyone make a valid criticism or it would be a shame. your a good fps reviewer in text and pics , pls dont sour it.

and finally i shall add no i dont think it influenced many people from here asking to appoint you as a reviewer ,but the fact is we did.



I think it was Suma who already stated on these boards that since the people who are working on content are different people from the ones working on fixing AI bugs etc, that new content and bug fixes are not mutually exclusive. It's possible that that guy (sorry, I just woke up and I forget, I'll go in and edit it as if I know what I'm talking about later) wanted 1 of 2 things: He's saying he would rather have bug fixes or would rather have NEWS of bug fixes. The first is off topic considering that he will likely have both and if not, well, he can complain in the relevent thread and the second is also off topic and he can try the bug tracker.

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Quote[/b] ]I think it was Suma who already stated on these boards that since the people who are working on content are different people from the ones working on fixing AI bugs etc, that new content and bug fixes are not mutually exclusive. It's possible that that guy (sorry, I just woke up and I forget, I'll go in and edit it as if I know what I'm talking about later) wanted 1 of 2 things: He's saying he would rather have bug fixes or would rather have NEWS of bug fixes. The first is off topic considering that he will likely have both and if not, well, he can complain in the relevent thread and the second is also off topic and he can try the bug tracker.

Yup the lead programer did say that, well done you are well read up on the fact that artists dont fix bugs.

now simply apply that meethod of thinking and apply the logic of a question about a plane and wehter it will shoot the ground targets.

dont make mistake of others and twist it into a mighty gripe whinge , slating of the great and holy bis.

just relax and see it in a different light, say it like this, hey its a valid question and someone answered it , is there really any need for me to point out to this chap that , suma said aritsts dont fix bugs ?

i shall leave it there and hope we can all hug trees in 1.07

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Quote[/b] ]Jump your off-road 4x4 off a concrete ramp on the mobility range

That statement right there had me laughing. I can't imagine anything more unrealistic than a ArmA 4x4 jumping off anything. Hell, i can't even steer in a straight line. tounge2.gif

Mobility, that word has a differnt meaning over in the UK. It refers to disabled people having there own cars. Well i suppose ArmA does that simulation too well.. whistle.gif

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I think that what he was saying was that there is an internal structure to the programming department.

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Quote[/b] ]Oh, I see. You think it's going to work like BF2 as some sort of MP unlocking ladder?

YES, thank you.

Actually, I don't think it it will happen that way (at least in MP, as it would mean so many changes it's just impossible, right ?), but I think the PR is carefully written to appeal to that target.

Clever marketing if you ask me.

As other people have noticed, this Atari page seems to sell the game as more mainstream game (4x4 jumping !wink_o.gif than in Europe.

I can see why sales-wise, but I just hope we won't have too many people disappointed when realize it's not GTA goes green.

Back on Topic : The model of the A10 seems so slick, the curves seem perfect, I wonder how many polys it has...

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So DB, if you know it, and I know it, why are you acting like I don't know gradeschool math? Some people obviously don't know it or they wouldn't be all up in arms about fixing stuff before adding stuff. Firstly, I'm not saying that there is an important distinction between artists and programmers. I hope that everyone already knows this. I don't think Suma was saying that either.

I'd like you to put some thought and time into your next post, and maybe read my posts with a little charity. That would be an interesting change from your norm in this thread where you come off like a total jerk and then tell people to relax and just let you be a huge jerk. Mebe try a post without "for fuck's sake" in it? Consider it a gift to me.

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hmm the 4x4 thing jumping aint new , i like it tho to be honest.

just dont try it on a bike lol

Quote[/b] ]where you come off like a total jerk

lol thats a fooking good pun, is it copyrighted or may i try and pull that off in a future comment myself ?

virga quod calx may effrego meus bones tamen dico mihi a jerk mos planto vos vultus leviculus

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I'm not sure what the text at the bottom reads but you can use it whenever. You can't copyright an accident! I guess I just have the heart of a poet.

edit: DB, I'm not calling you jerk, I think you're acting like one. I'm unclear on how to translate your latin, I don't know latin. The latin in my sig is a famous quote from one of the hugest monsters in history. It's like quoting Julius Caesar. I have no interest in the latin, only the quote. If I get the gyst you're defending yourself against some insult by returning one. All I'm saying is that your text makes me want to fight with you and that may be why we're having so much trouble. If you have no interest in clear communication without all the BS and posturing, then I guess we have nothing to talk about.

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obviously so and thanx for the go ahead. there

as for the text , i have a thing about people with latin in there sigs and like to see how many ,people with latin in there sigs can actually speak,read,understand it.

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WOW! What the hell happend to this thread?

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Since this turns into a flamebaiting hell, I end the discussion here.


+1WL for flamebaiting and not writing in english.


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