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ArmA Squad Directory

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Seems like neither one of the two people who were doing this

before seem to be doing it any more, so I figured I'd take over and keep it up to date.

Post here with the following information:

Squad name*

Squad acronym

Squad location* - International = More then 1 country, but if both are in for ex. Europe, your squad is European.

Squad webpage

Squad contact

Squad status* (ie: preparing for ArmA, recruiting, active, inactive etc)

(*=Must be presented)


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Post it like this, and I can just copy paste the code:

Name ( Acronym ), Location

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Your status

If you don't have any contact (an email or so), just take it "and contact [email protected]" out.


Squads in Alphabetical Order:

1st Battalion, 7th Marines ( 1BN7 ), International

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting for Armed Assault 16+ Mature

1st Infantry Battalion (1st-IB), Ireland


Status: Recruiting for Armed Assault 18+ Mature

1st Special Operations Group ( SOG ), United States

Homepage and Contact: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>

Status: Active

1st Veteran's Battalion ( 1VB ), International


Status: Actively Recruiting (Military Members Only)

10-78 Clan ( 10-78 ), US and Canada

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting (25+)

12th Infantry Battalion, International


Status: Recruiting

13th Virtual Marine Expeditionary Unit, USA

Homepage and contact: Forums

Status: Preparing for Armed Assault, Recruiting

15th Marine Expeditionary Unit ( 15thMEU ), N/A

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]</a> or [email protected]

Status: Actively Recruiting

16th Air Assault Brigade ( [16AAB] ), International

Homepage and contact: [email protected]</a> or [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

170th SOAR, Europe

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Rebuilding

22SAS Regiment ( =22SAS= ), UK

Homepage and Contact:[email protected] or [email protected]

Status: Open and Recruiting those who want a realistic Coop Clan

23rd Ground Division ( [23rd] ), International

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status:Active and Recruiting

25. Dywizja Kawalerii Powietrznej ( 25DKP ), Poland


Status: Recruiting

31st Marine Expeditionary Unit ( [31stMEU] ), North America

Homepage and Contact: 2ndLt. Mabes or Forums

Status: Active & Recruiting Mature Players looking for great Realism

3rd Battalion 1st Marine Regiment ( [3/1] ), North America

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting, but still preparing for Armed Assault

4rm4 ( [4rm4] ), UK and Europe

Homepage and Contact: Forums

Status: Active

4th Eagle Recon Company ( WTE ), Australia

Homepage and [email protected]

Status: Recruiting Team Players

4th Infantry Brigade ( 4thIB ), International

Homepage and contact via forums.

Status: Recruiting

6th Sense ( 6thSense ), Europe, America

Contact via: Homepage (Intro Thread)

Status: Open for anyone, no official memberlist

8 Brygada Zmechanizowana ( 8BZ ), Poland

Homepage and contact: N/A

Status: Active in ArmA

88th Blue Devils ( 88th ), International


Status: Active and Recruiting

AEF Inc. Joint Strike Group (AEF), Australia

Homepage and contact: via Website

Status: Recruiting

Air Tactical Engagement Force ( [ATF] ), Global


Status: Active [18] Reserve [5] and Recruiting

All Coop All Team ( ACAT ), Europe

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Active on October 2008

Australian International Forces ( AIF ), International

Homepage and contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

Austrian German Special Forces ( AGSF ), Location?


Status: Recruiting

Beer Drinking Assassins ( *BDA* ), USA


Status: Actively Recruiting (25+)

Belgian Elite Force (BEF) , Belgium

Homepage and Contact: Forums

Status: Active

BigBadTeam ( =[bBT]= ), International

Homepage and Contact: forums

Status: Starting/Recruiting

Blackdawn Legion ( [bDL] ), International

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting (18+) and preparing for Armed Assault

BLACK LiON iTALia ( |<BLI>| ), Italy

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Actively Recruiting (+18)

Bombrats ( ), International


Status: Recruiting

China Military-Game Player ArmA Clan ( =MP= ), China

Homepage and Contact: Forums

Status: Active

Destination Unknown ( =DU= ), North America

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

Dogs Of War ( =DOW= ), Australia/New Zealand


Status: Preparing for ArmA + Recruiting

Dragon Knights ( DK ), International

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Unknown

Elite ( =Elite= ), International

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Active

Egoz-Golani ( Golani ), United States

Homepage and contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

Status: Preparing for ArmA, Recruiting

Elitni Pivni Jednotka ( [EPJ] ), Czech


Status: Unknown

Equipo de Fuerzas Especiales Condor ( [EFEC] ), Argentina

Homepage and [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

Firebirds ( FB- ), Europe

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Active

Fullinger ( [Fullinger] ), ?


Status: Unknown

FUSION ( [FUSION] ), Europe


Status: Active

Ghost Company ( [GHOST] ), Australia

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

Global Earth Re-Union ( [GER] ), Germany


Status: In Armed Assault, but unsure about recruiting

Guerrillas Of Liberation ( -{GOL}- ), Europe/USA/Russia

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Preparations for ArmA complete + recruiting

Hellenic Armed Assault Community (HAC), Greece

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

Ignis Fatuus ( !F ), Canada

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

Intel Combat Marines ( ICM ), US/EU


Status: Recruiting


Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Invitational only

International Special Operations Commandos ( ISOC ), International

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

Jackpine Savages ( =JpS= ), US

Homepageand Contact: [email protected]

Status: On hiatus.  Hoping to gear up this spring.

Joint-Operations ( |J:Ops| ), UK and Europe

Homepage and contact: [email protected]  or [email protected]

Status: Active & Recruiting

Just 4 Fun ( [J4F] ),Germany

Homepage and contact: via Forum

Status: Active and Recruiting (18+)

Kelly's Heroes ( [KH] ), Europe

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Active

Kommando Spezialkräfte 2.Zug ( {KSK.2/Z} ), International

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Active

KSK-Delta ( ), Germany


Status: Unknown

LOL Clan ( [LOL] ), International


Status: Unknown

Luders ( [LUDERS] ), Sweden

Contact: [email protected]

Status: Active

Mad-IT ( [MIT] ), Netherlands

Homepage and Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

Marines Sqaud ( [MS] ), Italy

Homepage and contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

Status: Active

MercenaryS ( [MCY] ), International


Status: Recruiting

NoPryl of Norway ( N.o.N ), Norway

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Preparing for Armed Assault

Old Dirty Bastards ( ODB), International


Status: Preparing

Operations Wolves Marines ( [OWM] ), Europe


Status: Active

Polish Resistance [PR], Poland

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status:Active & Recruiting

Quebec Special Forces ( [QSF] ), North America

Homepage and contact via PM

Status: Active and Recruiting

Régiment des Opérations Spéciales ( [R.O.S.] ), France

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Closed

Roughnecks ( RN ), International

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

Royal Air Assault Battalion ( RAAB ), UK/European

Homepage and Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

Status: Active and Recruiting

SabreWolves Armed Forces ( SWAF ), International


Status: Unknown

Slovenian Black Panthers ( SBP ), Europe


Status: Active (~1 event weekly)

Special Forces Australia ( [sFA] ), Australia/New Zealand

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status - Actively Recruiting

Special Forces of Finland ( SFF ), Finland

Homepage and contact: #squad.sff @ quakenet

status: recruiting, only people from Finland

Special Reconnaissance Regiment ( [sRR] ), UK


Status: Actively Recruiting

Specialized Assault Squad ( .SAS. ), North America

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Preparing for ArmA / Recruiting

Sons of Liberty ( SoL ), International

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Actively Recruiting

Sovereign Forces ( =SF= ), United States

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Active

Storied Veterans ( [stoV] ), International


Status: In Armed Assault, but unsure about recruiting

Suicide Squad ( SES ), International


Status: Recruiting

SWEC ( SWEC ), Sweden


Status: Unknown

Syndicate Rebels ( =SR= ), International

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

Tactical Leaders ( *TLC* ), US


Status: Recruiting Mature Teamplayers

Task Force Delta ( TFD ), North America / UK

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Actively Recruiting

Team Gilyou, Finland

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting/Preparing for ArmA

The Art of Warfare ( TAW ), International

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: recruiting

The Fighting 69th [-F69-], Utah

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Preparing for ArmA

The Rifles ( [Rifles] ), United Kingdom

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting

United States Intelligence ( {USI} ), International

Homepage and Contact: Forums

Status: Active in other games and preparing for ArmA

UnSpoken Authority, ( U*S*A* ), North America

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status:Preparing,Private Training Dedicated Server

United States Marine Corps ( |USMC| ), International

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Actively Recruiting

USMC Warriors, USA


Status: Active, Recruiting Military Members

Valor and Honor ( =[VAH]= ), Australia

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting 18+

Violent Disciples ( -VD- ), USA

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Preparing for Armed Assault

VOLCBAT ( VCB ), United Kingdon

Homepage and contact: Via Forums

Status: Recruiting for ArmA

White Dragon Soldiers ( WDS ), International

Homepage and contact: [email protected]

Status: Recruiting (18+)

Xtreme Defence Force ( [XDF] ), Australia

Homepage and Contact: [email protected]

Status: Active, Not Recruiting


(New squads added ASAP. Thanks for your patience. If you feel like I've forgotten about this, just send me a PM)

Do NOT PM me with your squad info, only PM me if you think I've forgotten about this thread!

LAST UPDATED:17 Aug 07 @ 2125 (EST)

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Well, as long as you're going to do this, why not copy in all the squads (like mine) that have already added themselves to the existing thread?

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Maybe you should check again...

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Squad name =[bigBadTeam]=

Squad acronym =[bBT]=

Squad location Worldwide

Squad webpage www.bigbadteam.com

Squad contact Forum, join page or PM to Tiny

Squad status Starting/Recruiting

Additional info We are a multi-gaming clan, playing for fun.

Since we are starting an ArmA squad, we are looking for an ArmA Squadleader

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Name United States Intelligence {USI}

Location International, USA/Europe


and contact: forums

Status: Active in other games and preparing for ArmA

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Squad name: =Elite=

Squad acronym: =Elite=

Squad location: International

Squad webpage: http://www.elite-ops.net/elite

Squad contact: =Grip= ([email protected])

Squad status: Active

Please visit our site and view the "Scripts" section for further information reguarding our unit.

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LAST UPDATED: 13 Apr 07 @ 2150 (CTZ)

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13th Virtual Marine Expeditionary Unit, U.S. Virtual Navy (USVN), USA

Homepage and contact: Forum

Status: Preparing for Armed Assault, Recruiting.

Cooperative Based Squad

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8 Brygada Zmechanizowana ( 8BZ ), Poland


Status: Active in ArmA, will open recruitment

Squad Games: C&H, Combi, CTF, CTI - mostly tournaments and ladders

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