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Authentic sound & weapon Mod

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The sonic crack was not changed in the initial release. I fixed an error in the config to play the sound properly.

The sound itself was changed, the thing I don't really like is the range you hear the crack, If the bullet passes in proximitry to your head, you still hear the sound.

I will change the hearingrange for this effect to check if I can get a clean clap if and only if the bullet misses your head.

Update: A beta release of my config mod is close.

However, I could need someone with the knowledge to change the dirty optics of the AH-1Z, you can't see much in low light conditions which is really ppor for a multimillion superchopper.

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how would i go about getting these amazing sounds to work in conjunction with other mods? such as CZM or the new MFCTI? as these mods don't change the sounds in themself, how can i get the cool sounds whilst playing them?

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BETA of Modern Warfare v0.152_C_BETA released !

Please send me any feedback, there are a lots of changes in the new version. SoundOnly mod will follow soon.


Sorry for the RS thing, my webspace seems to be down and I don't want to pay for any (I can't create good webpages anyway).

Please host it on as many Fansites as possible so there are mirrors available.


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">ChangeLog v0.152_C

- added M2HB 360° rotation

- added NTS for Cobra

- added air lock for Vikhr

- added compass to Sopwith Camel

- added laser lock for Hellfires

- changed 20mm ammo to only HE

- changed AA missile behaviour

- changed SABOT to non-explosive

- changed TOW optics to 3x

- changed firing rates

- changed general FOV

- changed magazine for M134 in AH-6 to 3000 rounds

- changed magazine for M134 to 4400 rounds

- changed magnificatons

- changed recoil for AMR, M24 and launcher

- changed reload times for tanks

- changed respawn weapons

- changed rocket velocity

- changed tracer brightness

- increased brightness of lightposts

- increased bullet deflection

- increased priority for laser targets

- modified ballistic data for ammunition

- modified damage

- modified splash damage

- modified v0 for projectiles

- reduced Raufoss deflection

- reduced wheel armor

- removed ejected M24 cartridge

- removed lock for rockets und cannons

- removed magical zoom

- removed radar for pilots (except KA-50)

- removed tank radar

- simulated Raufoss 12,7x99 HEAPI

- tracers only for machineguns

- tweaked AI fire rates

- tweaked some AI fire distances

- tweaked zero ranges

ChangeLog v0.152_SO:

- added bomb fall & release

- changed 5t Truck & Stryker gear shift

- changed M134 shots

- changed M203 explosion

- changed M256 reload & shot

- changed M4SD shot

- changed MP5SD shot & burst

- changed Shell explosion

- changed Strela shot

- changed ammo explosion

- changed machinegun reload

- changed rocket explosions

- changed tank explosion

- fixed sonic crack

- increased hearing distance for detonations

- increased hearing distance for weapons

- reduced volume for M24 bolt action

- removed some bullet fly-by effects

- removed sonic crack for missiles

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ihave been using it like this:

D:\ArmA\arma.exe -nomap -nosplash -Mod=@ModWarSound;@ModWar

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Playing without this unrealistic zoom is a 500% better!!

Outstanding work, thank you!

MfG Lee thumb.gif

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Well, this mod disables all my other addons, and the non-zoomed ironsights are waaay to "outzoomed", not like you aim in real life, is it possible to edit back the zoom-mode in some easy way? and what should I do about all the other addons not showing up ingame?

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Actually, this is the way you aim in the real world. I am a competitive shooter myself and felt the zoom was quite disgusting. Sadly the AK-74 model has a wrong eye-relief, so the sights appear too far away.

However, Aimpoint and M16 sights are quite good. The MP5, on the other hand, is not close enough to the diopter to show the sight correctly (it is also incorrect in vanilla ArmA).

Combat distance for assault rifles is 200-300 m without scope. Like in reality, you will not see the enemy on greater distances.

To the add-on issue: You won't be able to use any add-on with my mod. It is kind of Stand-Alone, because of the config changes.

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Looking foward to this though I'll probably go thru 'zoom' withdrawl for a day tounge2.gif

Any mirrors?

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Is there a ModWar v0.152_C_BETA sound only version available?

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yes i like most of the sounds (not the ak bc something just isn't right I've shot a few different variations and its definately got that ow my ears feeling but the sound isn't right) also the best sounding m14 / m4 weapon is the m4 and i don't think there was much different irl with those 2 sounds, the 50 cal I'm in love with and the tanks scare the shit out of me when I'm not expecting it sometimes. yay.gifnotworthy.gif

edit: im still using your last sound only release

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sorry if i ask a dumb question but can this mod be used for MP as well? i mean, can it be enforced by the server? and if so, are there any servers out there which support this already?

thx for your patience.

ps: how do the sounds compare to the FDF sound pack? any opinions?

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Just want to say....Thanks a million Predator for the great work!!!! Keep going, you're a plus in the ArmA community thumbs-up.gif

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The new sounds are a vast improvement over the standard

BIS sounds. I am trying the latest beta version of the config

and sound pack.

It is interesting that you removed the "zoom". I personally

hated it too but I could understand why it was included in

the first place. The thing about removing the "zoom" is that

now everything looks like it is permanently zoomed out about

twice as much as it should be since the default FOV in the

game has the effect of doubling the visual range to

everything. This means that a person in the game standing

200m away (as measured and called out by the AI) actually

appears on screen as if he's standing about twice as far

away as that. This obviously has repercussions for any

attempt to portray "realistic" shooting. To "correct the zoom"

you should therefore really have made everything zoomed

in a bit more by default. That would mean of course

that less of the world would be visible on screen but the

visual distortion would be much less than it is now. The

weapon sights would look better too - most of them look

too stretched and distorted with crazy eye-relief now.

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Well, the general field of view was actually the same as it is now (0.95) but without the zooming in to 0.4

All weapons, except the AT-4 and RPG-7, use 0.85 as their FOV.

If I reduce the field of view to, let's say 0.75, the Aimpoint could be a problem in CQB again.

I will test different values and take screenshots for you to evaluate.

A fixed FOV is my goal, no zooming in/out.


Default FOV



M4 Aimpoint








As you can see, the AK's viewpoint is too far away. As far as I know, this is a model issue. Same for AT-4 and RPG (latter has completely wrong animations).

I hope someone will create better models in the future which I am allowed to use.

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@ThePredator: notworthy.gif

Your created weapon sounds are number 1 in my ears hitlist smile_o.gif

Best Regards

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Wow, great job Predator, hit me up sometime

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here are my thoughts after trying your mod predator.

i generally like the idea of removing the "zoom" BUT

the reason for this "zoom" to be there is that in real life a human can easily move his eyes in any direction.

the game simulates this by changing the FOCAL LENGTH of the virtual "lens" to a wider angle. that way the player can move his eyes over the screen to scan the surroundings.

if you were to change to focal lenth in game to that of a human eye (between ~17mm to ~22mm) the player would have to move his view around constantly to scan his surroundings, which is will probably cause some dizziness after a while.

on the other hand (as has been said before) leaving the focal length at a wider angle (as it is now) will make things appear too far away and make it unrealistically hard to spot or shoot targets.

arma only simulates combat on a computer screen after all so some compromises have to be made...

i think it would probably be a good solution to have the standard view at about double the focal length of a human eye (~40 something) and when aiming over the weapon at about that of a human eye (~20 something) without the possibility to "zoom in" further by pressing the right mouse button.

first of course one would have to figure out how the FOV settings in game translate over to a focal length value...

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