zaphod 0 Posted July 1, 2007 This one is what i still got... I found a way implementing vapour and wingtip trails in MP working as described above by checking vehicle array for new vehicles.... it really looks ok and i'm close to release a completely reworked Berzerk map pack ... these fx are so cool, i will support them, as i can get the latest versions including trails and vapour for A10 and Harrier too.... and still requesting a tank fog wall to be fired once in vehicles lifetime ... (activated by user-actionmenu).. regards, zap Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeinger 0 Posted October 3, 2007 Any news on this ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jarvis 0 Posted October 5, 2007 Yeah all of a sudden this sort of abruptly stopped, and the DL link doesn't work...hmmm. Edit, check this out, Armaholic has it: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celery 8 Posted October 5, 2007 I have a more recent version with Harrier and improved effects: Download link I'd still like to know if anyone would make or has made the effects compatible with the A-10, it would be very useful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jarvis 0 Posted October 5, 2007 Where do the .sqf files go? Not much experience with arma editing and such. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crowe 0 Posted October 6, 2007 It works. I modified some things so that it is MP compatible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celery 8 Posted October 7, 2007 It works.I modified some things so that it is MP compatible. What did you do? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crowe 0 Posted October 7, 2007 Here the changes i made: My vehicle repawn script: (initialisation initline) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _veh = _this select 0; _destroyed = _this select 1; if (local player) then { [_veh] execVM "client\aircrafteffects\AircraftEffects.sqf"; [_veh,_destroyed] execVM "client\destroyeffect.sqf"; }; if (isserver) then { [_veh] execVM "server\veh.sqf"; }; AircraftEffects.sqf: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _veh = (_this select 0); Private ["_script1","_script2","_script3","_script4"]; if ( (_veh iskindof "Su34")||(_veh iskindof "Su34B") ) then { _script1 = _veh execVM "client\aircrafteffects\SU34_Afterburner.sqf"; _script2 = _veh execVM "client\aircrafteffects\SonicBoom.sqf"; _script3 = _veh execVM "client\aircrafteffects\SU34_WingtipTrails.sqf"; _script4 = _veh execVM "client\aircrafteffects\SU34_FuselageVapour.sqf"; waituntil {(!(alive _veh))}; terminate _script1; terminate _script2; terminate _script3; terminate _script4; }; if ( (_veh iskindof "AV8B")||(_veh iskindof "AV8B2") ) then { _script1 = _veh execVM "client\aircrafteffects\AV8B_WingtipTrails.sqf"; _script2 = _veh execVM "client\aircrafteffects\AV8B_FuselageVapour.sqf"; waituntil {(!(alive _veh))}; terminate _script1; terminate _script2; }; Client init script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // Aircraft effects (mod by Crowe): finddisplay(46) displayseteventhandler ["Keydown","if ((_this select 1) == 42) then {(vehicle player) setvehicleinit ""this setVariable [""""afterburner"""",true]"";processinitcommands;}"]; finddisplay(46) displayseteventhandler ["Keyup","if ((_this select 1) == 42) then {(vehicle player) setvehicleinit ""this setVariable [""""afterburner"""",false]"";processinitcommands;}"]; su_afterburner.sqf: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> private ["_MaxIntensity","_Boost","_leftengine","_rightengine","_emitters","_Intensity","_looptime"]; _MaxIntensity = 2; _Boost = 0.4; _Intensity = 0; _this setvariable ["afterburner",false]; _maxspeed = 1300; _leftengine = "#particlesource" createVehicle position _this; _rightengine = "#particlesource" createVehicle position _this; _emitters = [_leftengine,_rightengine]; {_x setParticleRandom [0.05,[0.05,0.05,0.05],[0.05,0.05,0.05],0,0.8,[0.1,0.1,0.1,0],0,0]} foreach _emitters; {_x setDropInterval 0} foreach _emitters; _looptime = 0.1; while {true} do { if ((isengineon _this) and (_this getvariable "afterburner")) then { if (_Intensity < _MaxIntensity) then {_Intensity = _Intensity + 0.1*(10*_looptime)}; if ((speed _this) < _maxspeed) then {_this setVelocity [(velocity _this select 0)+((vectordir _this) select 0)*((_Boost*_Intensity/2)*(10*_looptime)),(velocity _this select 1)+((vectordir _this) select 1)*((_Boost*_Intensity/2)*(10*_looptime)),(velocity _this select 2)+((vectordir _this) select 2)*((_Boost*_Intensity/2)*(10*_looptime))]}; if (fuel _this > 0) then {_this setFuel ((fuel _this)-((1/1200)*(10*_looptime)))}; } else {if (_Intensity > 0) then {_Intensity = _Intensity - 0.2*(10*_looptime)}}; _leftengine setParticleParams ["\Ca\data\cl_exp","","Billboard",1,0.07,[-1.14,-8.3,-0.8],[(velocity _this select 0) - ((vectordir _this) select 0)*30,(velocity _this select 1) - ((vectordir _this) select 1)*30,(velocity _this select 2) - ((vectordir _this) select 2)*30],1,1.2745,1,0,[0.6+(2*(speed _this/_maxspeed)),0.5+(10*(speed _this/_maxspeed))],[[0.040,0.100,0.900,0.1500*_Intensity],[0.200,0.200,0.800,0.1000*_Intensity],[0.500,0.200,0.000,0.0250*_Intensity],[0.000,0.000,0.000,0.0000*_Intensity]],[0],0,0,"","",_this]; _rightengine setParticleParams ["\Ca\data\cl_exp","","Billboard",1,(0.07-(0.072*(speed _this/_maxspeed))),[1.14,-8.3,-0.8],[(velocity _this select 0) - ((vectordir _this) select 0)*30,(velocity _this select 1) - ((vectordir _this) select 1)*30,(velocity _this select 2) - ((vectordir _this) select 2)*30],1,1.2745,1,0,[0.6+(2*(speed _this/_maxspeed)),0.5+(10*(speed _this/_maxspeed))],[[0.040,0.100,0.900,0.1500*_Intensity],[0.200,0.200,0.800,0.1000*_Intensity],[0.500,0.200,0.000,0.0250*_Intensity],[0.000,0.000,0.000,0.0000*_Intensity]],[0],0,0,"","",_this]; {_x setpos (getpos _this)} foreach _emitters; if (_Intensity > 0) then {{_x setDropInterval 0.001} foreach _emitters} else {{_x setDropInterval 0} foreach _emitters}; _looptime = time; sleep 0.05; // mod by Crowe _looptime = time - _looptime; }; //[(velocity _this select 0) - ((vectordir _this) select 0)*30*(1/(speed _this + 1)),(velocity _this select 1) - ((vectordir _this) select 1)*30*(1/(speed _this + 1)),(velocity _this select 2) - ((vectordir _this) select 2)*30*(1/(speed _this + 1))] Have fun Crowe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted October 12, 2007 @Crowe How do I make this work? I cant see how you activated the script on the SU. Im not the best scripter, I just started. Is it possible for you to releases it in a mission, so i can see how you did it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lebson506th 0 Posted October 28, 2007 Also, to fix the problem where the right engine cuts out at really high speeds, change <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_rightengine setParticleParams ["\Ca\data\cl_exp","","Billboard",1,(0.07-(0.072*(speed _this/_maxspeed))),[1.14,-8.3,-0.8],[(velocity _this select 0) - ((vectordir _this) select 0)*30,(velocity _this select 1) - ((vectordir _this) select 1)*30,(velocity _this select 2) - ((vectordir _this) select 2)*30],1,1.2745,1,0,[0.6+(2*(speed _this/_maxspeed)),0.5+(10*(speed _this/_maxspeed))],[[0.040,0.100,0.900,0.1500*_Intensity],[0.200,0.200,0.800,0.1000*_Intensity],[0.500,0.200,0.000,0.0250*_Intensity],[0.000,0.000,0.000,0.0000*_Intensity]],[0],0,0,"","",_this]; to <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_rightengine setParticleParams ["\Ca\data\cl_exp","","Billboard",1,0.07,[1.14,-8.3,-0.8],[(velocity _this select 0) - ((vectordir _this) select 0)*30,(velocity _this select 1) - ((vectordir _this) select 1)*30,(velocity _this select 2) - ((vectordir _this) select 2)*30],1,1.2745,1,0,[0.6+(2*(speed _this/_maxspeed)),0.5+(10*(speed _this/_maxspeed))],[[0.040,0.100,0.900,0.1500*_Intensity],[0.200,0.200,0.800,0.1000*_Intensity],[0.500,0.200,0.000,0.0250*_Intensity],[0.000,0.000,0.000,0.0000*_Intensity]],[0],0,0,"","",_this]; in AfterBurner.sqf Also also, i did the stuff you said to do Crowe, and it still doesn't work in MP. Think i did it wrong. If you could link all the files and stuff... Well, the wingtip trails and fuselage vapors work, just not the afterburner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zaphod 0 Posted November 3, 2007 is this all dead or what? this is a very awesome script suite (one of the best i've seen yet), and i spent some time to create a solution to make it easy use in MP game clients, too ... it works perfekt on SU34 scripts i got, and i am willed to plug em in my v2.0 project as i can get the full suite (soon). the only thing i can't solve yet is the afterburner, so i still not use it, but the other effects are working very well on all clients... please keep this thread alive man. Regards, zap Share this post Link to post Share on other sites