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optional alternative flight model

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Some people like the new flight model, some not.

I don't like to talk about pro and contra of the new one.

I just like to ask for a alternative optional flight model option, a option in the addon config.

The reason is simple, not all people who played OFP saw this game "as the ultimate Combat Simulation", they saw OFP as a more realistic GAME.

Is it possible to add the old OFP flight model, for addon maker, so they can add 2 version of theire helicopter, one with the new more realistic, and one with the old OFP gamer friendly one?

Greetz DVD

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What on earth is wrong with the new one? It more realistic and it's not that hard. 30 minutes practice and you should be fine.

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You can't fly a chopper good, with keyboard and mouse.

But like i said in my 1st post...

I don't like to talk about pro and contra of the new one.

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But yet by saying that you are saying it as a con. Likewise its not hard to learn how to fly, so stop wishing for the old system and embrace the new and improved one smile_o.gif (With a bit of practise!wink_o.gifthumbs-up.gif

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I want it as an option. In the addon config.

e.g. instead of

simulation = "helicopter";


simulation = "helicopter_old";

I have my german ArmA version since 3 months and a M$ Sindewider Force Feedback 2 Pro stick, .... i can fly with the stick but i realy like to see the choise to use the old OFP flight modell, because it is more fun in the MP games.

And i just work for online stuff with action.


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So the real problem will be that u cant use chopper in CTI multiplayer and u cant pawn enemies base accurately with ur rockets like in OFP? rofl.gif

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I guess it´s simply impossible engine-wise as the new flightmodel not just only is defined by the addon used but also the physics compartement of the engine itself is very different now. That´s why i think it´s not possible to have both flightmodels in one engine at the same time.

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I prefer adapting. The new system is there, get used to it. which is btw not difficult at all, even w/ mouse+keyboard

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I originally also wanted the old ofp flight model restored but now i dont, the 1.05 improvements are great (even with mouse+keyboard)!

i would suggest you tinker with the mouse sensitivity as i found that it improves things

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What on earth is wrong with the new one? It more realistic and it's not that hard. 30 minutes practice and you should be fine.

Totally agree with that. I would rather fly in ArmA than in Microsoft FS now.  wink_o.gif

But yet by saying that you are saying it as a con. Likewise its not hard to learn how to fly, so stop wishing for the old system and embrace the new and improved one smile_o.gif (With a bit of practise!wink_o.gif  thumbs-up.gif

And practise offline if you do please. I hate those wannabe pilots that decide to crash all the Blackhawks on the Air Cavalry miission.

I originally also wanted the old ofp flight model restored but now i dont...

The only thing I would like them to change is swapping axes for only flying. Problem is I've got so used to pushing forward to go up it will take time to convert again!

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It's just that ppl have to accept the fact that this game is NOT opf. It's based on it, but entirely different (better imho).

Just accept that or go play opf....

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Some people like the new flight model, some not.

I don't like to talk about pro and contra of the new one.

I just like to ask for a alternative optional flight model option, a option in the addon config.

The reason is simple, not all people who played OFP saw this game "as the ultimate Combat Simulation", they saw OFP as a more realistic GAME.

Is it possible to add the old OFP flight model, for addon maker, so they can add 2 version of theire helicopter, one with the new more realistic, and one with the old OFP gamer friendly one?

Greetz DVD

Read my 1st. post and stop picking on me.

I said, as an addon & mission maker, i like to have the option for the new or the old flight model, in the addon config.

There are a lot of OFP verterans who don't play ArmA, just because it is that differend to OFP, and for these people (incl. me) i work on several addons to have this guys back in ArmA.

Ignorance will not help ArmA ... well ok, if you like to play a 5 men coop vs AI maybe ... goodnight.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Ignorance will not help ArmA ... well ok, if you like to play a 5 men coop vs AI maybe ...

Did you even read my post ?

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Yes, Balschoiw... and maybe you are right.

But the answer is up to BI.

This topic is a request to BI, not a small talk of BI fans.

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Yes, Balschoiw... and maybe you are right.

But the answer is up to BI.

This topic is a request to BI, not a small talk of BI fans.

Then PM BI directly instead of posting on a public forum?


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Yo, but a public topic has the advance that eveyone can read it, and got the answer.

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Quote[/b] ]But the answer is up to BI.

This topic is a request to BI, not a small talk of BI fans.

I guess you are not getting the principle behind the forum idea then.

If you don´t want to have a "small talk" to BI fans then stop wasting our time and ask your questions and wishes directly in a PM to either Suma or Maruk.

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I'd like the flight model to be like BF2 - but I'm probably alone on that one wink_o.gif I just really enjoyed flying helicopters on BF2 - but it's far too fiddly in OFP/Armed Assault!

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My thoughts on this are that BIS will resist the movement toward two alternate setups for the game. People making missions with some requiring you fly with the new FM, and some where you fly with the old FM? Aint gonna happen IMO.

ArmA should provide a level playing field from which all other addons can sprout, and that includes tying down how the game world physics acts.

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I'd like the flight model to be like BF2 - but I'm probably alone on that one wink_o.gif I just really enjoyed flying helicopters on BF2 - but it's far too fiddly in OFP/Armed Assault!

I'd like to see the FM from Desert Combat smile_o.gif

I actually got really good at helo flying in DC, which became useless when BF2 was released. I guess there's a discussion point here about how difficult helos should be to fly.

Should genuine good pilots who put the time & effort into the FM be rewarded and sought after for their expertise?

Or should helos be viewed as tools, which anyone should be able to use. It's not how you fly, it's how you use it.

Pros & cons for either IMO.

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... and because of this never ending discussion, i like to see the old OFP FM back, as an option.

(btw the BF1942:DC FM is still the best of all wink_o.gif )

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Ignorance will not help ArmA ... well ok, if you like to play a 5 men coop vs AI maybe ... goodnight.gif

1) did you check online population lately? I've never, ever, ever played that big missions on OFP as I do daily in ArmA now.

2) Sorry to look big headed, but it's really sad that people seem completely unable to adapt to a new game (or too lazy to do so).

Moreover when the differences are really that little between both FMs. ArmA is just slightly harder, nothing more. Which doesn't permit you to do stunts that were easy in OFP. Big deal....

To put it bluntly : this request is catering to the lazy people. It's never good to cater to the lowest common denominator, if you ask me.

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Ignorance will not help ArmA ... well ok, if you like to play a 5 men coop vs AI maybe ... goodnight.gif

1) did you check online population lately? I've never, ever, ever played that big missions on OFP as I do daily in ArmA now.

2) Sorry to look big headed, but it's really sad that people seem completely unable to adapt to a new game (or too lazy to do so).

Moreover when the differences are really that little between both FMs. ArmA is just slightly harder, nothing more. Which doesn't permit you to do stunts that were easy in OFP. Big deal....

To put it bluntly : this request is catering to the lazy people. It's never good to cater to the lowest common denominator, if you ask me.

to 1.)

Yes, i see now atm (friday, 16 o'clock GMT) 6 server with more that 20 people. Only one of this has more that 50 people.

Sorry, ehmm but is this population to other new games?

to 2.)

LOL i just say, it is more fun for some people to play the OFP FM.

I can repat myself, i can fly with a stick, i just like to have a optional alternative flight model, simular to OFP which i can pick in the addon config.

No big deal.

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I consider myself a big time flight sim junkie. I've got the full flight sim setup and I've been flying the virtual skies since 1990. And even with all the sticks, throttles, and other input devices I have, I still perfer to fly ArmA with the keyboard and mouse. The controls are not linear, so why bother with linear input devices.

I think you probably just need more pratice.. Mainly judging by your statement that "You cant fly a chopper good with keyboard and mouse".

Here's a vid of what you can do with a keyboard and mouse.


And for anyone wondering, I never use Auto-Hover.

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None of these flight modes are good. I'd like a "amature" flight model and a "enthusiast" flight model...

As a long time Longbow and EECH player. All of the models in this and ofp feel like arcade games...

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