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Flight controls in 1.05

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Did a search and didn't find any discussion about this.

I'd have to say i kinda dislike the new changes they made to the helicopter controls in 1.05.

you won't see much change while flying at some speed but i'm talking mainly about the howering part, I really hate they added peddals to the mouse at low speed it screws up my entire way of precision flying tounge2.gif now i can't tilt my chopper like i used to (I know you can do it with the A & D buttons but those aren't very accurate more like all or nothing)

I was just woundering is there anyways to change this back in the control menu? (i've searches and tested over and over with no result) or do i have to get a joystick? (assuming it's not the same there)

i don't like the A & D keys because it's all or nothing when you press those and even if you just tap them you won't get as smooth as with say a mouse.

Is the controls the same with a joystick? if not I might consider buying one

Also it would be a bit more realistic if you added the hower limit on the harrier (harrier can hower for a maximum of 90 second or something because they have to juice everything they got out of the engines and the cooling water they have with them won't last forever :> ) feel free to update the specifics

Probably just me who thinks so >.<

P.S i also think the new system made it to easy to fly (aslong as you don't want to fly throught cities and stuff :> )

edit: Btw when are we gonna see that cool apache gunship which were in all the screenshots pre-release? tounge2.gif

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The heli controls are much better now. wink_o.gif

I use an Saitek X-52 Flight Controller, works great. smile_o.gif



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To be honest, i think the new controls are much better and i think that practice will allow you to fly accurately through cities etc

I know what you mean about the A and D buttons being all or nothing, i think the movement is too strong for just tapping it, maybe the reaction should be less?


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My main concern with the new controls is the mouse fading over to peddal control rather than the stick at low speeds, please atleast make it possible to turn off this "feature".

And back to the joystick, Does this auto easy mode also concern joystick users? or will the helicopter tilt like it should when you take from side to side?

Btw thanks for the welcome tounge2.gif i've been here ever since ArmA was first announced.. i just never posted anything tounge2.gif

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Nope. biggrin_o.gif The joystick allows you to 'skid' sideways just like a real helo, and the increased rudder control allows this at a bit of speed too. Welcome.

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I always wonder how difficult it would be to learn how to use a mouse that behaves like a joystick. What you should control is the rate of turning. Not a linear degree to mouse movement distance ratio.

Though I'm pretty happy with it anyhow.

Those who don't like that mouse controls turning (yaw) instead of banking (roll) at low speeds, I strongly recommend that you try reassign your binds like this:

Turn left: nothing (default Mouse Left)

Turn right: nothing (Default Mouse Right)

Bank left: A, Mouse Left

Bank right: D, Mouse Right

Left Pedal: X

Right Pedal: C

Turn Left and Turn Right is the equivalent of left/right pedal.

10 minutes of this and you'll find yourself stabilizing your helicopter in a fraction of the time because using A/D exclusively to bank makes it very difficult. You will have a little less yaw-accuracy but you won't likely care.

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they seem much more smoothed out and a friend of mine says mouse flight is much easier.

i use the x52 with q and z

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Thanks scrub and wamingo that answered all my questions, i still think i'm getting myself a joystick thought.. tounge2.gif

Thanks all

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Im loving the helos in 1.05 I'm using an X52 and after about an hour on each helo I can throw them about no problems and land on a postage stamp.

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I love the new refined control very much as well.

MSFF2 here + sensitysettings in armaprofile

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Well a lot of people on these forums say practice, and you know what, there right.

At first i jumped straight into the editor and tried to fly the helos without much luck. I gave up shortly afterwards as i thought i'd never get the hang of it. After a week or so I started to play the training missions and then when it came to the first helo mission i thought, here we go i'll never finnish this. It took a few attempts but i started to get the basics and made fewer mistakes. Now only after 2 hours practice i can fly the helos well enough to take out enemy units and fly back to base. I still have the odd crash now and then because i'm not watching my altitude, but it's now alot of fun to fly the helos. I use mouse and keyboard which isn't the easiest way to fly but i think i've cracked it  biggrin_o.gif .

PS. I wish the night vision was a little brighter as it seems a tad darker for pilots as it is with a rifleman. Or maybe its just my eyesight. Plus the NV view could be made a little larger for pilots as its quite restricting. i suppose these are also things that i'll have to get used to.

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Has anyone been able to figure out how to use two controllers? I have a HOTAS Cougar and rudder pedals and the last time I tried to use both of them at the same time I couldn't. Did that change in 1.05?

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The control has become better then in 1.02. But I would like if one could control it not with mouse,but buttons. And to use mouse to look around.

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The control has become better then in 1.02. But I would like if one could control it not with mouse,but buttons. And to use mouse to look around.

You can, just toggle free look / .

They are much better now but the rotation thing still bugs me, will get used to it though smile_o.gif .

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I don't play ArmA a fraction of the amount of time I flghtsim, ... mostly Lockon and helicopters in M$FS, and IMO there's been quite a big improvement especially with the rudder or anti torque aspect of the flight models. However in all honesty after being a member of hovercontrol (http://www.hovercontrol.com/) for a number of years then I would say ArmA is not a flightsim. For me these are pretty easy to fly and it does feel like there's a lot missing however I am totally surprised and impressed with the flight models in ArmA and I really cant see why BI take such flak regarding their flight models when the main emphasis is on the FPS aspect. If these Helicopters were as difficult to fly as they are in FS9 then believe me 80% of your journeys would end a few seconds after take off.

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If these Helicopters  were as difficult to fly as they are in FS9 then believe me 80% of your journeys would end a few seconds after take off.

Very true mate, and I don't think twice about having to use a joystick in ArmA any more than I do in M$FS.

With the 1.05 patch the choppers do feel much better especially the really twitchy gunships! It's getting better all the time and I actually enjoy flying in ArmA now. But then I use a joystick (Saitek Cyborg 3D Gold) and have set it up properly.  tounge2.gif

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Has anyone been able to figure out how to use two controllers?  I have a HOTAS Cougar and rudder pedals and the last time I tried to use both of them at the same time I couldn't.  Did that change in 1.05?

I'm using a Cougar also, plugged into which are my now pretty old CH rudder pedals (gameport connection), the setup is working flawlessly here. Then again the whole shebang is seen as one joystick by the OS, so if your setup shows up as 2 separate sticks you may be SOL.

Why not program your Cougar to use, say, the radio switch (IFF in/out) as a rudder? It's not the same as using the real deal, granted, but it should work. It's how I've set up the Cougar for BF2.

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They're greatly improved. I fly with just the Keyboard+mouse and I swear by that method, if I used a joystick I'd crash every time lol.

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I find the autohover cheat thingy invaluable when trying to

land. In fact, using that it's almost too easy now to take off,

fly to a location, and land precisely (I've never bothered with

the "gunships" for the same reason I've never bothered with

the tanks - the weapons systems and avionics are not very

well simulated)

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Is it just me, or doesn't the mouse work anymore? I can't lock on to anything without using the tab-key. This is pretty annoying, since it won't let you lock on to friendly units using TAB, so if someone steals a friendly vehicle, the missiles won't work ;(

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The autohover i never use, it feels so much like cheating tounge2.gif

and indeed it's not a real flight sim although i would like it to be (then the real pilots would really stand out)

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From what I've experienced you DO NOT need the turn actions. Turning in this game is a mix between pedal and bank. WHen you are hovering you pedal with turn and when you are moving forward or backward turn is now bank.

If you liked the BF2 style set up, which I'm sure a lot of us do... set it up like this:

throttle up: w

throttle down: s

left pedal: a

right pedal: d

nose down: mouse forward

nose back: mouse backward

bank left: mouse left

bank right: mouse right

With these controls you will be able to hover rather well using a mouse. You won't have to move your fingers at all from WASD configuration and 3 fingers and one hand will fly the chopper well. Try this out and see what I'm talking about!!!

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Euw BF2 >.< i've played it once or twice.. not really my game, I love the heli controls in ArmA although not 100% realistic it's not all that far from it.

And yes the "turn left/right" was probably implented to make flying easier :> but once i got used to the old ones the new ones was just rubbish in my eyes so i changed back tounge2.gif

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Is it just me, or doesn't the mouse work anymore? I can't lock on to anything without using the tab-key. This is pretty annoying, since it won't let you lock on to friendly units using TAB, so if someone steals a friendly vehicle, the missiles won't work ;(

Seems like in some vehicles you can cursor target but in others you cannot.

Short non-extensive editor tests:

Cobra with gunner and you can cursor target everything.

Cobra with no gunner and you can't cursor target anything, but you can tab target unfriendlies still.

KA-50 can't target friendly vehicles.

tried a few more vehicles but they all seemed to work alright.

On a related note... How I bloody wish you'd get a crosshair when you do cursor targetting even without units under your command... Very difficult finding the center of the screen unguided if you're in a hurry.

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