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1.05. Be happy you have it.

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I'm sorry I wasn't able to read all the post but I think a simple beta version long before actual release would have been very helpfull.

The community here seems really strong and I'm sure there would have been plenty of people to beta test that are "trustable" enough to do it.

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@ Dwarden: Do you try to suggest that the customer has to bleed for the mistake of the developer that he approached a huge project with a to small team in a to ambitious time frame? I knew it, and I took it as an explanation, not as an excuse.

I would not call it money making if BI would have cut the project into smaller chunks and implemented the main features one by one so that always a stable version would be available and a demo version with the next feature set. They even could charge me an annual fee for continuously working on quality insurance and further development.

So if they would charge me 20€ a year they would have every 2 years that what they charged me now and maybe for another 5 years.

If many of us easily spend 700€ for a watercooled BlackPerl or 1400€ to have 2 in SLI we could JUST pay also this.

What still brings me to the top, I do not care about the money for the 3 licenses, is that they were not honest to me about the condition what they sold to me, those things I take very serious. And I am sure they were hiding it on purpose, even a totally disabled person could not overlook these many bugs in the early versions sold.

In my opinion BI burned within days a lot of reputation and trust with that odd move. If they couldn't get it ready in November, they would have survived also a start of the cash flow now or in a few month. We could then betatest the 1.0x for free but would buy it for shure.

@ benreeper: If I manage to assemble til next week my rig and I can not get 25 FPS on 5000m and medium settings, would I get your permission to say something?

who said it was excuse, i simply said facts (note that line about same mistakes like with prior games smile_o.gif ...

if You dislike ArmA then return it to store where You bough it and get refund ...

for me BIS reputation is approx same as in days of OFP ... guess most of people forget early OFP problems already , same goes for OFPR ...

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Do you even play this game or do you spend all day shitting up threads on this forum? Just curious.

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I only have an GeForce 7600GS with 512MB vram, and i`m not getting that texture errors.

Those of you that are using an 8800 series card, should keep in mind that they are using another video driver.

That alone can produce errors, that me and others don`t have.

All in all, Arma works better on my rig than on some high-end rigs. huh.gif

Why? Maybe it`s Win2K Prof with SP3, instead of WinXP, or shutdown background tasks?

Maybe the fact, that i didn`t buy the cheapest hardware.

Hell knows why, but Arma works good on my sytem. whistle.gif

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@ Dwarden: have you ever seen a junky returning his cocaine to the dealer even when it was stretched or dirty? I would rather rape BI and steal a VBS2 copy! No, I insist on getting clean, white powder, no ugly black bugs inside.

I am addicted to this kind of sim and I am currently on detox because of all those bugs.

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Umm, andersson you are a lucky one, you must have the golden setup. Is it also as good when you are on MP servers with lots of players? I had only those graphical issues when it became very busy or when I return to ArmA with ALT-TAB.

I had to Quote you one more time smile_o.gif

I played MP yesterday and yes, I get the texture bugs. I played for a long time without problems until I got more and more often bad LOD textures and models. It wasnt too bad but it wasnt as it should be. As you said, in a heavy MP-environment.

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Umm, andersson you are a lucky one, you must have the golden setup. Is it also as good when you are on MP servers with lots of players? I had only those graphical issues when it became very busy or when I return to ArmA with ALT-TAB.

I had to Quote you one more time smile_o.gif

I played MP yesterday and yes, I get the texture bugs. I played for a long time without problems until I got more and more often bad LOD textures and models. It wasnt too bad but it wasnt as it should be. As you said, in a heavy MP-environment.

Same, it takes very very long before I get long texture loading bug. Since 1.05, the HDD access after long time of playing is more visible, and brutal change of object (typically with a respawn or setPos) makes the texture loading too slowly.

But, even on High settings for Shading and textures, on my X1800XL, it takes long before it's itching.

and btw, thanks for the transports yesterday Andersson wink_o.gif (if you are the one piloting our Blackhawks last night)

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I can only agree with the original poster: "1.05 - be happy you have it."

I find it rather amusing to read all these posts with people complaining about BIS' business strategy, or even comparing it to buying a train ticket and getting only half way...

Come on! We've been given a chance to help in the development of this game. If you can't be bothered to do that - fine. Put it on the shelf and wait a few months. It won't go away. But please stop whining about the bugs, or how you have paid your hard earned money for an unfinished product. If you had pre-ordered the game and it wasn't released yet, you would still have to wait until it's finished. Only this way you get to try it out early - sort of like a beta. And you can pitch in your ideas. We wouldn't have free-aim-iron-sights if it weren't for that.

Hanging around these forums, bashing ArmA and BIS in every second post is not doing anything for anyone. You're just annoying those of us who seriously want to contribute to this community. So I ask you, kindly: Get over it or go somewhere else.

And before you comment on it, yeah I'm a big fanboy. inlove.gif

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I am happy that I can give you some entertainment. And I bashing rather fanboys then BI more often.

@ anderrson: Hm that explains that I have it much earlier, my pipe HDD->VRAM is much slower then yours currently.

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im happy that BIS released this new patch.

Im also happy that they continue to work on this project called ARMA.

From the posts we read BIS are looking and working to improve the game that was released in december.

Im glad that i have the game and patchs will continue to rain..

GO BIS! This crappy mission maker loves your work inlove.gif

(the game is better and better every month)

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@ anderrson: Hm that explains that I have it much earlier, my pipe HDD->VRAM is much slower then yours currently.

I have 3 maxline III, 16mb cache, in a raid 0 so yes, it can be.

@whisper: No, I was the recruit with no AT wink_o.gif I had the bootcamp weapontraining with the pilot.. But I am a good pilot biggrin_o.gif Old sebnam veteran with joystick!

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I think ArmA is great there is nothing wrong with it but minor bugs that people blow up to be a major deal. They are fixing it I don't mind the bugs because I understand that they have issues to work out.

The game has various problem with diffrent systems because of the engine. Just wait a few more patches to work every thing out.

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5000m?  Remember that this game is far far far far advanced compare to any hardware available.  So maybe you should try 2500m  

5000m in 10 years, this game is far ahead of its time.   icon_rolleyes.gif

Although its always nice to read your sarcasm ( yay.gif ), you more or less speak the truth this time, the maximum graphic options are far ahead of their time, even in OFP you cant play with 5000m on very high terrain detail, BI is just so nice to let those slider go way too far up tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]there is nothing wrong with it but minor bugs that people blow up to be a major deal

You have no clue what you talking about.

Fortunately most bugs are minor or cosmetic, but there are still heavy show stoppers to be solved.


Check this out and come back.

Note: There are some bugs with a to high severity and priority in my opinion, but most assignments are correct.

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I already saw that list before you posted and I still think ArmA is fine. Minor problems that most very high end or low end users have.

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I have had the game since Mon [505 uk boxed version]and applied 1.05 before playing and all I can say is, it's great.  I'm working through the campaign (upto sanatizing mission), and have played several of the standalone missions and a little MP.

I can honestly say I've not had one problem yet, everything has been very smooth, including the performance.

Now I don't know what it was like without the patch, but I feel pretty sure it can't have been better. Obviously some people are having issues, which I'm sure BI will fix, but so far I've been lucky.

I'm running the game with

X2 3800 oc'ed to2.5ghz

2GB PC3200


With everything on normal cept post-processing on low at 1024x768 - and it still looks great.  FPS generally 35+ but drops to 20 at times in forrests in the grass, which for what it's doing seems ok to me.

Very happy. biggrin_o.gif  Oh and this is my first post here, so hello everyone biggrin_o.gif

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Im happy with 1.05, game is stable and they didnt just fix problems but introduced new features, content and many improvements too.

And on top of that BIS are colecting bug reports to improve the game further, you can use this oportunity to help or whine like an useless idiot.. but keep in mind that there are people working hard to make things better, i think they deserve our full respect and support.

With all the dificulties BIS had to publish im very happy they are still developing comercial games.

I've waited years for a good game and that game is Arma!

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A viewdistance of 5000! I play at 1200 and that's what I expect it to run expectable at. My previous post stands as confirmed.


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@ benreeper: in the past I did it like you, 1200-1500m in OFP. When crCTI from DVD was available with VD2500 I got to often a shot from the fog, there was always a sniper happy to kill moving pixels. So if now there is a server permitting VD5000, are you not afraid to be just good for target practice of all the snipers? With the M107 they should snipe you even out of your car.

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That does not change anything. If the game is playable for you at 1200m (the default setting I believe) then it is not a performance problem of the game but your preferences.

If that'a the problem then maybe BI should remove the option to change your view settings, like a console would do and set it for the lowest common system.

--Ben crazy_o.gif

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That does not change anything.  If the game is playable for you at 1200m (the default setting I believe) then it is not a performance problem of the game but your preferences.  

If that'a the problem then maybe BI should remove the option to change your view settings, like a console would do and set it for the lowest common system.  

--Ben crazy_o.gif

4000m typical here.  (I like to watch the columns of armor approach and set up for the assault on my army.)  biggrin_o.gif

Could the issues of bugs with hardware partly be caused by the evolution to DX10 that occured during ArmA's development?  Could the issues of spotty problems that may or may not appear on similar setups be because of the dramatic differences and customability of PCs? (EDIT:)  That BIS and many others do not have available the time or recources to really check out, except for releasing the best they can do, and fix the infinity of issues that may come up?  Microsoft does this in EVERY product..  If those deep pocketed bast*@#@  need to do it, imagine BIS.

@ I&C:  When you do something that no one else has done, and there's no existing template to guide by (Read: R & D).  How do you know your level of incompetence?  It is easy to critique anothers work, but to go the original path means point at a goal and go for it.  You may go over, you may do what BIS has done which is go high enough to grab ahold and climb over, or you may miss.  But please don't think that you can take an idea and direction and put a value or date on it.  Estimation is about all you can do, and is by nature error prone.   smile_o.gif

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Could the issues of bugs with hardware partly be caused by the evolution to DX10 that occured during ArmA's development?

ArmA is a DX9 game, no elements of DX10 at all, or all us "lowly" XP users wouldnt be able to play it at all wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]@ I&C: When you do something that no one else has done, and there's no existing template to guide by (Read: R & D). How do you know your level of incompetence? It is easy to critique anothers work, but to go the original path means point at a goal and go for it. You may go over, you may do what BIS has done which is go high enough to grab ahold and climb over, or you may miss. But please don't think that you can take an idea and direction and put a value or date on it. Estimation is about all you can do, and is by nature error prone.

Never said that? It is about being honest.

Right I was one of them even in 2004 asking for a kind of "OFP2". This one could have contained much less then in the white book of ArmA. What makes me angry is that they tried to leave the impression they are ready in Nov/Dec2006 and they 2000% knew in which condition the game is. I repeat it again:

If BI, facing the fact that it had in NOV06 did NOT reached GOLD, would have put it for download as a DEMO, nobody could say anything.

I honor the insane work on OFP BI did, I honor the ideas behing ArmA and how far they pushed it with those few peps.

What I can not believe is that they did not knew what they sold, hence I assume it was on purpose, they sold their strongest supporters half finished ***** without saying anything - sorry, I can't stand it, it is cheating. Sure that I want to see now what they suggested is in the box - entertainment SW. I mean, those flying tanks are somehow entertaining, I had honestly some fun with it biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ] Do you try to suggest that the customer has to bleed for the mistake of the developer that he approached a huge project with a to small team in a to ambitious time frame? I knew it, and I took it as an explanation, not as an excuse.

Sorry,  (old post) X (speed reading at work) = misunderstanding   smile_o.gif

To your latest post, yup.  They knew it.  They also knew there was a forum of ravenous wolves waiting for ANY bone to be thrown to them, so they did.  Many cheered the bone, many thought the bone was supposed to be the finished game (and FEEL boned), and now we are here - where ever this is on the roadmap.  tounge2.gif

At DMXM2:  I was meaning some of the quirks the 8800 users have.  I'm just throwing related ideas out hoping that others will see a connection.  I think we should have a form for us to list our specific setups, if we OC'ed or opened pipelines, OS and patches, if we have a problem or not, and compile the data into a simple graph.  Just seeing the distribution and being able to sort it by those details might give insight to parts of the problem that BIS has control over, and those they don't (worked for me in a meeting this morning wink_o.gif )

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At DMXM2: I was meaning some of the quirks the 8800 users have.

Ahhh, yeah. Makes sense I suppose. That is the lottery you play with PC's, with so many different types of hardware, and then so many different manufacturers, and on top of that so many different drivers versions, its no wonder that a portion of the users will have a problem.

That is, as far as i'm concerned, the only advantage of consoles - you know you've got the same deal as everyone else (although with "core", "basic", "advanced" and whatnot versions becoming more common, that is becoming an issue now too.

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