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World's Smallest Mod (M24 Desert)

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I wrote a little config.cpp and pbo'd it to make a desert skin M24. The texture and even the model that references it were just sitting in the weapons.pbo unused. Basically it just links the M24 desert model and skin to the values already defined for the green M24 and makes a new weapon out of it. I even found the gear screen icon for it for completeness. Yay me!

http://www.squick.org/~frederf/listed2/4IB/M24_Desert.pbo (459 bytes)

Mirror: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=854

ArmedAssault.info Mirror : DOWNLOAD M24 Desert [0,38 kB] from FTP#1

MIrror: Stavanger´s Militaria

Old weapon was "M24" new skinned weapon is "M24d" which you can add in using the mission editor. Horribly unoptimzed pics are here:




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It looks good. Maybe a little bit too greyish for my taste (but it's just of mater of taste anyway). Nice job Frederf smile_o.gif

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Can't download it..

I get a new site open showing me this:

Edit: Problem solved

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Looks identical to the VBS1 one, which is probably where it came from in the first place (the M249 is very similar to the VBS1 one, as are the M16s and M4A1s).

Looks better in ArmA though wink_o.gif

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Looks identical to the VBS1 one, which is probably where it came from in the first place (the M249 is very similar to the VBS1 one, as are the M16s and M4A1s).

Looks better in ArmA though wink_o.gif

I wrote a little config.cpp and pbo'd it to make a desert skin M24. The texture and even the model that references it were just sitting in the weapons.pbo unused.

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I know, I wasn't implying Frederf had stolen the model/textures from VBS1, was just summising thats where the original model for ArmA came from...

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thats cool but i have a noob question.. How do you add weapons in the mission editor i cant find the m16a4 either thanks for for your support.

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Looks great but maybe the skin could be a tad darker and the colours could be edited to a lil more sandy colours?

Think that would look even better.

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yes i have all of those but i dont know where to enter them do you have to go in to program files and edit something or do you do it in the editor i have no experience in this so my apologies for the inconveinience

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thats cool but i have a noob question.. How do you add weapons in the mission editor i cant find the m16a4 either thanks for for your support.
Quote[/b] ]It looks good. Maybe a little bit too greyish for my taste (but it's just of mater of taste anyway). Nice job Frederf

I made neither the skin nor the model. I found these files inside the .pbo's that shiped with the game. That's the mod is less than 500 bytes! because it's just a config.cpp inside a pbo. It merely references hidden models and textures that shipped with the game.

I agree it looks a little too white/tan instead of tan/darkertan. I honestly put this together in 10 minutes after working on two other mods. Given 10 more minutes I could easily change the paint scheme, but then I'd have to include a new model and texture file in with the mod, bringing it up to 1-2MB or so.

unit addWeapon "WeaponClass";

For example, in the initialization field for a unit in the editor:

this addWeapon "M24d";

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yes it is BIS model hidden, just like Police cars Landrover and UAZ

i already have this in my pack since month as class "vil_m24d" already used by Desert Sniper from Vil_Sahrani army wink_o.gif

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[/plug] icon_rolleyes.gif

I just tried it out, and its pretty sweet. Makes you wonder why BIS left it out, when they already had a grey M24, and the green M24.

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BIS made desert and green

gray/black was made by me

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Looks identical to the VBS1 one, which is probably where it came from in the first place (the M249 is very similar to the VBS1 one, as are the M16s and M4A1s).

Looks better in ArmA though wink_o.gif

I've noticed also that the head models are also from VBS1, and Frandsen showed me a texture map of the M4A1, and well... looks like I can get away with maybe getting my old mod into ArmA when I get ArmA. Sure looks alot better with a bump map or is that just rendering?

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I just get an error when I try to start ArmA with this mod: "Circular addon dependency in 'CCAir'".

Do I need to make a mod directory like "Desert M24", put an 'AddOns' folder in that and the .pbo file there?

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I get the same error as above. "Circular addon dependency in 'CCAir'"

All I did was put the new .pbo in the "AddOn" main folder. What do I need to do?

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I get the same error with one of my own addons, which..has absolutely nothing to do with this model, texture, or weapon class.

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They do look a lot better in ArmA, they self-shadow etc.

Ahh okay, so it's rendering, okay.

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What's the correct way to install this mod?

Anybody got a fix for the "circular addon dependency" error?

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