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Sahrani Virus: A New Beginning (MP)

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Frantic: my guess is that zombies spawn multiply by each new player wink_o.gif hell, we even climbed the water tower and make some headshots down, but as too many approached, we moved out.

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ah k...but with 2players on hard came only 2 or sometimes 3 zombies at same time, would be nice to have same number of zombies as with 3players on normal. wink_o.gif

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Great mission, if it had a good storyline this would be a killer series!

How do you play on MP, would love to but dont have any I.P's and it wont show on the public servers...

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We play it occasionally on my server (see sig) but it's not exactly a "serious" coop, per se. We had 20 people on it once, and the number of zombies hit the max limit which I set to about 100. It was pretty crazy.

I did have a storyline in the ones I did for Nogova virus, although I never completed it with number 6 in the series.

I've thought of some storylines for this one, and this first one does continue from the Nogova Virus series, if you notice the briefing and the beginning dialogue.

BTW, zombies are assigned to each player. So if on easy it means you'll have 2 zombies per player, then the number will multiply. That doesn't mean that zombies won't chase other players, but they do pop up in the vicinity of an assigned player first and then chase the closest one in the group.

For the best experience, however, I recommend very hard. It's dark, and there are more zombies. Oddly enough, though, I find visibility better than during the day when it's foggy.

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Nogova Virus Kicked major ass. The storyline was awesome aswell.


Sahrani Virus also kick major ass tounge2.gif . From the start i thought the story with a washed up man claiming to be from Nogova, was fantastic. I thought it was repetitive to Nogova Virus 1, with the running to a place,under truck, radio, evac, but the ending totally changed that.


Well im looking forward to Chapter 2


If you ever need help of storylines, Id be happy to supply ideas tounge2.gif

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Hey KaRRiLLion, you might remember me from AQ2 times? IT'S A ME, LIGUR, THE GUY WHO ALWAYS USED THE 12GAUGE!

Anyway nice to see you are still on the business of making new stuff, we had a blast co-opping this the other night (I'm that r2 dude above). Running on the foggy highway after fuel runs out with planned cover-arcs and shouting "CLIP!" and "ROGER, COVERING" over VOIP was mucho fun. An excellent mission to start of a night of ArmA, gets you in the "mood".

Eagerly waiting for updates or more Virus missions.

Question: I tried playing this with some AI dudes tagging along. They do what you want at first but get completely bogged down after the virus infected zombies start popping out and always, _always_ start slowly heading SE and end up getting stuck down in the peninsula and die there when their ammo runs out no matter what your orders are.

I know this is ment to be a co-op mission so no biggie, but when you don't have too many players it's fun to observe the AI rookies shitting their pants and opening fire while screaming they are being eaten alive. But there is no way to command them in any manner after the horror starts. Any particular reason for this? Or are they just so plain fucked up because of the constant stream of targets? I guess the AI is not really configured to handle dozens or hundreds of "zombies" who amble towards you craving brains...

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haha, PS it's "Homer" Johnston tounge2.gif no worries, i'm not around much these days anymore... i was thinking about making a zombie mission in the spirit of my original nogova virus... ideally for AA... but I won't have AA for another couple months here in Canada banghead.gif

how is AA for this kind of nonsensical fictional scripting anyway? lol

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WB, Homer! AA works great. The zombies look a lot better.

BTW you can get the English ArmA from Sprockets. There's a link floating around here somewhere.

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I thought the mission was great but the Gay parts of the radio talk spoiled the immersion for me. I first played this with my clan and working together to survive was incredibly fun we all even managed to survive until the extraction (3 of our team got taken down by the Helo crashing). It would be nice to have just a little more ammo but i guess thats all part of the suspense

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I just played this, it was good fun. The zombos don't actually seem to do that much though... I don't think anyone got killed by them, they mainly run and stand around. And leap of course, that freaked me out when I first saw it happen.

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I just played this, it was good fun. The zombos don't actually seem to do that much though... I don't think anyone got killed by them, they mainly run and stand around. And leap of course, that freaked me out when I first saw it happen.

I've actually seen them swamp a player and kill him to DEATH once. And also injure several players, including me. But yeah the most dangerous situations always are where someone panics in the middle of 12556 Zombies, goes into MAD MINUTE MODE and accidentally fires into teammates.

I once bounced a grenade off the forehead of a zombie who sort of appeared from nowhere in front of me and ended up offing myself (and pile of them).

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Heya Ligur--just noticed your AQ2 post. Man that's been a looong while. Good to see you again.

Zombies don't do much damage atm because they're limited to melee, and I haven't adjusted zombie damage based on diffficulty yet. Only the time of day and number of zombies are affected by that. I'll probably clean up some code and adjust that, however. I'm still experimenting with some new ArmA commands to see how they work so I can optimize the code.

The most dangerous zombies are the human ones, i.e. when a player dies and becomes a zombie, they're not so mindless as the AI ones. Me and another guy took cover in a tower at the evac zone and our characters started screaming that something was on them. I looked and couldn't figure it out. Then I realized one of the player zombies had done a leap and landed on my head.

The JIP part seems to work a tiny bit smoother now, but I'm still seeing some odd bugs. I'm about ready to shrug those off and start the sequel. The sequel will be a lot harder for those who are used to having weapons right away. biggrin_o.gif

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last night was a blast, specially when i became a zombie hahaha

is there anyway to pull the missions right off my harddrive once i played it?

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Heya Ligur--just noticed your AQ2 post. Man that's been a looong while. Good to see you again.

... I'm about ready to shrug those off and start the sequel. The sequel will be a lot harder for those who are used to having weapons right away. biggrin_o.gif

Yeah it has, what, 10 years? You certainly have a nick that is not easy to forget and what with making maps and stuff I still remembered you, didn't think you'd remember my nick tho.

Extremely happy to hear you are starting to work on the sequel. I take it you won't be releasing updates to the first one?

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Actually, I'm still ironing out bugs in the first one.  I want JIP to work perfectly, but I'm afraid that there will always be minor glitches, especially when you have several variables in use.

I think I'll just have to streamline the mission structure so as to take full advantage of JIP functionality.  At least I've learned a lot about how to implement it for other more complicated missions like RTS-4 and RWS.

ATM I'm on version "o" of chapter 1.  All the missions share certain core scripts that I'll continue to update as well.  I'm still striving for that perfect zombie melee script.

BTW if anyone has suggestions for chapter story lines, let me know.  I've already got some ideas for Chapter 2.  Here's a rundown on the stories for other versions:

Skye Virus (Original OFP Zombie mission by D. Murphy Man):  Parts for a radio are spread across the island.  You have to find them all so you can evac.

Nogova Virus:

Chapter I - Escape (By Homer Johnston):  Your small group must make their way to the airport for evacuation

Chapter II - Return: Your group returns to Nogova to find a Scientist who can help cure the virus, but he's dead.  You go for Mirov and find a badly wounded Black Op, part of a team sent by the US to investigate the happenings, but he dies before telling you why he's there.

Chapter III - Hunting: After a night of horror in Mirov, you make your way to a campsite and find hunters who have just returned from the small island south of Nogova.  Zombie dogs attack and your group must flee.  You search nearby towns for survivors but find none, then decide to cross the bridge and head to Lipany.  But the bridge is out and scores of zombies attack and you must make a stand.

Chapter IV - Bridge:  You must cross the river, but the bridge is out.  A search reveals a boat and a truck to tow the boat with, but you need fuel.  While one team searches for a fuel truck, the other has to tow the boat to the river.  But the truck is very slow with the boat attached, and your team members must guard the truck from hordes of zombies until you can safely cross the river.

Chatper V - Lipany:  You make your way to Lipany, but find a farmer who needs your help--his cow has gone mad.  The farmer dies of a heart attack, and your team goes to his farm to investigate.  There, a cow chases a woman and kills her, then hordes of rabid farm animals attack--Cows, Mules, Chickens, ducks.  It's pandemonium.  You all run screaming south-for Lipany.  There you find a man who knows how the virus started.  South of Lipany is a factory where the civilians have been forced to work on a virus by the Soviets, but the virus has gone out of control.  Luckily, there is a cure for the virus.  You attack the factory, destroy the zombie Soviet presence, and free the civilians.  But then a black op approaches and informs you of the grim news.  The Soviets plan to purge the island--using nukes.

And I never made chapter VI to finish it.  Anyway, those are the story lines.  If anyone has ideas for the continuation, I'd be happy to see if I can work it in.  I'm sure people here have all sorts of ideas.  biggrin_o.gif

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I've adjusted the zombies to do more damage depending on the level of difficulty. I'm also working in a script to make them run a little faster without killing themselves in the process, and also to make AI zombies do a little leaping.

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I've adjusted the zombies to do more damage depending on the level of difficulty.  I'm also working in a script to make them run a little faster without killing themselves in the process, and also to make AI zombies do a little leaping.

Awesome to read! Can't wait to play the improved version smile_o.gif

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We just had a game on "hard" with three players, albeit OFP vets. But it was far from a walk in the park. One of the guys was out of ammo half to the final base :O Also we played with no... aim... spot... whatever... so yo had to raise the optics to hit something.

It was more tense for sure.

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Quote[/b] ]It was more tense for sure.

Debriefing screenshot here.

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I really enjoy the lighting, but I think putting a few more things on fire around the route and around would help, along with the already burned out cars

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