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RN Malboeuf

Liberation 1941-1945: Patch 1.08

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Looking great there, fella! I have created some trench style missions with Libmod, with 2 trenchlines and quite much no vegetation or anything between them, and I always hated how it looked so clean and there was nothing one could take cover behind if he would be charging the other side. Craters, corpses etc. will be perfect for this, I certainly hope too that you'll get permission to release them!

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In the new patch, whether could you use Lauma's new head pack and those nice russian face pack?

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In the new patch, whether could you use Lauma's new head pack and those nice russian face pack?

Nah, I really don't like those heads confused_o.gif

Yes, there are nice, but it's pretty difficult to setface them etc.

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Quote[/b] ]and after I have got permission from the authors of the content that I have used)

then you got it. but frankly speaking textures are sux on the scrrenies, thus models are looking rather crappy wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]In the new patch, whether could you use Lauma's new head pack and those nice russian face pack?

no. OFP is dead, my friends. Though there'll be several new units, there will be no major changes. we got nor time nor willing. Anyway if you already made such tests it's interesting to see results wink_o.gif

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Thats true those picture's arn't too flattering towards the models (some of them look better than that now as I've improved a few textures here and there), The earth works iv'e made look better though. They fit with alot of the lib models pretty well and make nice little positions for Mortars, MG's or AT guns:



I've used BIS textures edited with alpha channels in order to make them fit into OFP's environment better.

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looking hot wink_o.gif

maybe u can add some ammocrates / sandbags or i dont know to the trenches. it would look better thumbs-up.gif

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Looking really good, but have you checked if the AI will fire over them wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Looking really good, but have you checked if the AI will fire over them wink_o.gif

Thats a problem many objects in ofp have, people have tried solving it by removing lods and what not. I've made it so that they cannot be destroyed in the Config, If they are then set with dammage at 1 the AI shoot over them no trouble what-so-ever (along with the AI cover scripts they can pose quite a threat) and they do not crumple up as BIS wood wall does. I was going to add the command into the Init for each of the earth works. Cannons, mortars and mg's have no trouble shooting either.

Quote[/b] ]looking hot wink_o.gif

maybe u can add some ammocrates / sandbags or i dont know to the trenches. it would look better thumbs-up.gif

Good Idea, I may do that along with some texture variants smile_o.gif

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Great. Would be nice to have some camouflage on the sand heaps. I saw some camo nets in the russian forum a long time ago.

How do you place the guns at the right spot in the trench. Do you place the trench at a position with a script and then the gun at the same position with the same script?

I was asking myself how to resupply a HMG34 with ammo? I put them in standoff positions (400 to 600 meters from the targets) to cover the advance of assault squads. But they run out of ammo fast. The HMG34 seems to act like some kind of tank in the class system. Or is it separate?

Is there any script to send 1 or 2 ammo bearers to the ammo crate in the rear? And why not use 250 round boxes instead of 75 round drum magazines. Those drums are for assault squads? The HMG is not going anywhere.

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Quote[/b] ]I was asking myself how to resupply a HMG34 with ammo?

addmagazine - what's your problems ? wink_o.gif

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I never made a script. So I need an example script to start from.

You are pointing to a single function in OFP to keep it simple. But that is not yet a script. As far as I understand this function will add a magazine to the ammo supply of the vehicle (soldier, tank).

It is a point to start my search from. Thanks for the suggestion to keep it simple. Off to OFPEC.

By the way BDFY:

How about a message runner script. With a poor soul ducking the bullets on his way to the nearest point in a communication network (radio or field telephone). And a communication network script. And ... Just joking about some expanding thoughts I had. Also called fantasy. smile_o.gif I should try it myself first.

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OFP is dead, my friends. Though there'll be several new units, there will be no major changes. we got nor time nor willing. Anyway if you already made such tests it's interesting to see results wink_o.gif

Oh,no, OFP will live in our hearts as ever. And I still play WW2 scenario in OFP daily since there are so many nince WW2 stuff in OFP after almost 5 years of delveloping from many nice mod makers, such as your team, FDF team, Liberation 44 team, WW2EC team and etc. I cant image how long I have to wait the same quality stuff in Armed Assault, another 5 years? Oh, at that time, I would become too old...

Of course, I really made some tests for new faces based on your soldier model, please see the following pics...



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Quote[/b] ] I really made some tests for new faces based on your soldier model, please see the following pics...

i'd like to see our model edited not screenies wink_o.gif to see it in dynamic.

Quote[/b] ]I cant image how long I have to wait the same quality stuff

if you mean "OFP quality" stuff you can convert it all in a week i guess biggrin_o.gif

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@ Deadparrot : give a name to your hmg34 (like "gun1"), then create a trigger, repeatable with :

on condition line : not someammo gun1,

and on activation line : gun1 addmagazine "lib_hmg34"

It will (should...) add a magazine to the hmg each time it runs out of ammos.

@ Popka : great work !! I really like those dead bodies  yay.gif

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Any chance that you will make winter units?Yeah, I know:

1.OFP community is dead(Nah!Don't belive it)

2.It will took too long(But peoples like me can wait 5 years

smile_o.gif )

3.Next Period will be for ArmA(Oh man, are you serious? huh.gif , OFP needs MODs like Liberation!Not ArmA!wink_o.gif

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I personally think that this is one of the most completed mod out there (atleast the most visually impressive), there's little else to be done other than a few minor fixes from what I've seen. All thats needed is a load of custom missions.

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I'm making a mini-Campaign for libmod. You will play as the russians facing the German blitzkreig. It'll be around 4-5 missions and I should have it out in a few weeks.

When i can find were my screenshots go i'll post some.

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use http://imageshack.us/ wink_o.gif

I found some time to translate mod forum FAQ (posted month ago in russian).

Quote[/b] ]How to install liberation mod?

Unpack present patches (1.0 -> 1.01 -> 1.07 -> 1.08 ) into you OFP directory. 1.01 hotfix is not needed.

Links can be found here

Quote[/b] ]When the next patch will be released?

WHEN IT'S DONE. This is hobby project without shedule.

Quote[/b] ]Why I can't hear radio in the game ?

It'a feature. Radio was not used  so widely during ww2. +Ai units react a bit faster with radio voices removed.

Quote[/b] ]Will there be "tiger" tanks etc?

Liberation Mod represents 41-42 events. That's why there's no later war units like tigers. (la5 and late t34 are the only exceptions)

Quote[/b] ]Will there be any german air units ?

Unfortunatelly no, but there's compatible config for 3rd party me109 and stuka.

Quote[/b] ]Any plans about arma?

Yes. But it's too early to make any specific announcements.

Quote[/b] ]Will there be Brest island and fortification pack?

Instead of Brest there's Zastava island since patch 1.08. In 1.09 there'll be represented fortification pack for this island.

Quote[/b] ]Will there be official liberaion campaign ?

No. But there's a bunch of missions and mini-campaigns with every patch + there're a lot of missions made by the community.

though maybe just a few of them are translated


Quote[/b] ]What about MP support ?

Not supported. But there're no major bugs if you use only light units. There're even several MP missions with 1.07 patch

Quote[/b] ]What about train project ?

Project is halted. Due to engine limitations it's impossible to implement train as we wanted them to be. Existing beta will  never be released (for OFP at least)

Quote[/b] ]IS there any weapons/units reference ?

There's for version 1.0


Search config's files for further info wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Why liberation site is so outdated ?

We are making mod, not news. Although webmaster is needed (php).

Quote[/b] ]I think I can help the mod, what shall I do ?

If you are capable of 3D modelling and texturing - you are welcome to contact us or show your works in the forums. We are alweays glad to see new _talented_ members. But remember that non-textured model is nothing, cause the basis of any good low-poly game model  are good textures.

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One major beef I have with this mod, is the lack of high dispersion ammo like what is found in JAM3. Its very annoying to get sniped at long range, but a Russian or German soldier with a sub-machine gun. Different levels of HD ammo (like greater dispersion on sub-machine guns and more recoil on belt-fed MG's) would be very good to keep battles lasting a long time and to keep them more realistic.

Other then that however, this mod is FANTASTIC and is one of my favorite WWII Mods. I use read a terrific book called "Panzer Battles" by Major General F.W. von Mellenthin, former Chief of Staff of the 4th German Panzer Army. He fought on every major theatre of war in WWII including some of the heaviest fighting against Russia. He has nothing but profound respect and admiration for the courage and iron discipline of the Russian forces (although was shocked at how they threw their lives away in human wave attacks). All in all its a great read that will have you firing up the Liberation 1941 mod to recreate these massive battles of WWII.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Quote[/b] ]is the lack of high dispersion ammo like what is found in JAM3

all weapons in libmod are dispersed ones wink_o.gif it's regulary assumed as a bug but it's a feature from first releases.

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All of them?

I keep getting shot by submachinegunners 200 meters away in the first 1-2 bursts and generally being able to snipe fairly good with smgs/mgs aswell, also rifles are incredibly accurate.

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yeah that has been my experience as well...getting shot very very quickly at long distance and battles being over very quickly. OH...but I must say that the High Dispersion on the Anti-Tank guns is PERFECT!!!!!! I love how anti-tank guns and tanks have these MASSIVE battles with awesome shell explosions. The armored and anti-tank gun battles last a long time and are very intense because of the high dispersion on those guns. So I really really like that.

Now if JAM type high dispersion could be added at least to automatic weapons, then I think that the infantry battles will be more realistic and last longer.

One option also (its a lot of work) is to create both normal and HD troops and groups. This is what my mod does on most of our units so that mission makers have more freedom in choice regarding what they prefer.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Quote[/b] ]All of them?

yep. compared to bis ones they are all dispersed. i like this balance and doubt it will be changed

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