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Custom radio sounds?

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Hello there,

I was in a server the other day and a fellow was using custom radio sounds... The ones you use when you navigate through the "Reply" tab and then "Custom". I asked him how he did this and he said that he did it the same as you did it for OFP... I never did this in OFP and he was gone by the time I attempted to press him further.

Anyone know how to add your own radio sounds and what the restrictions/requirements are to do that?


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Some servers have limits on the size of such folders or do not allow them altogether.  I believe this is because each person who joins must DL them.  Also in OFP there was a limit to the size a sound file could be for it to work in MP.  

As a general rule be respectful of other players and keep the files small and few, if you use them at all.

From The Avon Lady's OFP FAQ:

"How can I use my own customized shout sound when playing online?

Just follow these easy instructions:

Create a new subdirectory, \SOUND, within your existing player subdirectory, simular to the following:



Place an OGG sound file into the new Sounds subdirectory.


Rename the OGG file to something relevant. For example, my shout file's name is Avon_Calling.ogg.

Now, when you play an online MP game, hit the zero ("0") command key to bring up the RADIO command menu. From there, select 9 CUSTOM. In my example above, I'll see Avon_Calling listed (without the file type OGG suffix being displayed). Select it and your shout will be heard.

If you need a program to convert a sound file from one format to OGG, your best bet is to head on over to Download.com and search for "ogg converter". You'll find a lot of matching downloads. Make sure you choose one that converts from your shout file's format to OGG."

****Edit: These instructions are for OFP. Your ArmedA player profile is not located in the same place where it was in OFP. If you can't find it, you shouldn't be adding sounds. wink_o.gif

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Ill give you a hint where to find your profiles.


I use Goldwave to make my custom sounds. I might make a small tutorial on how to do it. Its pretty simple, but the sound file MUST be in .ogg format, thats why i use Goldwave. Wav files may work too, but not as good as ogg files, also wav's are a hell of alot bigger ! wink_o.gif

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I had the same question a while back. Here's some extra info from my post which also mentions how to simply create chat text messages without sound.

Quote[/b] ]

- Add a folder called 'Sound' to your profile folder (My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\<Your profile>\Sound)

- Add your recorded *.ogg sound files to this folder (or other supported formats, *.wss). Keep them very small.

- The name of the file also becomes the text message displayed in chat (easily supports 80+ chars). The name displayed in the menu is quite limited (approx 20 chars).

- If you just want messages with no sound, you can create zero length (text) files like "Requesting AT Support.ogg" and they will still display.

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Ogg file which is less than 13KB was not played properly in OFP. huh.gif

What about in ArmA?

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i,ve had no probs with em so far in arma-other than getting kicked off servers for custom sounds! wink_o.gif

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Do all the .ogg files in your profile sound directory get fed to other players in multiplayer, or only the ones that you actually execute?

I'm wondering if having alot of files in the directory is bad, or only bad if you use them all.

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Off the top of my head, didn't you need to set your sound recorder to a certain setting - like

48.000 KHZ

8 bit


This may be totally wrong but I seem to recall that you did need a specific setting.

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Hey guys, yep, got them setup. It seems that there is a 50kb filesize limit... anything over doesn't appear in game.

With some editing from Audacity and trimming/adding silence, several of my 1mb wav files were crunched down to 25-40kb ogg vorbis files.

That's a great idea on the preset text, too... My buddies and I are trying to replicate the Ghost Recon "number pad" quick-texts and this seems like it will work out great.

Thanks for the help!

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Do all the .ogg files in your profile sound directory get fed to other players in multiplayer, or only the ones that you actually execute?

I'm wondering if having alot of files in the directory is bad, or only bad if you use them all.

I don't know for sure, but here's my take on it:

The files need to be there already when you execute it. Therefore they will be transferred ahead of time, and it doesn't know that much ahead of time what you'll be using.

If so, then yes; having a lot of crap in that directory will be bad.

I don't know to what extent it will cache them between games, but I suspect it's the same as for custom faces.

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Does anyone have an "Alah U'Akhbar" oggs, they are hillarious when you blow up a BLUFOR/Civ target while playing on "insurgent" side :]

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hope this doesnt get taken as hijacking the thread as it's sort of just moving on a point, how would i then move on to let me use these files as an effect when seeting a waypoint in the editor?

Then they can be used in single player missions aswell if they go up fo download.


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Does anyone have an "Alah U'Akhbar" oggs, they are hillarious when you blow up a BLUFOR/Civ target while playing on "insurgent" side :]

If you have a microphone you could probably yell "allah

whackjob" by yourself and make your own great .ogg

files! But..."hilarious"?   crazy_o.gif

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