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Waypoints in game

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er this may be a silly question I dont know to much about scripting etc

Is there a way to set up waypoints from within the game not in the editor. For example I want to be the gunner in a chopper that can set up waypoints for my pilot to fly to.

I would for instance switch to map and click on differnt positions for my waypoints as you would in the editor but i would like to be able to do this in game on the fly.

Basically I play the flight sim apache v havoc (eech) and would like similar controll of the chopper that you have in this game if anybody is familiar with it.

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I would love this. Being a Co-Pilot and setting up a route for my Pilot to take for the insertion/extraction.

Or be on the ground and give my AI's a route to fly in or drive in.

Any GURU's out there know if this is built into the game or if an addon can be created?

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erm not quite sure what u mean??

but as gunner you could(if u in squad as leader) tell yer pilot

eg pilot was f1-press f1 to highlight him look at map an double click place on map and he will move to that position??

hope that helped??

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I have a question revolving around the name of the topic.

How can I make a waypoint permanently visible in veteran mode when flying in a Camel? Any script command to refresh the waypoint automatically? I already have checked the 'always visible' part but it only shows the waypoint in the map.

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Adding real waypoints in-game is possible.

You can check TroopMon out ( in my Signature) to see it how it can be done

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Now how do you give yourself a waypoint to flyto in ArmA? For instance, I'm just a lowly chopper driver and a teammate is stranded somewhere on the map. He gives me his coordinates and I need to fly there to pick him up. How would I setup a waypoint to get the yellow marker thingy to fly there and pick him up?

If I double click on the map I can make a note to myself and name it but it will never appear as a waypoint marker in my HUD view to flyto? Hope this makes sense!!

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Now how do you give yourself a waypoint to flyto in ArmA? For instance, I'm just a lowly chopper driver and a teammate is stranded somewhere on the map. He gives me his coordinates and I need to fly there to pick him up. How would I setup a waypoint to get the yellow marker thingy to fly there and pick him up?

If I double click on the map I can make a note to myself and name it but it will never appear as a waypoint marker in my HUD view to flyto? Hope this makes sense!!

That makes perfect sense. I'd like to know this myself.

I've wondered this many times. If I am to fly a great distance to a place that is no objective or anything, how do I make a marker on the map that I can see in the heading indicator???

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try giving the player a new waypoint once condition has been set ...

quote at ofpec

A new waypoint is made after executing the following code:

wp = group player addWaypoint [position mike,1];

Where the player is named "player" and another soldier (not grouped with the player) is named "mike".

If I start the mission, I see the new waypoint being created, which probably means that the AI doesn't WALK towards their waypoint.

Note: it doesn't matter if I use 1 or 0 as the waypoint index. But the wiki states that index 0 is always a waypoint created at the soldier's starting position.

Note1: as you have already created a waypoint, I tested if the waypoint gets created when you use 0,1,2,3 etc and in what order waypoints will be created. The weird thing is, you can use 0 or 5, the result is that the waypoint you create is the final waypoint. But, they are always there, it's just that units don't go to them.

Note2: Units DO move to a newly created waypoint if there are editor waypoints they have to reach first, but they must not have reached them. If they stop, they stay still. Don't know how to get them to make their way towards a "hand-made" waypoint.

Note3: Still haven't found a command that let's the AI walk to their next WP.

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Good observations shark-attack!

I have managed to have an AI unit sequentially

complete a number of waypoints by just adding

new waypoints with the index 0 to the unit and it will complete them all, you can check that in the TroopMon tool (in my signature) where you can set a number of waypoints for the units in the 3D view and watch the units follow them.

But i have not tried to use higher indexes as the syntax of the command suggests.

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Now how do you give yourself a waypoint to flyto in ArmA? For instance, I'm just a lowly chopper driver and a teammate is stranded somewhere on the map. He gives me his coordinates and I need to fly there to pick him up. How would I setup a waypoint to get the yellow marker thingy to fly there and pick him up?

If I double click on the map I can make a note to myself and name it but it will never appear as a waypoint marker in my HUD view to flyto? Hope this makes sense!!

That makes perfect sense. I'd like to know this myself.

I've wondered this many times. If I am to fly a great distance to a place that is no objective or anything, how do I make a marker on the map that I can see in the heading indicator???

Since no one is talking I suppose it's not possible then sad_o.gif Hope it would be in a future patch

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RougeRunner, they said creating waypoints will work - question is whether the server settings allow you to view them or not. If so, you can create some sort of script for it.

Add an action to the chopper (like compute course) that checks if the caller is crewchief or something like that. Then give the navigator 15 seconds to click on the map (onMapSingleClick?) and a waypoint for the pilot will be created where you clicked.

Good luck!

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Quote[/b] ]A new waypoint is made after executing the following code:

wp = group player addWaypoint [position mike,1];

Where the player is named "player" and another soldier (not grouped with the player) is named "mike".

If I start the mission, I see the new waypoint being created, which probably means that the AI doesn't WALK towards their waypoint.

Note: it doesn't matter if I use 1 or 0 as the waypoint index. But the wiki states that index 0 is always a waypoint created at the soldier's starting position.

Note1: as you have already created a waypoint, I tested if the waypoint gets created when you use 0,1,2,3 etc and in what order waypoints will be created. The weird thing is, you can use 0 or 5, the result is that the waypoint you create is the final waypoint. But, they are always there, it's just that units don't go to them.

Note2: Units DO move to a newly created waypoint if there are editor waypoints they have to reach first, but they must not have reached them. If they stop, they stay still. Don't know how to get them to make their way towards a "hand-made" waypoint.

Note3: Still haven't found a command that let's the AI walk to their next WP.

To set some things straight:

the addwaypoint function works like this: the 'position' part of the array determines where the waypoint is created. The second part does NOT determine the index, rather is determines the RADIUS in which the waypoint is placed. So the following line group this addwaypoint [getpos bmp1,100], will let the group move to a random postion a max 100m from the position of bmp1.

To let the group move to the waypoint you have to set an additional value: setwaypointtype. An example from a script I am creating:

_wp1= _group addwaypoint [_fpos1,0]

_wp1 setwaypointtype "move"

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one thing to consider about waypoints: do not use them for playable units as they are unreliable.

Example? One good example is in Armed Assault 1.04.5121 a single player mission "Delivery boy". I played it two times, in the first attempt the waypoints went simply wrong for the whole mission and the objectives in the briefing ticked off in the wrong order. In the second attempt the waypoints seemed to work but objectives in the briefing ticked off in the wrong order. Now that I tried that mission for the third time, I am 100 % sure that mission is broken. I get a waypoint at the start called "Rendezvous point" or something, which is under 100 meters from the start position, which can't be right as the real Rendezvous point is in totally different place. If I go into this wrong waypoint at the start, I get the second objective marked "Done" which is not true... that's one horrible mission!

The lesson from this is, don't do it like that, don't use waypoints for player units. I don't know what BIS did with that mission, there is something wrong in the waypoints/objectives but that's a good example still how it's better to design your mission so that player units do not get any waypoints, other than words in the briefing "go there, pick up fellows, kill enemies over there".



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RougeRunner, they said creating waypoints will work - question is whether the server settings allow you to view them or not. If so, you can create some sort of script for it.

Add an action to the chopper (like compute course) that checks if the caller is crewchief or something like that. Then give the navigator 15 seconds to click on the map (onMapSingleClick?) and a waypoint for the pilot will be created where you clicked.

Good luck!

Good stuff! Since I'm a complete script n00b could you elaborate a little here?

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A little, then:

1. Name every chopper in the mission

2. In the initlines of each chopper add:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addAction ["Compute course", "cmptCrs.sqf"];

3. Write that script... It sounds like you want it to work in MP, so if the effects of addWaypoint are local, you probably have to find some way of circumventing that (maybe createTrigger).

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