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Army of the Czecho-Slovak republic

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Customs office from HoRi:






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Corrected mate

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smile_o.gif we have new models in progess - in 3ds MAX and Cinema 4d.

1. picture - Praga AV by "Bolec" (WIP)


2.picture - OA vz.30 by Petr Tlach (WIP)


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Do you cooperate with russian LIBERATION mod?

They have the best scripting for tank battles (tank hits producing sparks).

I am sure they would welcome your LT-35 / 38 tanks.

They would fit perfectly into their Wehrmacht inventory on the Eastern Front.

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Do you cooperate with russian LIBERATION mod?

They have the best scripting for tank battles (tank hits producing sparks).

I am sure they would welcome your LT-35 / 38 tanks.

They would fit perfectly into their Wehrmacht inventory on the Eastern Front.

smile_o.gif Sorry, but momental we cooperate with "September 1939". Maybe sometime. Momental we have too little people. On these days we we're making this mod for OFP ( few time at ArmA, but after finish the mod for OFP we will itself devote for ArmA).

And we more cooperate with KVH Breclav and czech Difrologic club.

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PZ KPFW TATRA (in czechoslovakian army as Ac Mo.30 )


The German Ordel Police cars had identical coating of dark green on the turret surface complete with the Ordnungspolizei emblem: eagle with wreath of the oak branches. In subsequent years of the war, the AC Mo.30 in service of German Order Police preserved identical camouflage coating on all the car surfaces.

At the beginning of war with Poland, the police regiments were subordinated to the Army Command. The 1 st and 2nd Police Regiments saw action within the "Eberhardt" group deployed nearby Poznan. As per the German sources, four or five ADGZ and AC Mo. 30 armoured cars were trabsferred to Gdaňsk, alloated in support of combat inuts. Only one specific piece of information was preserved about this particular mission, recording the engagement of Tatra armoured cars during Polish campaign. An armoured car Mo. 30 together with artillery supported the SS Heimwehr Danzing attacking Tczew with the intent to join the units attacking from the Eastern Prussia.

At about 7.00 hrs, three companies of SS heimwehr Danzing launched an attack on Rambeltsch, supported by at least one AC Mo.30. They advanced along the road Rambeltsch Tczew and alond the embankment slope of the railroad Tczew- Gdansk.





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All the Mo.30 armoured cars in the Czechoslovak Army carried identical camouflage, i.e. in the sense of its form and distribution of distinct coloured spots on the armour plate surfaces of each car. Tge spots were formed of colour shades of light ochre, reddicsh brown and dull green, with the green considered to be the basic uńderlying colour. The inner surface of the combat compartment was painted a shade of ivory. The police registration numbers consisted of five Arabic numerals on blask plates of 340 x 140 mm, completed with 3 mm wide white circumference border.

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for example the simple thing which was disaster to allied landing forces in Normandy (czech hedhehog) originate from our preWW2 Czechoslovakia bunker line (as simple and effective antitank blocker) ...

the line was quite well done (contrary to French one) as it was multi leveled deeply into country ...

yet it needed at least 2 more years to be finished and ofc allies which not betray us ...

i hope west remember it finally that if You betray ally in 5y is war at your home

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<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>WANTED</span>

- We are looking for

Somebody who knows how to work with ArmA config files


Contact me by ICQ:338775009

or e-mail: [email protected]


Contact petrtlach our head addon, mission etc etc. maker biggrin_o.gif


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What type of German firearms are you planning on doing?

By the way this looks superb already, and love that Zb-26!


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What type of German firearms are you planning on doing?

By the way this looks superb already, and love that Zb-26!

biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif LK vz.26 (ZB-26) its czechoslovakian mg not german  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif ...And german firearms? MP 38, KAR 98, Luger, Mauser 1898, MP28 and MG 34.


Czechoslovakian firearms:

LK vz.26, rifle vz.24, karabine vz.33, CZ vz.24, CZ vz.27 wink_o.gif and heafvy MG : TK vz.7/24, TK bz.24, TK vz.37 and type for bunkers..

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I have for your new picture (WIP). Heavy objects in game (momental only normal and specular map). Picture by Pochyst and Pz kpfw II in progres (Cinema 4d).




Pz kpfw II


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LK vz.26 (ZB-26) its czechoslovakian mg not german  

Although it was most famously used by the Waffen SS

as the MG 26(t) and later in huge numbers by the Chinese

(both nationalists and commies). The Tallywhackers in

the 'stan nowadays use a few too!

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Very nice work, I like the way the bunker is turning out. Will there be any that are compatible with raised elevation (extending the terrain portion of the bunker to blend in)?

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@ petrtlach

yes I know it's not a german lmg, but I was merely commenting on how I liked your model and texture of the zb-26, after the fact that I asked what German weapons you were doing biggrin_o.gif.

Cool bunkers too though.

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Any screenshoots for soldiers? Just wonder whether the current ARMA tool could allow make total new models for game or you will just transfer the model from OFP??

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Nope, we are currently concentrating on Bunkers and Armory smile_o.gif

As I said, we are making mod for both OFP and ArmA, and it's not progressing that quick as you imagine, but it's progressing well smile_o.gif

Stay tuned xmas_o.gif

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I have model soldiers in progress in cinema 4d, i have too little time.

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Hello people I have today for you three screens "IN game". - Pz kpfw II.




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Very nice work man! The only comment I have is that it might be a bit too shiny, but it looks great otherwise!

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