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FFUR 2007

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This new feature looks great, and will be very useful, thanks !

About ACOG, i usually shoot within 50/75m when seeing this need to use the lower mark, i wonder at what distance i can use the middle cross then, 10m ?

No big deal, but i don't have the same problem with other guns.

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Theartillery function looks awesome but maybe you could limit how many arty strkes are allowed, for example you are only allowed say 2 or 4 arty strikes per mission. That would force the user to conserve the arty troughout the entire mission.

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Red Hammer campaign "alamo" mission, when 4th wave of attack is destroyed, a helo is suppose to come and pick the survivors, while 8 or more ennemy tanks are coming form the south.

Problem is the tanks engage and destroy the helo before it can land, those were supposed to be T60s in BIS campaigns.


with normal bis those are abrams tanks right?

this is the mission where you are with your squad in Montignac right?

first a abrams

second a few m60s

im confused... there are no t60 tanks in normal bis missions did you mean M60?

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If you can do something like DSAI, if it's not much work, maybe you could do it only for aircrafts and armored vehicles. For example, listening to radio messages while flying the chopper is really cool. thumbs-up.gif

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Quote[/b] ]im confused... there are no t60 tanks in normal bis missions did you mean M60?

I thinks he means M60. The attack is like this:

1st: One Abrams (I cripple and use it against the attacking force.

2nd: 1 Platoon of M60 tanks (M1A1's in FFUR)

3rd: Another Platoon Of M60's

4th: 2 Motorized infantry platoons (2xM113 & 2xInfantry squads)

5th: Helo comes and drops SF's (doesn't happen sometimes)

6th: 2 Platoons Of Abrams and your rescue chooper comes before they arrive and mission over.


A solution to the issue some people are having in the mission alamo would be to turnoff the tanks ability to engage air units with their MG's.

And a solution to rescue mission bug is as you have stated increase sensitivity or just increase the range of the RPG-29 so that it can engage the tank, I think the max range at the moment is 250m.

Love the News man, excellent update news, love the artillery/bomber inclusion, I second the limitation that should be put on these scripts, squad leaders don't get free use of as much heavy support as they want.

About the fleeing from tanks effects, can you not set normal units to run and hide (not far away, just hide) and set AT units to hide in bushes and attack the attacking enemy tanks and when the tanks are destroyed or inoperable the normal troops return to clean up.

Anyways love the news keep up the good work.

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Will FFUR/SLX combines mod thing be multiplayer compatable? I sure as hell hope so cause FFUR AI is way too accurate and we love some SLX fetures... So we were going to make it our clans offical mod! crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]About ACOG, i usually shoot within 50/75m when seeing this need to use the lower mark, i wonder at what distance i can use the middle cross then, 10m ?

I will check it out carefully and would fix it if necessary.

Quote[/b] ]for example you are only allowed say 2 or 4 arty strikes per mission. That would force the user to conserve the arty troughout the entire mission.

Heh, that's so far sufficient to accomplish a mission without having to use 1 bullet.

In terms of game-play, thrutfully I rather prefer to let the player decide on the use of the air support, I doubt experienced players would make an excessive use of this feature, unlike novice gamers who might probably appreciate it, though.

Quote[/b] ]A solution to the issue some people are having in the mission alamo would be to turnoff the tanks ability to engage air units with their MG's.

Indeed, this might be a solution as well.

Quote[/b] ]About the fleeing from tanks effects, can you not set normal units to run and hide (not far away, just hide) and set AT units to hide in bushes and attack the attacking enemy tanks and when the tanks are destroyed or inoperable the normal troops return to clean up.

I'm against the excessive use of the "nearest" object command because it uses a lot of system resources, which is needed to define a specific area for the AI, (command required for other tasks too), but concerning the fleeing issue, I changed some of SLX AI abilities in order to force'em to attack an enemy position without hesitating, and never fleeing.

If there is no AT specialist in the squad, the air support might be your friend, though. ;-)

Quote[/b] ]Will FFUR/SLX combines mod thing be multiplayer compatable?

I can't answer at this right now as we haven't started testing the new MOD on-line but I'll keep you informed.

Btw, I just want to let you know that due to the changes done on the new SLX/FFUR mod intended to ensure playable campaigns and missions, the framerate level has been considerably increased.

Finally, the suppressive fire wouldn't be disabled but the "dragging" feature has been taken out, mainly because of the AI behaviour in some situations which consequently involved in making some missions more playable due to the removal of certain scripts, just wait'n see.

And thanks all for the kind words,



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Red Hammer campaign "alamo" mission, when 4th wave of attack is destroyed, a helo is suppose to come and pick the survivors, while 8 or more ennemy tanks are coming form the south.

Problem is the tanks engage and destroy the helo before it can land, those were supposed to be T60s in BIS campaigns.

My visibility is set to 2000m and "super AI" is disabled, i use FFUR+SLX1.09, dunno if this info is useful but just in case.

Despite the AI awareness is improved in FFUR and many mods, the problem you currently notice in Alamo is not really related to the mods you are using, it is related to the 2000 view distance you are using.

Playing the CWC and Red Hammer campaigns even in a vanilla OFP (without any mods) and using a 2000 or more viewdistance will always lead into some problems during some of the missions.

The default view distance of OFP for both Red Hammer and Cold War Crisis campaigns was 900, as when these campaign were made there was no view distance setting in the options , as this option appeared only with 1.75/Resistance.

So when playing CWC or Red Hammer, one should strongly remember that setting a big viewdistance can then activate lots of detection trigger/running scripts a lot more earlier than they should, and while it allows the player to see far away, it allows the AI and its radars to do the same.

And this can easily break lot of the missions of both campaigns.

Try to play Alamo with 900 viewdistance and the tanks should not destroy the evacuation Mi17 anymore, unless you wait too many time to get in wink_o.gif .

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Theartillery function looks awesome but maybe you could limit how many arty strkes are allowed, for example you are only allowed say 2 or 4 arty strikes per mission. That would force the user to conserve the arty troughout the entire mission.

Amazing, so... YOU are unable to limit yourself to what you do or do NOT use on the battlefield.

Imposing your own SP lack of self-control on whomever wishes to play the mod however they wish to play it?

This is one very expressive example as to why America is failing out across the board in educational statistics.

@Thunderbird, has the latest FFUR been actually tested with the Battlefield MP series, or MFCTI? I've recently found another very popular CTI called crCTI, does it work in MP gameplay with this?

My only real concerns about FFUR is that whatever changes are made work in MP gameplay. I've really enjoyed the SP play, but, seems still stuff to work out in MP.

Wook [iDGN]

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Quote[/b] ]Amazing, so... YOU are unable to limit yourself to what you do or do NOT use on the battlefield.

I can limit myself. I would personaly prefer to fight the enemy then watch a few explosions do it. I suggested the iea as there are many peol out there who probaly cant limit them selves.

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Quote[/b] ]Despite the AI awareness is improved in FFUR and many mods, the problem you currently notice in Alamo is not really related to the mods you are using, it is related to the 2000 view distance you are using.

Playing the CWC and Red Hammer campaigns even in a vanilla OFP (without any mods) and using a 2000 or more viewdistance will always lead into some problems during some of the missions.

The default view distance of OFP for both Red Hammer and Cold War Crisis campaigns was 900, as when these campaign were made there was no view distance setting in the options , as this option appeared only with 1.75/Resistance.

So when playing CWC or Red Hammer, one should strongly remember that setting a big viewdistance can then activate lots of detection trigger/running scripts a lot more earlier than they should, and while it allows the player to see far away, it allows the AI and its radars to do the same.

And this can easily break lot of the missions of both campaigns.

Try to play Alamo with 900 viewdistance and the tanks should not destroy the evacuation Mi17 anymore, unless you wait too many time to get in .

Thx for the tip sanctuary, i'll give it a go !

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Quote[/b] ]I will check it out carefully and would fix it if necessary.

Thank you very much smile_o.gif

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hello TB

I am using your mod with SFP and i am unable to use some of the weapons in the APC. (SFP_strf904056)

It only happens with this mod

the weapons appear with no ammo

can you help

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Noo! Take out suppressive fire, seriously it does fuck shit up. Unless you can make it so they dont chuck n'nades and use RPGs?

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Quote[/b] ]Amazing, so... YOU are unable to limit yourself to what you do or do NOT use on the battlefield.

I can limit myself. I would personaly prefer to fight the enemy then watch a few explosions do it. I suggested the iea as there are many peol out there who probaly cant limit them selves.

This still makes no sense to me.

So, someone else PLAYING their own SP game wants to nuke the whooole island with Artillery, now remember, they are on THEIR own computer, at THEIR HOUSE, not yours... and you want them to be limited just because you want them to be?

We're not talking MP gameplay here, sounds to me that you just can't admit to over-using this feature so need your own patsy of 'everyone else' to get what you yourself need. Limits. Rules. Boundaries you're unable to set for yourself.


Wook [iDGN]

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On a more serious note, Blazin, does your squad host a FFUR 2007 server?

I think I'd prefer that without the SLX features.

SLX is pretty awe-inspiring, but, I would think won't be compatible with any, if any, of the Battlefield or MFCTI missions.

Has anyone tested FFUR with the new crCTI series?

Wook [iDGN]

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Not yet. We might host FFUR/SLX combine soon (When we get new server), If this FFUR/SLX combined thing isn't 100% MP compatable then we might host FFUR (But Ill have to ask Thunderbird to modify the config so Ai are realistic not robots with onboard targeting supercomputers)

EDIT: Idea, how about settable limits?

EI. this limitarty 3 or some crap. I'm usless with all this... or maybe several gamelogic?

Default = Unlimited

then maybe some gamelogics or scripts like Limit arty to 1, 3, 5, 10?

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Arty in MP gameplay shouldn't even be considered as such.

It would most probably conflict with numerous other Addons, IE CoC for one, the various other CTI series scripts for mortars, etc.

Blazin, I seriously doubt that FFUR+SLX will ever become MP compatible simply due to the various SLX scripts that attempt to preform similar tasks as most other 'Vanilla OFP' mods like the Battlefield and CTI's do.


I'd settle for a FFUR 2007 that actually worked in these Battlefield and CTI's MP though.

Wook [iDGN]

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Quote[/b] ]So, someone else PLAYING their own SP game wants to nuke the whooole island with Artillery, now remember, they are on THEIR own computer, at THEIR HOUSE, not yours... and you want them to be limited just because you want them to be?

Whats hard to understand? FFUR wants the mod to not break missions, not limiting the arty could easily break the misions. Many people out there would not limit themselves using this feature and therefore breaking the missions.

Im not one of those people, i think its boring watching some explosions where as i could be killing the enemy myself.

The only reason i suggested that is that those people who cant limit themselves dont go though a whole mission uing arty and therefore 'breaking' the mission.

And even if i was one of those who cant limit themselves (im not though) what the hell does it matter?

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Thanks for this latest build of FFUR TB, I've only just had time to try it.

I wonder how much time you've put into it all together from the start? must be some serious hours!

I can feel the end of ofp creeping up on us now, it's things like this that has made it last so long - but who knows, some of us might still be playing it in a couple of years?

Thanks again to you and your team TB.

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hehe just came to mind!

in the CWC campaign the russians take over Le Port.. (guess u guys know what mission im talking about)

with tanks and stuff... use the airstrike!! and you win biggrin_o.gif

bye bye russians nener.gif

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