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i was wondering if there was a way to turn the tracers off.

i turned them off in the difficulty level settings, but they are still there.

also is there a way to change the tracers to be only on MGs ?

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Look in difficulty options.

You obviously didn't read what he posted, the option in difficulty options doesn't work.

Edit: You could edit the config.bin file yourself, that isn't simple if you don't know how but it isn't impossible to figure out. There is a program that can decrypt it.

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thanks i will look into the config file.

anyway, does it work for you in the difficulty settings or is that a known bug ?

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Look in difficulty options.

You obviously didn't read what he posted, the option in difficulty options doesn't work.

Edit: You could edit the config.bin file yourself, that isn't simple if you don't know how but it isn't impossible to figure out. There is a program that can decrypt it.

It doesn't work? It works for me. When I disable tracers in the veteran diff setting there are no tracers.

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It doesn't work? It works for me. When I disable tracers in the veteran diff setting there are no tracers.

So is it a graphics card related thing then? I disable them too

but still the stupid "laser beams" appear. I hate them!   mad_o.gif

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my card is a geforce 7600 GT

tracers all over the place pistols.gif

the thing is i dont mind them for mgs and tankmgs etc

but it feels wrong for assault rifles, especially since it seems every bullet is a tracer bullet

(we had tracers for every 3rd bullet in the magazine in te army for night live fire exercise)

maybe it could be changed to have 2 kinds of magazines normal and tracer and keep reasonable tracers for machinegunes....


a. gives away position

b.star wars....


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Just pretend your playing star wars  biggrin_o.gif

The AI guys shoot too well for it to be Star Wars (those

Imperial Stormtroopers couldn't hit a cow on the ass with a

banjo! )  crazy_o.gif

And they look nothing like bullet tracers anyway, they're

awful! I hated them in OFP and I hate them even more

in ArmA!

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Agree, was hoping they would be improved. At the very least, switched over to a 1:3 or 1:5 ratio.

The tracers never looked great, and by modern standard, are very sub par. After the tracer addons that came out, thought the devs would have seen the light. sad_o.gif

Are they the exact same flying solid paint shop pro lines of OFP, or at least have some color variance now?

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Agree, was hoping they would be improved. At the very least, switched over to a 1:3 or 1:5 ratio.

The tracers never looked great, and by modern standard, are very sub par.  After the tracer addons that came out, thought the devs would have seen the light. sad_o.gif

Are they the exact same flying solid paint shop pro lines of OFP, or at least have some color variance now?

you mean you rather have glowing spheres of energy floating across ArmA's fields than thin steaks of light which better simulate a small bright object moving at over 2,000 feet/s... sorry but no thanks, we already have flare guns in ArmA. you can keep your "energy balls", i'll take ArmA or OFP tracers anyday.

face it, watching trasers in real life with your eyes is defferent than watching them on film or in a video game.

the distance that a bullet travels per/frame means you are going to have thin little fading lines.

the tracer addons made for OFP sucked, i hated them then and i still hate them now. they were compleatly usless since they moved no where near the speed of the bullets, and couldnt be used as a refferance for shooting moving targets, as the bullet fired would hit down range well befor the addon tracers.

i would want bis to change only one thing for the tracers, and thats the rate at which the tracers are fired. one every three round would ge great.

look at the wonderful laser beems.


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Are they the exact same flying solid paint shop pro lines of OFP, or at least have some color variance now?

Still the thin OFP "laser beams"; yellow for "West", green for

"East". The only difference now is that occasonally they

can "ricochet" (but only straight; the ricochetting rounds

don't ever appear to "tumble" randomly like real spent bullets

sometimes do and as some of the addon tracers did). Others

are entirely free to use the default tracers if they prefer

them, I personally don't and I'm just dismayed that the

function for switching them off doesn't work as intended.

Particularly so as I seem to remember similar problems with

early builds of Flashpoint too.

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you mean you rather have glowing spheres of energy floating across ArmA's fields than thin steaks of light which better simulate a small bright object moving at over 2,000 feet/s... sorry but no thanks, we already have flare guns in ArmA. you can keep your "energy balls", i'll take ArmA or OFP tracers anyday.

I am completely amazed that you linked a Knob Creek MG shoot video and still argued that the current OFP and ArmA tracers are "accurate". That's so far from the truth that it isn't even funny.

I hope that tracers are one of the things BIS improves in the coming months. There's a lot of potential to them, but currently they're simply sub-par and aren't all that realistic. If not, I hope that the community gets a good tracer visual upgrade out in the near future.

For the record, this is coming from someone who has actually seen real tracers fired and has fired his own. It's not theory - I've been there, done that, and ArmA's tracers are not very realistic from a visual standpoint. They're practicall invisible at night - that's ridiculous. sad_o.gif

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I disabled tracers on weapons usually not equipped with them via the weapons config file. Looks much better now, though Dys is right, laser beams do not = tracers.

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Agree partly with dynamax, ArmA tracers aren't THAT bad. They are good when firing a fixed gun or the machineguns on a tank, not so good on infantry but still MUCH better than the pathetic big fat round balls that tracer addons provide. Realistic or not I don't want something that annoying and ugly in the game. Might as well simulate troops taking a big dump but at least that would be a joke

IMO the tracers are just too long and too thin if they were thickened up and made to look about 1 metre long instead of 20 then it could work. And of course reduce the amount of tracers every shot is bad with infantry weapons. Better still remove tracers completely from most rifles and just have every 3rd or 4th shot on machineguns a tracer round. If they implement suppressive fire then i'm in heaven. No more sniping with an M240/M249, the machinegunners have their job and if they don't do it well enough riflemen will just pop and pick them off. But supress them enough and they can't shoot back pistols.gif

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I find the AI aren't as afraid to whip the lead out in Armed Assault as they were in OFP, so it sounds your dream may come true.

And, like I mentioned overpage, removal of tracers from the assault rifles has made the game better, IMHO and obviously more realistic, while you can see the Mgunners cranking at you, occasional potshots from a concealed rifleman will keep you looking around as little puffs of dust kick up all around you. It's great fun.

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I disabled tracers on weapons usually not equipped with them via the weapons config file. Looks much better now, though Dys is right, laser beams do not = tracers.

could you explain us how do that ?


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I find the AI aren't as afraid to whip the lead out in Armed Assault as they were in OFP, so it sounds your dream may come true.

Problem is the there is far FAR too little weapon sway and recoil on machineguns when standing up or kneeling so its easy to take pot shots and small bursts. AI does this as well. I'd like to see machinegunners only shooting when standing or kneeling in very close quarters. Otherwise they lay down and instead of firing slowly, open up and just spray all over not trying to hit anyone but to suppress them allowing friendlies to advance. And to whoevers being shot at their recoil should be doubled and weapon sway increased by at least a factor of 5, moreso the closer the bullets lands and it stacks. So 1 bullet may only jolt your sights slightly but 20 rounds will make it impossible to aim accurately and take a few seconds to recover. This would realistically represent suppresion making it extremely difficult to fire back and due to the machineguns having the odd tracer a friendly rifleman may pop out for a second, locate and then eliminate the machinegunner as he's probly the biggest threat. Of course rifles and other weapons should have this effect but as they don't have the firerate and magazine capacity its not as bad

In OFP soldier classes were practically useless 99% of the time people would take the G36 and LAW/AT4. I want to see diversity where every class including medics (make medics heal you not you heal at a medic) has their pro's and con's and are best used in the right situation. Not 1 weapon does all

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After GRAW release ive made a little tracers complain video, as i can see it also fits ArmA tracers problem. You can Watch it HERE .

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I disabled tracers on weapons usually not equipped with them via the weapons config file. Looks much better now, though Dys is right, laser beams do not = tracers.

could you explain us how do that ?


Yes, please, enlighten us!

Quote[/b] ]

Otherwise [machine gunners] lay down and instead of firing slowly, open up and just spray all over not trying to hit anyone but to suppress them allowing friendlies to advance.

Do you mean that this is what you'd like them to do, or

are you trying to say that this is what they do now (coz'

they dont, as far as I've seen)

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its what i'd like them to do. On the occasion a machinegunner misses me he doesn't fire at full speed nor does he spray over the squad he simply selects a target and shoots at it

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IMO the tracers are just too long and too thin if they were thickened up and made to look about 1 metre long instead of 20 then it could work. And of course reduce the amount of tracers every shot

That would be a vast improvement, and one I'd be happy

using. In the meantime I (and many others) want to know

just how to get rid of the stupid things altogether! banghead.gif

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its what i'd like them to do. On the occasion a machinegunner misses me he doesn't fire at full speed nor does he spray over the squad he simply selects a target and shoots at it

Yes, that's right, and one of the things I am most dissatisfied

with in OFP/Arma too. ArmA desperately needs a "morale and

fear" system (to model "suppression"), some solution for

simulating "taking cover", and more realistic fire control in


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The 'tracers' from flashpoint and armed assault look like the tracers from firing with a minigun.

Its absolutely not realistic how it looks like.

When u fire with a machine gun like the minimi ( m249 ) u dont see lines, u can follow the bullets tracers in the air one by one. The machine guns dont fire that fast that u see lines, its not a minigun. They should really adjust this to be more realistic.

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