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Excellent djfrogstar! biggrin_o.gif

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One of the funniest things I discovered while in iraq was the fact that there are no car dearlerships...I always wondered where the hadjis got all of their cars.

I late 80s Saddam made serveral big purchases for cars and cabs. Thats why most of the cars are rather old models.

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Looks really cool! soon how real Iraq biggrin_o.gif

Just a little question... do oyu have the Arma tools yet? or is this just normaly made with the oxygen light?!


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Everything is made in 3dsmax.. Im only using o2 to get the objects in the game... Normal mapping is still missing until the new tools come out... There are also some other stuff which I think need the new tools...something about LADDERS and how they are defined... but it could be thats only a config thing....

Ive yet to find out how to get the ladders to work...

I guess I need to search around and see how ARMA is defining the ladders...


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Everything is made in 3dsmax.. Im only using o2 to get the objects in the game... Normal mapping is still missing until the new tools come out... There are also some other stuff which I think need the new tools...something about LADDERS and how they are defined... but it could be thats only a config thing....

Ive yet to find out how to get the ladders to work...

I guess I need to search around and see how ARMA is defining the ladders...


Ok, so you are on the same level how the Tiberian Genesis Mod, just waiting for Arma tools crazy_o.gif


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basically in a nutshell, Smiley is putting together an iraq island. I will be helping with providing objects for him to use within the island. The Iraq object pack will be released publicly when the island is released. The objects will be released internally for members working on the movie project. ATM we are moving into beta phase with testing. When the tools come out, like i mentioned earlier all the extra mapping types will be added in...specular, normal mapping...

When this is all in place we will test again and again till its ready... and release the v1.0 possibly before the island is finished... But would like to avoid a constant upgrading because there are going to be new items added every week, and do not want people having their missions broken because of things changing around. The pbo before using the binarize tool is at 136mb right now... so having to constanlty redownload the addon is not the best way to do it...

The vbs1 version is pretty much finished, and will be released to vbs1 users in the next month. This will not have any of the new mapping types.

If you absolutely must have this pack now...then you can sign up and get it through being on the team... I will further explain this again when i get back from vacation. ....

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here is a WIP of a wall kit I made for the IRAQ ISLAND that SMILEY is making....

The electrical wires is just an experiment atm. Im considering making a whole crazy network of wiring, but for the moment just will have a few variations for the walls...

The idea is that the gates can be breached with a certain amount of damage or if a tank rams it. There will be 3 other gates to give it some variety.... as far as the walls it will have a 2nd retexture of more middle class standard which wont be so weathered and broken down...probally more fancy brickwork or something like that....

Ill add some more screens to this post in a few days when i have more of it complete.

the bump mapping is still a bit extreme....wont know how to properly test it until the tools come out....

which i guess delays the release of the addon ... help.gif



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The idea is that the gates can be breached with a certain amount of damage or if a tank rams it.

M82 or M2 shot on the lock or is that included in damage? biggrin_o.gif

Looks very good. How many faces?

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The idea is that the gates can be breached with a certain amount of damage or if a tank rams it.

M82 or M2 shot on the lock or is that included in damage?  biggrin_o.gif

Looks very good. How many faces?


Im not really sure how to define the lock as being something which gets shot.... but it could be interesting.... unfortunately Im not able to dedicate the time it would take to figure that out....

the gate has alot of detail, its around 300 faces.... but the lower lods will make it alot smaller... havnt gotten that far....

I have 2 other gates which are alot simpler and are smaller.

The IRAQ island that Smiley is making will probally use the less detailed gates for the tightly packed urban areas.

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Sounds excellent. Smileys environments are top, but i hope my machine will be able to handle them xD

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I might as well jump into the pond now - ribbit smile_o.gif

As stated, frogstar is doing some fantastic work, and i really cant wait to get my hands on the tools and start building a Iraq environment. We belive the IMUC MOD is also considering merging with us, at least hottom mike anyway, as it would be silly doing two Iraq projects, much better to create one single, professional modification that we can all dedicate our time to.

A bit more detail about the environment now, we are going to cover the area of AL Basrah, down the south, the "Island" itself will cover a 40sq radius, so theres going to be ample room to have a unlimited possibility scenario on there. And as always the environment will be using DEMS to bring all the true elevations and contours to the arm a engine for added realism and reference. This island wont just be one of those random ones with jelly top hills, we are going to make this a "semi realistic" environment, that can be used to train, teach, and of course allow missions makers to make any situation they desire. We have over 2GB of reference pictures so far for AL Basrah and are trying to create some of the more important featured areas to match the real life location. Obviously we cant make every single building/object in Basrah as that could take years, but what we can do is make a large collection of real based locations, as well as artists impressions of the area and models to give it a unique feel.

Not to mention that we will also be having a real satellite image overlay on the environment so it will look just as good from the air!

Hope that gives you chaps more scope on the project.

Nick smile_o.gif

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As stated, frogstar is doing some fantastic work, and i really cant wait to get my hands on the tools and start building a Iraq environment. We belive the IMUC MOD is also considering merging with us, at least hottom mike anyway, as it would be silly doing two Iraq projects, much better to create one single, professional modification that we can all dedicate our time to.

Yes. That's exactly what we need - coordination. Hats off to you gents for banding up for the greater good. The end result can only get better by doing so.

A lot of people are into the Iraq-themed mod thing, and the more of them you can get involved, the less confusing it gets to everyone else once the missions start pouring in.

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Is it possible to see screens of the reworked island somewhere?

Btw, heck of a job! Keep it up and you will make loads of arma players happy wink_o.gif

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Smiley_Frog biggrin_o.gif . I like this combination of talents, im not very interested in Iraq tbh but this project sounds very promissing, best wishes to you guys smile_o.gif .

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Thanks, there is no progress in terms of "screenshots" for the Iraq enviroment, due to the fact there have been no tools released, and i cant work in any other ofp/3rd party programs as arm a uses a different "reading" system to the old WRP's.

Non the less, we can still "mentally" populate and picture this until the tools are available.


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