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Armed Assault is -AMAZING-

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Definitely don't take this as my "first impression fever".

I've been playing this for nearly a full week now (got this gem last tuesday) and I must say, I'm still BLOWN AWAY. I really am.

I got a very, very special feeling when I first fired up the OFP demo more than half a decade ago... somewhere Q1 2001 if I recall correctly... it was so new, so -- well, 'great'. The feeling I got when I first checked out Armed Assault was, staggering. It even surpassed the feeling I got when I first played OFP.

Guys, if you LOVE realism and simulations, this is THE game for you. The realism and attention to detail FAR, FAR, FAR surpasses OFP's. To make this thread of actual practical use, I'll list the things that blew my away about this game:

1. Graphics. Obviously. Extreme detail, very polished.

2. Animations. No longer feel like an empty shell in a weird stick world. You feel like a soldier. Very solid. House-to-house fighting is 100% better. No more clipping through buildings, walls or whatever. In fact, I'd say the city fighting feels more polished than in games like BiA, CoD, DoD or whatever.

3. Tracers and ricochets! Brilliantly done! You fire a round, it impacts with a big puff of dust, then it arcs away from the ground and impacts 30 feet further leaving a smaller puff of dust, because it lost kinetic energy. Rounds penetrate thin sheets of metal, wood walls and anything else really, and loose energy accordingly. They'll even come out again at odd angles!

4. Sounds! NO - and I mean NO game has better (realistic I mean. If you like Hollywood 'boomy' gun sounds, you'll be disappointed) sounds than this. Rifles have sharp cracks, the higher the calibre/shorter the muzzle, the more bass you hear. Sounds echo in valleys, off walls and buildings. They sound more loud and snappy when you fire inside a house and sound cracky when fired in massive open fields. Sounds get blocked by hills, buildings, walls and trees and bushes muffle sounds. A helicopter about a mile from you in open skies is very loud. When it passes behind a hill or mountain, the sound all of a sudden loses power and gets muffled and will pick up in volume again once its past the hill/mountain. BRILLIANT and extremely immersive. Distant gunfights sounds very nice. The loud cracks slowly turn into low snaps the further away you get. The game obviously kept the time it takes for the sound to travel to you, but added another dimension; sonic bullet cracks. These make the fights so much more realistic and enjoyable/tense. You walk across a field. nothing going on, weapon slung at your side, regular patrol. All of a sudden right over your head you hear *CACK CACK CACK* and then in the distance you hear a muffled *bang bang bang* - a DShK opening up on you from 500 meters away! The sounds have so many more cool effects I can't even name here - I'll just leave it at this. You'll have to experience it for yourself.

5. Immersion. No other game immerses you like this game does. When the bullets start flying, you really hold your breath and start searching for positions to return fire from - and there are plenty of those! This game is so extremely atmospheric it is just on a whole different plain compared to 'easier' shoot 'em up games like RO, CoD, DoD and BiA. You feel like you're there.

6. Diversity. Same as in OFP. Unbelievable openness and battlefield accessibility. You know the feeling from OFP. Well, that times 100 is how you feel when you play this.

There is so much more, but I'm out of time now. Please, if you have ArmA and LOVE it like I do, post additions to what you love about it here.

And guys, believe me. You WANT to get this. I wasn't sure about it after hearing some of the bad reviews and some of the guys saying they weren't really pleased with it. To be honest, I cannot name ONE flaw in this game. I've joked with my RO clan on TS that this is the 'perfect' game. I really think it is.

It -will- blow you away. If you love realism simulations, you'll want to have intercourse with this game. I kid you not. It far exceeded even my wildest expectations

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Let me join you by saying I fully agree with the points you made.

Collision detection is one of the best features the frustrated us in Operation Flashpoint that was implemented.No more problems in buildings,no more falling over balconies,i could say its perfectly handled right now.

All though my system is having serious problems running ArmA well and I think its because I am using Windows Vista on 64 bits(I would love some input on this from other people using this system) I admit that the graphics are indeed gorgeous after playing at high settings for a bit.

Overall I agree with you,it is the lack of attention to small details that is the annoying side of Arma and makes it feel unpolished.But you know what?The important thing is that it has an essence,it can go many places from here with devs support.And we all know BIS are here for the long ride.

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Nice to hear Redstorm, but what are your pc specs and ingame settings?

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Let me join you by saying I fully agree with the points you made.

Collision detection is one of the best features the frustrated us in Operation Flashpoint that was implemented.No more problems in buildings,no more falling over balconies,i could say its perfectly handled right now.

All though my system is having serious problems running ArmA well and I think its because I am using Windows Vista on 64 bits(I would love some input on this from other people using this system) I admit that the graphics are indeed gorgeous after playing at high settings for a bit.

Overall I agree with you,it is the lack of attention to small details that is the annoying side of Arma and makes it feel unpolished.But you know what?The important thing is that it has an essence,it can go many places from here with devs support.And we all know BIS are here for the long ride.

I find that, at least aesthetically, the attention to little details is amazing! I do agree that some things could be better - like having hads actually stay on mounted weapons, but that's minor. The aesthetic details are all there - sounds, animation, gameplay... all are amazing.


EDIT: Also some good news, guys... I'm running this on a computer that's quite old, and it runs brilliantly! AMD Athlon 3500+ (~2,8 Ghz I think?), GF6800GT, 1024 DDR... I can run it at 'normal' settings - which looks AMAZING - at a nice 30-35 fps.

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Let me join you by saying I fully agree with the points you made.

Collision detection is one of the best features the frustrated us in Operation Flashpoint that was implemented.No more problems in buildings,no more falling over balconies,i could say its perfectly handled right now.

All though my system is having serious problems running ArmA well and I think its because I am using Windows Vista on 64 bits(I would love some input on this from other people using this system) I admit that the graphics are indeed gorgeous after playing at high settings for a bit.

Overall I agree with you,it is the lack of attention to small details that is the annoying side of Arma and makes it feel unpolished.But you know what?The important thing is that it has an essence,it can go many places from here with devs support.And we all know BIS are here for the long ride.

How did you make Starforce work in Vista?

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Excellent to hear indeed, I've heard bad.. lots of bad on these forums, but this is an excellent pick-me-up!

(The bad didn't really disuade me from importing the game though, so I'm not too easily swayed... wink_o.gif)

Keep the good reports coming guys, bugs get fixed.. but the good bits will always be there!

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Oh, another thing that blew me away; you know how in OFP your system, however good it was, would start having problems with more than 50 units on your screen at one time? Well, my cruddy computer has NO fps loss when you compare 5 units on-screen to 40, and loses a measly 5-8 fps when you magic THREE HUNDRED (300! I kid you not) units at one time on your screen. About 10 fps is lost with nearly 500 units. Amazing.

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If Placebo uses the mighty key on this put your report here.

Quote[/b] ]To be honest, I cannot name ONE flaw in this game.

Might be a little optimistic.. i have read about many small flaws and from what i've seen and read i expected a little more in terms of vehicle simulation and features but overall i think Arma is a major step forward imo, looking forward to it smile_o.gif .

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If Placebo uses the mighty key on this put your report here.
Quote[/b] ]To be honest, I cannot name ONE flaw in this game.

Might be a little optimistic.. i have read about many small flaws and from what i've seen and read i expected a little more in terms of vehicle simulation and features but overall i think Arma is a major step forward imo, looking forward to it smile_o.gif .

I've also been looking at this first impressions topic and to be frank, I cannot see what most of them are talking about. Especially concering "bullet proof" glass and whatnot. I don't get any of those issues and I'm NOT running this on a high-end computer. The game, which I've left running for four nights in a row on one occassion, has not crashed on me once. In fact, I have not even ecountered a single bug yet and I've played for dozens of hours. I might just be lucky.

The vehicle simulation isn't on a really high level like steel beasts, but it far surpasses other games that try and do combined arms (RO etc.) and it still feels realistic enough. I do sort of hear what you're saying, though. But then, it does feel A LOT different to OFP, the vehicle combat itself, so it isn't too bad.

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Wow, thats the most biased and worthless review iv ever read. To call this game perfect is ABSOLUTELY STUPID.

How can you say that you have not seen one flaw with this game!?!?  crazy_o.gif  Are you mentally handicapped!?!

I remember when this was said about Flashpoint when it first arrived. If everyone was saying that Flashpoint wouldnt be like it is today.

The game has alot of potential just like OpFlash did when it first arrived but in its current state its abysmal and not fun to play, it needs to be patched very badly.

You sir are very much in denial.

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Finally someone who actually PLAY the game and searching for the things that make FUN, not the bugs!

Thanks for sharing your experience!

Wish you great fun playing ArmA!

MfG Lee thumbs-up.gif

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My friend purchased the Czech version, which I have played at his house a lot, and I've seen a ton of bugs. Worst of all is enemy infantry running through walls, buildings, fences, trees, etc. They must be ghosts!

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Wow, thats the most biased and worthless review iv ever read. To call this game perfect is ABSOLUTELY STUPID.

How can you say that you have not seen one flaw with this game!?!? crazy_o.gif Are you mentally handicapped!?!

I remember when this was said about Flashpoint when it first arrived. If everyone was saying that Flashpoint wouldnt be like it is today.

The game has alot of potential just like OpFlash did when it first arrived but in its current state its abysmal and not fun to play, it needs to be patched very badly.

You dont need to offend, flame bait and derrail topics just because you dont like the game, his opinion might be too optimistic, your's way too negative... since you uninstalled the game and went back to OPFR why are you even posting here?


I have seen a few issues, MG's with no recoil, tanks that dont fall from bridges, pilots that eject at high speed, low altitude and survive, etc. Nothing that cant be patched imo.

I am a bit sad that the MBT's dont have interiors now and still slide downhill at 100 KMH without breaking tracks or rolling (physics).. that they didnt include fastropeing or removed the parachute ejection from the helicopters, i think Arma could have been even more with a little more time and work.

Anyway its refreshing to read that someone is enjoying the game instead of searching for bugs in the editor, there is alot of goodness in Arma and after some patches it will rock, i am waiting for the 505 release smile_o.gif .

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Every time i read another review i get even more puzzled. RedStorm mentioned the sound being fantastic but in another review it was mentioned that the sound "bugs" (vehicles sounding near when they are miles away) that where in flashpoint are still here in Arma. Also the collision detection in Arma is mentioned as being far better than flashpoint but already in this thread we have ironbluedawn write about "infantry running through walls, buildings, fences, trees". crazy_o.gif

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I'm rather happy about the below quoted post, as I *almost* have the same set up.. slightly faster processor... and another GFX card, SLId, but overall, this is what I was looking to hear!

Quote[/b] ]EDIT: Also some good news, guys... I'm running this on a computer that's quite old, and it runs brilliantly! AMD Athlon 3500+ (~2,8 Ghz I think?), GF6800GT, 1024 DDR... I can run it at 'normal' settings - which looks AMAZING - at a nice 30-35 fps.

Any screenies you can post?

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The game is good.

There are bugs, try it yourself. No point in letting others making your decisions for you.

It's certainly not unplayable as some are trying to make it seem.

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By some miracle hopefully a patch will be released thats why i return.

Well it never took a miracle for BIS to release a patch, they might not adress all issues at once but im sure there will be more than one patch if necessary, just stop pushing and let them work and test everything properly so that it doesnt become like flashpoint where alot of bugs were actually introduced with patch hell.

A mature and detailed comunity bug list with reproduction information and system specs might be helpfull, flaming and bitching like a brat might get you banned wink_o.gif .

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That's good to hear that some people are happy with Arma. yay.gif

To me it's starting to sound like people who crank up their settings are the ones that are having the most issues with arma. Maybe the conseqence for turning up your settings too high result in a lower FPS rate AND sound/clipping/strange AI behaviors.

On the other hand, if I just laid down $2,000+ on a top-notch system I would expect all games to run maxed out. It will be fun to do some testing and find out what settings will run ArmA the best.

Does anyone know if there is a way to show frame rate in game or do you need a 3rd party program stil?

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I upgraded my computer specifically for this game last week, although I was on a tight budget of Å450 for a complete overhaul.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+

GeForce FX 7600GT PCI-E

2x 1gb 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM

The game runs perfectly one the default settings (medium in textueres and object detail, high on postprocessing and a few other things.

The game is absolutely amazing, I made a quick mission in Bagango with 6 enemy squads on guard mode, three t72s, 2BMPs and a BDRM ATGM against three US squads, 4 abrams and an AH1 Cobra.

The sense of immersion and realism was astonishing, the battles lasting longer, the sounds pulling you into the game like never before, and the animation, pure perfection.

I simply cannot understand all the complaints made by the majority of game owners. Yes, there are some bugs, but they are definately not showstoppers, and barely detract from the enjoyment of the game at all.

The only problems I've had in game are the first person view in a BRDM, a few LOD problems when moving fast in vehicles or disembarking, and the lighting inside the Stryker being way too strong.

Other than that, I cannot complain at all. This game has better graphics than Oblivion, more realism than Resistance, and better sounds than any game I've ever played.

Armed Assault is most definately the best game I have ever played. It has everything, great sound, great AI, great graphics, great environment, realism and best of all, modability. The only thing lacking in this game is the physics system, but that I've gotten used to in OFP.

Overall, great game.

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Let me join you by saying I fully agree with the points you made.

Collision detection is one of the best features the frustrated us in Operation Flashpoint that was implemented.No more problems in buildings,no more falling over balconies,i could say its perfectly handled right now.

All though my system is having serious problems running ArmA well and I think its because I am using Windows Vista on 64 bits(I would love some input on this from other people using this system) I admit that the graphics are indeed gorgeous after playing at high settings for a bit.

Overall I agree with you,it is the lack of attention to small details that is the annoying side of Arma and makes it feel unpolished.But you know what?The important thing is that it has an essence,it can go many places from here with devs support.And we all know BIS are here for the long ride.

How did you make Starforce work in Vista?

It simply does,the Starforce drivers installed without a problem.There are some wierd instances when I have to retry checking of the cd but from what I understand this problems can be found on Xp too.

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redstorm, what kind of soundcard do you use?

i'm just wondering because many others complained that the sounds need to be fixed...

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Every time i read another review i get even more puzzled. RedStorm mentioned the sound being fantastic but in another review it was mentioned that the sound "bugs" (vehicles sounding near when they are miles away) that where in flashpoint are still here in Arma. Also the collision detection in Arma is mentioned as being far better than flashpoint but already in this thread we have ironbluedawn write about "infantry running through walls, buildings, fences, trees".  crazy_o.gif

As far as the sound goes, it isnt good. Many of the samples from the original OFP are used. And there are some other issues that I have listed below. As much as most of the OPs points were valid, I do feel that his opinions concerning the sounds are a little biased.

- Sometimes sounds don't play.

- Vehicles sound way closer than they are.

- Tinny, low quality samples

In all, its not that it cant be fixed but for someone to say the sound is "awesome" and "immersive" is a stretch. Firing a gun, seeing the muzzle flash and not hearing the gun sound isn't immersive. Hearing a helo above your head when it is 500 metres away isn't immersive either.


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