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Run n Gun don't work in modern warfare, like I 've told alot ppl it's just gonna get u dead in this game. Whats wrong with COOP, the OFP community have put out some of the best coop missions I've ever seen 4 a game.

Im a hardcore ctf player i like the old way were u can run drop and scope comes up automatically i like to hit the shift once when i want to run or let go if i wanna stop. i dont like the double tap run it somtimes dont work and is confusing if u want to run sideways for a running attack/shoot with arma the curser widens when u run and sprays all over when u fire and is alot less accurate than the old ofp we know and love were u can use the curser as a marker so u know where ever its pointed u can drop and near enough be on target with your crosshairs arma has non of this the only thing i do like is the roll u can do u guys obviously like a mixture of coop and ctf cti etc. for myself i loved the ctf play in ofp and ressi dont like fighting A.I. its a buzz playing real people in real clans and winning or losing some maps are designed to be played at a fast pace u cant play fast pace when u have to manually put scopes on every time u stop there was a option to have open scopes or with scopes if u chose to use scopes when u stop running they came up automatic and having to press a button to do it manually in arma isnt realism. ctf play is going to be very very different in arma and slower like i said and its not going to be to everyones likeing especially hardcore ctf players.

It seems to me like you complain about ARMA being more realistic and that you can't Chuck Norris all over the place.

I can't wait for the 30th when the game is released here!

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Quote[/b] ]The future of multiplayer is CTF, conquest etc... and  you need fast action for that or at least the fast action there was in OFP CTFS, one of the best multiplayer experiences out there.

The future of most games yes, but when i look at OFP i can safely say that after 5 years COOP and CTI are the surviving gametypes, CTF is a minority and DM almost completely dissapeared, i expect the same with ArmA.

Quote[/b] ]I personally like it a lot, it was perfect for coops and perfect for CTFS making the action still fast paced BUT REALISTIC.

I havent played 1 CTF that was even remotely realistic, ive nothing against using a game for something else then it was made (i love the zombies for OFP), but at least admit that you arent using it for something realistic. crazy_o.gif

After 5 years only hardcore fans play this game... but those hardcore fans dont make the game a legend.. what makes a game legendary is its quality and that casual, hardcore and any type of player plays it after 4/5/6/7 or whatever years.

OFP right know despite what hardcore fans say its dead.

About the realism try to think not so narrowminded... a flag doesnt have to represent exclusively a flag it can represent anything else and makes gamepley turn out to situations with squad realistic movements, tactic assaults, defens of positions, sniper covers, etc....

obviously if you play a ctf in a public server you will have lonewolfs all the way but if you play squadlike ctf is the best option miles away.

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Thread was called 'ArmA dissapointment - CTF gameplay' last time I looked.

So peeps coming in and posting on how much they think that CTF is not a part of OFP/ArmA is not appreciated.

This thread is for all to read but is aimed more towards CTF players and their thoughts on the changes other CTF players have experienced with the new game and how it will effect us as a community.

I havnt given my personal opinion on co-op's etc but as others have given their personal views on CTF i think i will....My personal opinion is that co-op's are boring, they are ok to play from time to time with friends when you're just chilling and want to come down from some fast paced CTF action. Most of you co-op players wouldnt be able to hang with CTF gameplay just as most of us CTF players wouldnt be able to hang at your standard of play.

You may have g/f's who look like pigs but hey as long as you love them thats all that counts, just like we CTF players love playing CTF, we dont want you to love CTF we just want you to understand that we love CTF and that this is our personal preference biggrin_o.gif so quit slagging CTF off homos, live long and prosper ho's! wink_o.gif

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The future of multiplayer is CTF, conquest etc...

I hope not! That would be terrible ...

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Thread was called 'ArmA dissapointment - CTF gameplay' last time I looked.

So peeps coming in and posting on how much they think that CTF is not a part of OFP/ArmA is not appreciated.

This thread is for all to read but is aimed more towards CTF players and their thoughts on the changes other CTF players have experienced with the new game and how it will effect us as a community.

I havnt given my personal opinion on co-op's etc but as others have given their personal views on CTF i think i will....My personal opinion is that co-op's are boring, they are ok to play from time to time with friends when you're just chilling and want to come down from some fast paced CTF action. Most of you co-op players wouldnt be able to hang with CTF gameplay just as most of us CTF players wouldnt be able to hang at your standard of play.

You may have g/f's who look like pigs but hey as long as you love them thats all that counts, just like we CTF players love playing CTF, we dont want you to love CTF we just want you to understand that we love CTF and that this is our personal preference  biggrin_o.gif   so quit slagging CTF off homos, live long and prosper ho's!   wink_o.gif

Absolutly well said mate!!  like i said all the way through this topic too much input from coop players. Ive already said this game is 100% perfect for coops these guys just do not understand what it is to be a fulltime ctf player. And what is required from the game in order for our way of playing to be possible. And i do not have any problems with the realism the graphics are a major improvement.Its just some of the actions. lets face it in real life you do not press a button on your utility belt to put the scopes up to your face its a automatic human reaction and this was easier in ofp.

p.s i remember you ETA guys good bunch of ctf players i was in [sOD] maybe you guys remember me.

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Damn, i remember you now you've mentioned the clan lol

I was also formerly [OSS] CReePiN_DeTH b4 [ETA] Pendragon tounge2.gif

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Maybe some kind of 'arcade mode' wouldn't be so bad for all the ctf, team dm nerds. I (dedicated coop player) would have nothing against that. Maybe implemented as a switch in the server menu? Well, it's up to BIS and I don't know how much trouble it is to patch something like this into the game ...

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Maybe some kind of 'arcade mode' wouldn't be so bad for all the ctf, team dm nerds.

dude there was a guy on earlier who said that you like cock sandwiches, I said 'NO WAY' that aint true he don't like bread.

no need for the nerd comment, you trying to flame bait? xmas_o.gif

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Maybe some kind of 'arcade mode' wouldn't be so bad for all the ctf, team dm nerds.

dude there was a guy on earlier who said that you like cock sandwiches, I said 'NO WAY' that aint true he don't like bread.

no need for the nerd comment, you trying to flame bait? xmas_o.gif

No! Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings man! I'm a coop nerd.

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I like CTF, its objective based and it can be quite challenging with several squads spread out thru the map and the flag placed in a well thought location so snipers cant camp it.

No respawns and only one flag make it interesting wink_o.gif .

Now if you're talking about that boxed in, G36, spawn, kill, die arena noob fests... well, sorry sad_o.gif .

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I remember you mate How i miss them days!! lol oh and watch this lol pay attention to the Ural

Hows that for realism!! hehe

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I remember you mate How i miss them days!! lol oh and watch this lol pay attention to the Ural

Hows that for realism!! hehe

HAHAHA, there is still some OFP in ArmA. I love it smile_o.gif

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Thanks Poison for this topic, I am watching it with great interest. Some excellent points you have made wink_o.gif

I to hope we get a nicely balanced CTF environment in ArmA. There is such a great CTF Community.

Little video of one of the community (MassRefuge) playing MP in ArmA.. view it here

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omfg! i think i want to kill my self, arma is sheisse for CTF wtf, im an avid ctf player, played it since 1.0 ofp, now youre saying its gameplay as , is slow as a week in the jail?, i really want to kill myself, seeing as my gameplay perfected over 5 years was baseD on full auto, no scope speed, thanks a lot BIS, great news , NOT!! mad_o.gif

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HIGHLANDER @ Nov. 26 2006,21:23)]i really want to kill myself,

Good, now if everyone whining about this kind of stuff would do that this forum would become alot more readable tounge2.gif

Seriously, the topic starter is whining about the controls, apparently he is too lazy to change them, so he decides to come in here and whine about it. If you want you can still have the gameplay a la OFP, but who cares? ArmA is made for large open spaces with tactical gameplay. How can people be surprised when playing in 50×50 maps locked up between buildings isnt perfect? ITS NOT WHAT THE GAME WAS MADE FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE! OTHER GAMES ARE! GO PLAY THOSE!

CTF is perfectly possible in ArmA, but in its own way, there is and should be no play for hexenkessel, or whatever its called, the game wasnt built with it in mind, but if you found it playable in OFP its just as playable in ArmA, just reconfigure the controls to what you like.

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HIGHLANDER @ Nov. 26 2006,21:23)]omfg! i think i want to kill my self, arma is sheisse for CTF wtf, im an avid ctf player, played it since 1.0 ofp, now youre saying its gameplay as , is slow as a week in the jail?, i really want to kill myself, seeing as my gameplay perfected over 5 years was baseD on full auto, no scope speed, thanks a lot BIS, great news , NOT!! mad_o.gif

You need to harden the fuck up mate.

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sniper skull wtf you on about? i take it youre 1 of those COOP pansies that couldnt hack getting beating when you played CTF, looking at youre post?, harden up lmfao, more like you should sober up, hahah.

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Quote[/b] ]dude there was a guy on earlier who said that you like cock sandwiches

Well the Ambassador of CTF has spoken, let all those in doubt, lay them to rest smile_o.gif

Ask an adult (*.rtm Animator) Perhaps you can still play the way you want?

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HIGHLANDER @ Nov. 26 2006,21:23)]omfg! i think i want to kill my self, arma is sheisse for CTF wtf, im an avid ctf player, played it since 1.0 ofp, now youre saying its gameplay as , is slow as a week in the jail?, i really want to kill myself, seeing as my gameplay perfected over 5 years was baseD on full auto, no scope speed, thanks a lot BIS, great news , NOT!! mad_o.gif



I won't miss CTF matches.. as long as I have CTI and Coops wink_o.gif

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