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TrackIR use...

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I got TrackIR4 and after a week of playing ArmA with it i cant imagine how it would be without. Its great. You can aim with your weapon in a direction your leader wants you to cover and have a look to the left and the right without pressing any buttons, just "look"! yay.gif

You can do it with the free look key, too, but thats not 1 % of the fun (and immersion) of playing with trak ir. nener.gif

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What i would LOVE is a support for the Z800 3Dvisor head tracking device in native mode, currently i need to pass trough a little app that simulate a joystick...

The SDK is available for free from 3DVisor.com

please please ^_^

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I'm currently out for a new gfx card. Tried Arma with a FX5200, now THAT is crap:) ...

Anyway, as a console player and now 360 player i have a WIRED usb 360 controller. I plugged it in and to my surprise it is exceptionally supported by ArmA keyconfig. You can assign all buttons, triggers, etc.

To be seen how it plays.

Anyway, i AM curious to see the effect of 360 controller together with TrackIR (to be bought as soon as i have some money in da pocket) ... my idea is that it would make a mouse/keyboard free situation. Well not really, but i am curious as to how much i can tweak it into that direction.

Btw, imho the 360 controller is a very quality piece of hardware, and it is perhaps a very good middle way between mouse/keyboard versus joystick.

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A simple question: does TrackIR cause a FPS loss?


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fideco, there is no loss in fps due to trackir. The processing is done on the TIR hardware, not the computer's cpu. I just ran a test, and on my dual cpu(quad core) machine, I had a 0% increase in cpu usage when trackir was running, and the trackir.exe program was using 0% of the cpu.

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Good to know..

because with my TrackIR 2 the FPS loss is about 20%-25%

It will be my next online purchase wink_o.gif


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I'm replying to dudesters 'bug report' in a thread which was locked:

Quote[/b] ] Posted: Dec. 12 2006,12:41

Ok have a problem with TrackIR4 and hope someone here can help. The problem been is i like to use Trackir4 for flying, but somtimes like to disable it in foot soldier mode. The problem is, that when i hit the F9 key wich disables Trackir4, my frame rate decreeses by half. I was testing this using Fraps. I was getting 44 fps but as soon as i disabled it with F9 key the frames dropped to 20 and the number of FPS shown by Fraps turned from yellow to red. Anyone know whats going on here?

Dudester, as default Fraps uses F9 as its 'begin video capture' buttom. When you press F9, you're telling fraps to beging recording video, hence your frame rates drop to half, and the numbers turn red.

Either change the key bindings, or dont run Fraps.

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messiah is right biggrin_o.gif  better check your fraps folder there must be some videos inthere.

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lol... I must admit I did snigger a little when reading what you were doing - it was fairly amusing, but an easy mistake to make If you hadn't checked what the video capture key was for Fraps.

happy to help smile_o.gif

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After seeing Dyslexi’s videos, I got curious to see how other people are setting up their profiles. I completely customized mine to what I think is most fluid and natural.

So, please post your profiles here for people to try out.

Here is my profile.......


*NOTE – I changed the F buttons (Disable/Center/Precision), because I use fraps a lot. So, change those back to default or whatever you use.

And here is a video of me using this profile........


Description copied from the video thread...........

Quote[/b] ]"One thing that you should be able to tell from the video is that I have a much higher sensitivity setting compared to Dyslexi. I don’t have a deadzone and I turn the floating gun movement off.

I also disabled the “Z-axis†(zoom), because there are some issues with it (You turn your head and you view zooms in and the “Z-axis†doesn’t work in iron sight mode, so you can’t physically move closer to the sight).

The one other big difference is instead of using the default “X-axis†to lean, I use “Rollâ€. So, instead of moving my body and/or head left or right (X), I just tilt my head (Roll) like I was to lean out from a wall. So, basically I’m mimicking the movement I see in game but to a smaller degree. I have the “Roll†set with a deadzone, but then it’s very sensitive, so it only takes a small tilt."

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That was one of the issues I was wondering about with arma and TIR. I'd really like a "body SNAP TO view" button.

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That was one of the issues I was wondering about with arma and TIR. I'd really like a "body SNAP TO view" button.

There isn't a snap to option but you can set the dead zone and acceleration as you like.

For example I have my X axis (leaning) set so that I have to move my shoulders pretty darn far for it to start leaning, but it leans really fast when I get there. Still playing around with X & Y axis for comfort level.

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track ir is the best once you use it, it becomes as indispensable as the mouse. mine broke currently and i'm not playing any games until i get it fixed, i've postponed d/l'ing Arma because of it.

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I bought TrackIR last week and I tried it on the demo. It takes some time to get use to in arma compared to IL2 and similar simulations, but its not a problem. I´m really glad its supported.

There is one thing thou.. As I play on veteran with no crosshair, I have no referens of where I´m going except my movement. It works really ok after a while when you get use to it, but there is situations when I´m not 100% sure where my body is going. It only takes 1 sec to find out, but anyway. I am against all "gameplay HUD help", but sometimes I wish for a small dot or something that will show the direction of my body. Preferably a small non-intrusive dot against the lower screenframe. I dont know.. I´m not sure I will need it in the long run either, maybe I will learn?

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I bought TrackIR last week and I tried it on the demo. It takes some time to get use to in arma compared to IL2 and similar simulations, but its not a problem. I´m really glad its supported.

There is one thing thou.. As I play on veteran with no crosshair, I have no referens of where I´m going except my movement. It works really ok after a while when you get use to it, but there is situations when I´m not 100% sure where my body is going. It only takes 1 sec to find out, but anyway. I am against all "gameplay HUD help", but sometimes I wish for a small dot or something that will show the direction of my body. Preferably a small non-intrusive dot against the lower screenframe. I dont know.. I´m not sure I will need it in the long run either, maybe I will learn?

Well you can tell by where the gun itself is pointing can't you?

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Yes, if I look at it (that 1 sec I told you about). But often the gun is pointing downward.

But yes, I believe its just to get used to it.

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Yes, if I look at it (that 1 sec I told you about). But often the gun is pointing downward.

But yes, I believe its just to get used to it.

I think you will get used to it. I turned off freeaim for a little bit until I got used to it. Now I have my freeaim set at 50%. It still is slightly disorienting though when running, but I will not play the game without it now.

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Is what works for me is binding the "center view" key in the TIR software to something easily accessible (one of my mouse keys).

When in doubt, re-center. smile_o.gif

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I use the track-IR as well with ALL icons off. using it while while shooting without looking down iron sights takes a little getting used to, but after a while you get fairly close accuracy.

there is a minimal "off" feeling in time, and placement, but it feels "REAL" in a highly charged moment. a quick "snapshot" if you will , to take down the enemy. using no icons/text for anything just helps for me in the "you're really there " environment. with all the tiny variables of without key icons, just lends itself to the realism. funny. i REALLy dislike many of the options/upgrades of the game at first, but when i hooked up track-IR to ARMA, it i stopped noticing the "detrimental" effects, and started noticing them in a "real life" like awareness.

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Here are a few things I would have liked to hear while I was pondering the idea of buying TrackIR, mostly about the time and effort it takes to adjust to using it, but also about the benefits that can be appreciated without taking months of practice.

Now I only got it recently and my learning experience with it is in ArmA exclusively. I was really expecting a tough adjustment phase with constant risk of motion sickness and general difficulty in making my head movement fit my intentions. But, in the begining, the learning went very quick, the first time after about an hour I got a little disoriented and felt dizzy and had to lie down for a bit, I lost track of time, I only meant to use it for about 15 minutes tounge2.gif, so make sure to keep it short the first couple of times. Since then I have had no problems as long as framerates are not too low, but that is always a problem for me. It felt like I got about 80% of the skills learned in that one hour, which was much faster than expected. Since then it has slowed down a little and I am not yet an expert at it - the zoom and lean motions take a bit long for my mind to setup still now after using it for a couple of weeks.

When flying helicopters, at first I was forgetting to look around much at all because my mind wasn't used it being an option, so I had to be pretty deliberate about it at first. I also had a bad habit of looking up when raising the nose to stop a helicopter's forward motion banghead.gif, but that was almost gone after about 3-4h of flying. Now flying with TrackIR is so great, I can actually take a look out the side window while flying low and fast without crashing - well except for in the Ka50 which doesn't seem to have side windows at all, so that one I usually crash while I am trying to find a window to look out of biggrin_o.gif It is also a great help flying helicopters in small spaces, judging the small movements of the helicopter when hovering or flying low and slow and in between obstacles as well as monitoring the progress of loading and unloading troops, all are much improved.

Being on foot using TrackIR was not a good experience at first, only after I had gotten used to it while flying did I really start to appreciate it. But now I am just beginning to think 'how did I ever manage without it'. OFP was a revolution for me because I could turn my head, but without TrackIR, usually I would have to be stationary or at least going in a straight line to use the feature, with TrackIR you do not have to disengage any other controls to look around, the freedom this gives is hard to explain but feels so right once you start to adjust. For instance, while walking along a wall I can have the gun pointed at the far corner further along the wall and the view pointed a little away from the wall, to see more of the open area instead of wasting half the screen-space with a view of the wall, when I pass an opening in the wall I can briefly angle the view towards it while simultaneuosly moving and keeping the gun where I prefer it to be at all times. Or when I am watching something through vegetation most of the time some leaf is just a centimeter too far to the left to get a proper view, but rather than move 30 centimeters only to have it happen again, I can just lean a little to get an intuitive and immediate solution. TrackIR just makes the whole experience so much more immersive for me.

Just a funny note, I tried setting up a player control setup, that uses the head movements to fly a helicopter by mapping the collective, rudder and cyclic controls to the equivalent head movements...now THAT can give you motion sickness, it is also extremely hard to land like that biggrin_o.gif ...I stopped playing around with it very quickly since it was reinforcing my bad habit of looking up when slowing down.

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Also if anyone is not sure if TIR will be suitable for them, if you purchase directly from Naturalpoint they offer a 30 day return all it will cost you is the P&P both ways and they will refund the item costs back to you.

I know TIR may sound / look like a gimmick that you can do without, but I am sure once you have the opportunity to try using one and adapt yourself to a new dimension of game control, you like many others will come to the same conclusion that you just don't know why you never got one sooner smile_o.gif

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I have written a small review of trackIR use in ArmA. It also includes a 150mb 27 min. long video demonstrating it in the Harrier, Littlebird and in CQB as infantry.



Went to have a looksee but your download is very slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, you need to edit out the crap at the begining no-one needs to know what you have done in the editor that was 38 sec's of wasted time and space, you should keep the video to the facts of your review and I would think that if you did a bit of editing you could easily get your video below the 100mb for youtube.

Once you have a better source I'll take a looksee again and hopefully get to see it all this time.

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