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Shadow NX

RHS release 2

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Here´s another mirror in case the initial one is too slow for someones taste  tounge2.gif

RHS Hinds v1.00 @ofpc.de


i got em finally and they are absolutely orgasmic

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Just played with this for a bit and it seems great so far. absoloutely amazing...... mi-24p is great fun

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Outstanding helicopter addon!

I love it!

This is, what a Hind should look and FEEL in Operation Flashpoint!

Big thx goes to the RHS team.

MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

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weapons *cough* *cough*

How ironic, I believe his exact words were "I'm not gonna add that unless some dumb person complains about it" or something similar.  icon_rolleyes.gif  He's in for a surprise...  rofl.gif

Omg i add it if its so dramatic

Yeah i also forgot to mention that OFP and Resistance is needed to use these...


You're just lazy. nener.gif You gotta work a bit on your PR skills. icon_rolleyes.gif

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This was one of my most awaited addons / mods and its finally here! I have to say - the best chopper addon ever made into OFP! Breathtaking model, amazing textures, perfect effects and sounds!

Thank you RHS and Scars. smile_o.gif

But! - Im gonna report two bugs I found until now ... if I can smile_o.gif :

1 - Script for checking speed of the chopper doesnt count the negative speed (if its the right word) - in example - I fly over 70 km/h backwards (speed<-70), but gear opens. I suggest to add the absolute value function. Example again: @(Abs(speed _chopper))<20

2 - When I fly in some height (for example 70 meters) and I turn off engine it kills me and turns on script for damaged back rotor. I guess you added EngineOff EH which checks choppers altitude and if its too high, turns on the back-rotor-damaged script. I think that command "canMove" works on choppers too, so add a condition, something like ?!(canMove _chopper):something| ... and it should work properly. wink_o.gif

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Hope you guys plan to port these to ArmA, just the thought makes my groin tingle. Good job guys. notworthy.gif

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Played with the hinds a little.

very nice smile_o.gif

I like the side cannon in the "CAS" version, very cool - like in the "9th Company"

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This was one of my most awaited addons / mods and its finally here! I have to say - the best chopper addon ever made into OFP! Breathtaking model, amazing textures, perfect effects and sounds!

Thank you RHS and Scars. smile_o.gif

But! - Im gonna report two bugs I found until now ... if I can smile_o.gif :

1 - Script for checking speed of the chopper doesnt count the negative speed (if its the right word) - in example - I fly over 70 km/h backwards (speed<-70), but gear opens. I suggest to add the absolute value function. Example again: @(Abs(speed _chopper))<20

2 - When I fly in some height (for example 70 meters) and I turn off engine it kills me and turns on script for damaged back rotor. I guess you added EngineOff EH which checks choppers altitude and if its too high, turns on the back-rotor-damaged script. I think that command "canMove" works on choppers too, so add a condition, something like ?!(canMove _chopper):something| ... and it should work properly. wink_o.gif

All fixed, packed up and shipped. smile_o.gif If all goes well there'll be an update released soon. wink_o.gif

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Wouldn't release it too soon, just incase there are anymore bugs, saves us having 3 or 4 versions in one week. Also helps news posters and such keep track of which is the latest version.

All in all, its a very sweet pack.

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This thing sure seems to be able to jam every missile...funny,I don't think there is any helicopter that can do that.

Nice hind yada yada,great work I'll credit Scars for this mostly because it is mostly his work that is showing that I can see,and whats with the flash from behind the rocket pods,the alpha channel is screwed up and its too bright.

Its all great but I can't really see a difference between this and what was in FFUR.

I see ya didn't fix the incorrect lighting area's either.

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This thing sure seems to be able to jam every missile...funny,I don't think there is any helicopter that can do that.

Nice hind yada yada,great work I'll credit Scars for this mostly because it is mostly his work that is showing that I can see,and whats with the flash from behind the rocket pods,the alpha channel is screwed up and its too bright.

Its all great but I can't really see a difference between this and what was in FFUR.

buy some glasses then, sometimes i wonder why i and others involve so many hours in thsis tuff just to get such comments...

A sh*t you know about what we and scars did on the Hind i tell you... mad_o.gif

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Instead of being so negative perhaps you could fill me in on some of the details.

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Didnt know i own anyone a list of who did what...

You know what i and others invest lots of freetime in this stuff and then we hear such smarta** comments... easy to loose temper there.

Ive said it before and say it again sometimes i understand why some stopped the OFP modding.

Just for your record the models had quite some modifications before we received them, they were completely scriptless they had no pilots, they didnt had any of the D variants and also not that much weapon variants...

Maybe play with them for more than five minutes before making such comments... maybe you wil note a bag of things that the FFUR one doesnt have...

There goes the good mood...

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You seem to be expecting positive comments from everybody,that just doesn't happen. Yes I am sure you invested alot of time into it,we'v seen how long you have had it and I congragulate you on its release and all that but what I am getting at in terms of changes is this.

When you jump from version to version then you would want to include a DETAILED list of what has changed would you not? Such as the Franze AH-64,or was it MAS...either way. My comment may seem very negative to you but it is how you took it,I never once said "This addon is a piece of shit." Far from it,its great but that is what I mean,what I mostly see is Scars work here,you didn't give alot of detail as to what the other stuff was so how should I know? Not to mention the scripts are possibly borrowed from other addons,this is not a crime but if so it would not hurt to credit them.

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meyamoti I'll stab you banghead.gif

very good work steve. could u include in the next patch the list of commands that open the pilot/gunner hatch and side doors ?

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difference between this and what was in FFUR

- You can use Hind's without a big mod(ffur).

- You have more than ONE hind.

- You have a different weapon loadouts on each chopper.

- You have nice rhs crew.

That's enough if you ask me. Best thing is that I don't need FFUR or other "Full Mods" to fly a chopper.

MfG Lee icon_rolleyes.gif

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Actually i have absolutly now idea who you are, meyamoti. But i think you never made an addon yourself ... did ya? I also think that feedback is welcome but the way you wrote that sh**-comment is (in my eyes) neither helpfull nor constructive in any way. icon_rolleyes.gif

Really great stuff, RHS notworthy.gif

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they are great animated doors look great for cutscenes i couldnt ask for more except something like ACES but that would be greedy i'm happy with what i have

HH wink_o.gif

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Further proof to read the readme:

Quote[/b] ]

2. Features:

- Automatic landing gear, it raise and lower self depending on height and speed(saves action menu clutter)

- Automatic opening and closing doors

- custom weapon firing effects

- engine startup effects

- night time cockpit dial lights

- flares

- downwash

I believe that's what RHS has added to Scar's Hind. smile_o.gif

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