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Disable the scoreboard in Co-op

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Thought I'd add a bit more here too. Discouraging cheating both by ingame and out of game functions is a big element in any online community. Discouraging it by taking away the honor board system or having the option to remove it is great.

In Il2 there is a function whereby deathkick (e.g you die x amount of times you get kicked from game)

It would be great that if you had a Spawn Kill Kick for people gunning down people within close proximity of their spawn point. A more reliable one would probably be within X many seconds of them spawning into game.

"'X' killed 'X' as they spawned into the game" on the message board with an option to autokick them after X many repeats. Again, just an option, because systems always get abused.

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  (rundll.exe @ Sep. 02 2006,21:50) said:

This is already in crCTI : Statisitics at end of game (and during game for your team)

Ah, I figured that it might be possible to add those to OFP. Great to hear that crCTI has actually done that. It would be nice if they added it to arma as standard.

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  (EiZei @ Sep. 02 2006,18:35) said:
Or an option to disable those "x killed x"

That would also be good for hiding the embarassment of all the friendly fire incidents we get on our server  biggrin_o.gif

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don't disable the scoreboard tounge2.gif make it optional for servers to show scoreboard during the game or not, also what if you play the cti mode and the game doesn't end in hours but it takes days and you might not have time to go into the server and play there everyday so then it would be nice to quickly glance at the scores for teams and such before you leave the game to go to sleep or work or whatever wink_o.gif

also about team play i think ofp would gain from if they had Bf 2's system that medics and engineers that heal or repair their comrades or comrades vehicles could get some score for it. Or for successfully transporting a bunch of comrades from point A to be safely could get some sort of score for too. just my thoughts, peace out! smile_o.gif

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I think a return of a "Golden Eye" score board would be welcome. For example, "most dishonorable player" (for shooting unarmed civilians etc, and "poorest shot".

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I think you can null all players scores by scripting. Therefore there is no need to disable the scoreboard. I like the idea!

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  (VISTREL @ Sep. 03 2006,17:35) said:
I think you can null all players scores by scripting. Therefore there is no need to disable the scoreboard. I like the idea!

There may be no need for BIS to include the option, that doesn't mean it wouldn't be the best solution. It would be easier for everyone in the long term for the option to be included in the game rather than by scripts. It's not something which is hard to code, it would take less time for a BIS programmer to write than it would for a community member to write and setup the script! smile_o.gif

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Everytime somebody says 'oh it can be done by scripts' it forces out the other 75% of the people that have no interest in scripting at all.

I have a busy life, I don't really want to learn a million and one 'scripts'

I spose i've now got a vocal advocate status since this is my fourth post, but there are I suppose numerous variables that the host could use in how to display stats that go towards giving the option to the server host to discourage the use of their server by people just out to run the community down with infantile behaviour. I don't think that giving them any sort of recognition/boasting point helps at all (If the server doesn't want that sort of activity). Eventually they go off and find a server that does show their stats. Which is good for everyone.

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Its too bad that OFPs engine cant handle "stats" scrips due to the lag it creates. I always thought stats on Total Bullets Hit /Split/ with Total Bullets Fired would a great feature to see how accurate you acually are with your rifle. Same goes with LAWs fired and LAWs hit. A single kills count is only intressting when playing Deathmatches.

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  (Chunder @ Sep. 04 2006,05:31) said:
Everytime somebody says 'oh it can be done by scripts' it forces out the other 75% of the people that have no interest in scripting at all.

I have a busy life, I don't really want to learn a million and one 'scripts'

I spose i've now got a vocal advocate status since this is my fourth post, but there are I suppose numerous variables that the host could use in how to display stats that go towards giving the option to the server host to discourage the use of their server by people just out to run the community down with infantile behaviour. I don't think that giving them any sort of recognition/boasting point helps at all (If the server doesn't want that sort of activity). Eventually they go off and find a server that does show their stats. Which is good for everyone.


I know scripts are powerful and useful but each script that becomes mandatory to make the game how you want it just adds and adds to the complexity and technical hurdles to playing a good game of ArmA.

And nulling the scores via a script doesn't make this issue moot in the slightest. What if you want stats at the end but not during the mission? Yeah, whoops, oversight.

As the person above me said, a better and more detailed handling of stats would please a lot of people.

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I have a solution!

Don't look at the scoreboard! yay.gif

The things some people want out of BIS make me go banghead.gif

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That doesn't prevent others from using it against you or some moron going rambo to get the best scores in a coop. You shouldn't magically know who you killed or get a confirmation if you killed someone behind a bush or so far away that you can't really tell. Or know exactly who, when, how many and what kinds of targets the opposing side have killed or destroyed. That's just bullshit.

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well its a really hard question and im sure its also hard to be a jury for this one.

For coop it might be good to remove the score boards confused_o.gif (not that i want, but it would be more realistic)

scoreboards can be a way to cheat..

example: (i already did it myselfe)

when you detect a soldier far and you cant visu, you start fire and you keep looking to your score boards, if you kill him you win a point.. im sure thats a way of cheating

hope bis make the right decision on this question. wink_o.gif

edit1: #vote remove scoreboards on multiplayer coop

edit2: maybe a score board for Tkers only? biggrin_o.gif

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I agree on removing the scoreboard in coop. It has helped a lot in other games (i.e. Quake2 mod DDay: Normandy)

But with SCORE in mind, i had this idea (i bet this is an old one, but still gonna say it). The team kills/losses should be switched with LIVES. Each player is given a certain amount of lives in the beginning, and if you waste them carelessly, then it's your own problem. Much better than some rambo adding score to the opposing team by running into battle..

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With a scoreboard, what ever gamemode it is, players will see his score and other people scores. It will result in competition because the player will want to have a better score than another player.

Cooperative is not about score, it's about teamplay.

That's why i always been against scoreboard also in adversial game where teams are figthing each other. Scoreboard is just good for deathmatch. If you play team deathmatch then play for your team, not for you score.

Nowadays Devs don't do much player psychology, that's why current games are under level from the past game.

Developpers mainly think about "how it would look cool ?", "how it would pwn ?". They don't think anymore about "what will they be able to do with this ?" "And if this happen ?".

It's very important to know how players will react to what the game do.

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If you disable the scoreboard you have to disable the "xxx killed xxx" messages too. Otherwise it would be pretty useless.

But somehow seeing this message in the advantage of youself gives a bit of statisfaction in games.. So I dont know about it. A server setting with those two options separated would be the best option I think.

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  (rundll.exe @ Oct. 02 2006,16:17) said:
If you disable the scoreboard you have to disable the "xxx killed xxx" messages too. Otherwise it would be pretty useless.

But somehow seeing this message in the advantage of youself gives a bit of statisfaction in games.. So I dont know about it. A server setting with those two options separated would be the best option I think.

Not many of those messages in coop, mate smile_o.gif

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  (Espectro @ Oct. 02 2006,20:15) said:
  (rundll.exe @ Oct. 02 2006,16:17) said:
If you disable the scoreboard you have to disable the "xxx killed xxx" messages too. Otherwise it would be pretty useless.

But somehow seeing this message in the advantage of youself gives a bit of statisfaction in games.. So I dont know about it. A server setting with those two options separated would be the best option I think.

Not many of those messages in coop, mate smile_o.gif


that option should be on, cause we might have some smart ass tking all people and we need hes id to kick, ban, kill, punch, spit and fart on hes face. smile_o.gif


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In co-op you are facing AI not players. The message only appears when you kill another player.

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