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Jonny´s ACU SF´s

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Any plans for a expansion of this pack with woodland area units?

And how is the progress of the dude who was making MARPAT force recon out of these fellas.

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hmm the force recons are still in work but i think they aren´t ready in the near future.

But I´ve started working on multicam versions a few days ago and they are already in a quite high stage of developement.

Small crappy picture:


But i dont know if they are getting released for ofp.

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AFAIK jonny passed on the multicam guys to focus on some USMC stuff (feel free to correct me jonny) but check the above thread for updates on them via the rest of the ofp gov' guys...

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well i had some fun with converting my units to be pmc´s a while ago but as HH already said iam focusing on some diffrent projects for Arma atm.

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Something to finally say goodbye to OFP   tounge2.gif

OMG D3lt4 11!!1 0per4tor with his new Bedroom camouflage


well time to go to bed i think banghead.gif

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