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Guys, i saw actual screens maybe 20 minutes ago and i am impressed of course. But there is litle problem.

As you can see here: screen 1 soldier in grass is lighting from there so you cant omit him.

Thats the problem because Northern forces have standart woodland so they will have advantage in stealth causes.

Yes, you can argue that US ARMY have exactly this uniforms so its correct and realistic. 1st problem: But real ACU uniforms are dimmer as you can see here: Screen 2

And next 2nd problem: is in used sample itself. Cause you got some graphic filtering (bilinear, trilinear etc) what makes texture fuzzy. So sample effect on uniform is unavailing. I dont have so high-end pc to set details on MAX. So thats why i am afraid little bit.

Camo effect simply disappear = impact on gameplay especially in multiplayer.

Sorry for my bad english.

what do you think? confused_o.gif

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hmm i think the point of the picture is.

the picture is saying "you cannot see thru the grass at its thickest part".obviously if this guy had woodland the picture would not say this ,but rather would ask a question instead "am i able to see thru the grass or is the camo so good it appears i cannot ?"

p.s .also dont discount other camo changes and alternative combat dress in final release wink_o.gif.

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yes, but in multiplayer you will have advantage with woodland camo cause parts of your body will be "green" in green grass.

US guy will be "yellow" in green grass.

thats disadvantage dont you think? huh.gif

and yes: i hope it will be changed to correct form

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yes i would totaly agree .

but again i must say that tthe picture is not there for camo, but for the grass wink_o.gif.

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yes i would totaly agree .

but again i must say that tthe picture is not there for camo, but for the grass wink_o.gif.

oh yes, finaly. I do understand that now. wink_o.gif

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On the other hand US troops have an advantage on desert terrain wink_o.gif.

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And the US could possibly have an advantage in NVGs, communications, intel, air superiority, or something that would even things out.

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Balance is a job for the mission designer and not the model artists. So the US soldiers have a disadvantage in woodland. Well, bummer. They probably got some other advantage someplace else, if it's a good-designed mission. In OFP we had something similar, like BMPvs M113, but those things are sorted out by the mission designer. smile_o.gif

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Erm, and if you look at the hordes of other ArmA picture, you'll probably notice that US troops also wears woodland camo...so the moral is, if you are stupid enough to hide in woodland with desert camo, your fault, if your stupid enough to hide in desert with woodland camo, also your fault. Can't expect the units to change camo every time their enviroment changes... whistle.gif

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Guys. ACU is very good camoflauge in woods too! But in ArmA isn't good. Thats all.

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Erm, and if you look at the hordes of other ArmA picture, you'll probably notice that US troops also wears woodland camo...so the moral is, if you are stupid enough to hide in woodland with desert camo, your fault, if your stupid enough to hide in desert with woodland camo, also your fault. Can't expect the units to change camo every time their enviroment changes... whistle.gif

I see only one ACU camouflage. Can you please show me that woodland US camo?

ACU is uniform to ALL terains, something like a MultiCam.

So i dont want to hear "US will have advantages on desert and Northern forces in woods" i am talking about bad texture what make you soldier almost yellow what is wrong cause in ACU you should be camoflaged in ALL TERAINS that what is ACU done for - copy that?

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I would guess an appropriate mod would appear about 3 minutes after the game goes out on sale wink_o.gif

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Erm, and if you look at the hordes of other ArmA picture, you'll probably notice that US troops also wears woodland camo...so the moral is, if you are stupid enough to hide in woodland with desert camo, your fault, if your stupid enough to hide in desert with woodland camo, also your fault. Can't expect the units to change camo every time their enviroment changes... whistle.gif

I see only one ACU camouflage. Can you please show me that woodland US camo?

ACU is uniform to ALL terains, something like a MultiCam.

So i dont want to hear "US will have advantages on desert and Northern forces in woods" i am talking about bad texture what make you soldier almost yellow what is wrong cause in ACU you should be camoflaged in ALL TERAINS that what is ACU done for - copy that?

yes, on older screens are desert uniforms thats right, bud i am talking about different colors than should be on ACU uniform - that buddy in grass have ACU but that ACU didn't working good:)

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The ACU camo ain't the best camo for all terrains.. it's merely the best compromise which should work on as many different terrains as possible. The northern Sahrani camo being much better is logical, actually anything else would be stupid. Their camo is designed for the Sahrani terrain.

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Erm, and if you look at the hordes of other ArmA picture, you'll probably notice that US troops also wears woodland camo...so the moral is, if you are stupid enough to hide in woodland with desert camo, your fault, if your stupid enough to hide in desert with woodland camo, also your fault. Can't expect the units to change camo every time their enviroment changes... whistle.gif

I see only one ACU camouflage. Can you please show me that woodland US camo?

ACU is uniform to ALL terains, something like a MultiCam.

So i dont want to hear "US will have advantages on desert and Northern forces in woods" i am talking about bad texture what make you soldier almost yellow what is wrong cause in ACU you should be camoflaged in ALL TERAINS that what is ACU done for - copy that?

In my experience (know a few fellers who use ACU in airsoft) it sure is a pattern that fits everywhere - badly. Maybe rocky enviroment would be it's strongest.

But then again, you can hide in woodland wearing snow camo no problem if you're skilled enough and don't run around all the time shouting "I'm here! I'm here!". Simulating that in game would be quite hard though, but OFP, unlike many other FPS games, allowing you to move your head instead of rotate around completely - is quite good already.

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Erm, and if you look at the hordes of other ArmA picture, you'll probably notice that US troops also wears woodland camo...so the moral is, if you are stupid enough to hide in woodland with desert camo, your fault, if your stupid enough to hide in desert with woodland camo, also your fault. Can't expect the units to change camo every time their enviroment changes... whistle.gif

I see only one ACU camouflage. Can you please show me that woodland US camo?

ACU is uniform to ALL terains, something like a MultiCam.

So i dont want to hear "US will have advantages on desert and Northern forces in woods" i am talking about bad texture what make you soldier almost yellow what is wrong cause in ACU you should be camoflaged in ALL TERAINS that what is ACU done for - copy that?

In my experience (know a few fellers who use ACU in airsoft) it sure is a pattern that fits everywhere - badly. Maybe rocky enviroment would be it's strongest.

But then again, you can hide in woodland wearing snow camo no problem if you're skilled enough and don't run around all the time shouting "I'm here! I'm here!". Simulating that in game would be quite hard though, but OFP, unlike many other FPS games, allowing you to move your head instead of rotate around completely - is quite good already.

but compare this picture with soldier in grass - i dont sayd that camo of ACU is perfect in woods but its much better than that "ACU" in ArmA... banghead.gif

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but compare this picture with soldier in grass - i dont sayd that camo of ACU is perfect in woods but its much better than that "ACU" in ArmA... banghead.gif

Well i guess that its (near to) impossible to simulate how ACU works, but its not really a problem IMO tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I see only one ACU camouflage. Can you please show me that woodland US camo?

ACU is uniform to ALL terains, something like a MultiCam.

So i dont want to hear "US will have advantages on desert and Northern forces in woods" i am talking about bad texture what make you soldier almost yellow what is wrong cause in ACU you should be camoflaged in ALL TERAINS that what is ACU done for - copy that?

No I can't show you that woodland camo, cause I've got the picture on my HDD, and I'm not gonna upload it somewhere just to show it. If you just look at early pictures of ArmA you'll see US soldier wearing woodland camo on nearly every single one.

One thing I wonder about is, how can you actually say that the unit is wearing ACU? You can barely see the guy, so I really doubt you're able to see wether he is butt naked or wearing ACU or any other clothes... whistle.gif

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I think BIS' ACU is fine...

In this pic you can tell by the soldiers shadow that the sun is pretty low and there's at least very thin cloud cover so naturally the ACU looks darker.

This pic shows the prototype ACU, newer one is more tan/green.

Also the uniforms in ArmA shouldn't look brand new. Uniforms tend to get dusty and faded with wear, I think BIS did a good job showing it.

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What he's saying (in VERY broken english) is the ACU is modelled incorrectly. ACU in the game doesn't look like ACU in real life. ACU in real life is not the best pattern and it is not perfect everywhere; it works best in semi airid regions and also URBAN.

It's rather hard to say whether the ACU game is totally off base when it comes to recreating the real uniform because every picture of ACU looks wildly different.




Yes the in game uniform looks very yellowish compared to a regular photo. Keep in mind two things:

1. The whole game looks very yellow! This seems to be the 'in' thing to do with game developers using post-processing. Take the game GRAW for example with and without this yellowish post processing:



I've tried both in GRAW, exact same scene with and without post processing. Without looks more photoreal, with looks more 'cinematic.'

2. The ACU uniform is designed to get dirty. You look like the terrain when you're wearing most of it. A factory clean ACU uniform may look out of place, but it's supposed to get dirt on it.

And this "impossible" to recreate how ACU works sounds rediculous. It's a texture. It doesn't matter that it is very fine grain, far away it has a "super pattern" so even a low res texture over a far LOD model of a soldier should still work. Granted maybe it reacts to light in weird ways like some colors reflecting more or less light by design. That would be difficult to recreate without a reflectivity map that corresponded to the pattern.

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At the GRAW piccies: Why the hell do you post process things then? It looks a lot better without post process. crazy_o.gif

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I guess the second picture is the post processed one...and honestly, as dmakatra said, it looks shite... whistle.gif

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ACU stands out in real life too. So it's all good. Maybe the SF will use a different camo (i think they use multicam? don't know so correct me if i'm wrong).

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ACU stands out in real life too. So it's all good. Maybe the SF will use a different camo (i think they use multicam? don't know so correct me if i'm wrong).

I've never seen any US military personnel wearing MultiCam, but maybe a few SF operators buy it on their own. Still, not a good idea to wear a different uniform than the rest of the US forces. I doubt SF uses MultiCam.

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"What he's saying (in VERY broken english) is the ACU is modelled incorrectly. ACU in the game doesn't look like ACU in real life. ACU in real life is not the best pattern and it is not perfect everywhere; it works best in semi airid regions and also URBAN..." etc

Yeah, you are right, posprocesing. But what can BIS do with it to balance woodland fighting in multiplayer?


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