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sorry it wasnt well described - for DAC configs i meant to exchange the classes there with global variables:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;



_Unit_Pool_T = []

_Unit_Pool_A = []

_Unit_Pool_C = ["\VTE_objects\VC.pac","CampEast","Shed",[100,3]]

and move their definition into VTD014.seb_iadrang\main\globals.sqs

, so that this files contains all class definitions for infantry, vehicles and weapons.

about array:

its not very visible in the code block i posted,

the idea is to have different amount of spaces between each object, like

...=["a"-,"b"--,"c"---, ...]

so like always one more. as you can identify a specific column by this.

(find me "something" followed by three spaces and a comma)

yet maybe the tabs are the easier way to go.

excel reads tabs as new column.

so you can copy the whole column number X into another file.

do the replacement and put it back into the file overwritting just that one column.

hope its more clear now  smile_o.gif


the arrays i speak of not only contain a set of classes.

then there is no need if the type is all the same, but take this for example:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_M60 = [ Localize "STRM60MG" ,30 ,zeusPrimary ,west ,"WGL_M60" ,2 ,"\dtaExt\equip\w\w_m60" ,"WGL_M60Mag" ,10 ,2 ,[] ] call fAddWeapon

it contains the name, the weapon class and the magazine.

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Now I (hope I) understand smile_o.gif

For the DAC_config, I'll do it, but maybe better, to fill it by script, not by hand. I get the arrays, from my globals.sqs and fill them into appropriate DAC _Unit_Pool arrays. Well, not that simple, just a rough idea.

About the arrays, I think now I get it, but not sure. It's beyond my (current) scripting ability (not the implementation but the "ps" part), but I'll look at it. I know that it's an example, but what does the Localize do?

EDIT: a not so idea of mine about DAC _Unit_Pool, since the array will be reset to empty if I fill it only by script. You were right that I have to put some var in it. I can set, say:

_Unit_Pool = some_other_array

and I fill that array with what I want. A bit chaotic thinking, but hope understandable smile_o.gif

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sorry again. it didnt wanna suggest or incourage you to use this kind of arrays - it was only to make the example more clear.

if the classes are properly named (unlike BIS ones (m60 - tank, weapon, ammo - also used as marker name by some ppl)), there is no need to make the replacement context based.

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In the meantime, I understood what you meant to say about array spacing. It'll be done.

Also will do the DAC units by reference.

I'm traveling today, so I'll continue after weekend.

Appreciate your help smile_o.gif

EDIT: progress is going ok, but some nasty things remained, but I think I'm able to handle all of it. Release hopeful in about 2 weeks.

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looking FORWARD to it biggrin_o.gif

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GDCE sounds very cool to me, i thing dynamic missions and campaigns are magic as they are so much better than regular missions. Hope to see it released, Good Luck!

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Glad about the support.

I had an idea while traveling. GDCE is now created by a "one man group" named Frontline Assembly. I hope in time, the "group" will expand. I know it's silly to make a one man group but I just liked the name. So if someone joins in the future, let it be known, he'll be part of the Frontline Assembly biggrin_o.gif .

No webpage, hierachy, philosophy, just a name.

BTW Got the idea from an industrial band.

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Yeah...sounds realy interesting. I think i take it for my upcoming campaign.

Good luck with this project, kutya smile_o.gif

See ya

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Progress is OK, but having some problems with arty. For the first release, it probably won't be perfect. Currently all gameplay important things work (accuracy, wind etc.), but the visuals are crap. You hear the arty shooting, but no anims and targeting. You probably won't even notice this, since the arty is positioned near your base, and when you call their support, most probably you're far away, and watching where the shells will fall. This is just a visual issue. If the arty gets destroyed, you'll have to wait until resupply arrives.

Another not-so-big problem is that I need much more diverse units than the default BIS ones. This means that when you need to go on a mission to kill enemy SF, all are Spetznaz. Since no BIS arty, arty is replaced by tanks.  When you call SF support all are the Same Black Ops (unlike in VTD where with VTE came a complete SF squad). This doesn't mean you can't convert it otherwise. I made it that in the array of possible units currently is just a Spetznaz unit, but if you put, let's say 17 variations in the array, the game will automatically choose a random one. I know I could include more addons, but I intend this to make an addon-free version to build real version upon this. Well, just JAM3 and the Mapfact rucksack.

These are the biggest issues. If someone has ideas, feel free to share them smile_o.gif

BTW remaining a couple of (tough to implement) mission types, some logistical scripts, and the documentation. Probably will release a beta first, just for testing purposes and the full version will come later. Full version release time will be related to the beta bug feedback.

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Your mission seems to progress very nice, looking forward to see the changes you made, specially looking forward to new mission principles. smile_o.gif

Having the artillery present on the map is also very interesting, specially when the roaming DAC troops can take it out once they pass by.

I think making the first version with BIS only troops is a very good step, it should be quite easy to convert it to other troops later on, specially since you have started working with arrays for the troop definitions.

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The last thing I worked on is the defend mission. I've managed to make a workaround for rotating markers, so it's now possible to dynamically do something like this:

Defend mission

You just place 2 logics (as earlier): the defend location, and the central are where the enemy will come from. All other is generated. The workaround is a bit bulky, but gets the job done. It's used in a couple of places.

Also made an ambush convoy mission. Similar to the old ambush, but in this one, it's supply trucks, some armed protection, and a truck carrying a squad. If they get away, the mission fails. The beauty of it is that you set up the whole ambush place by setting 3 markers. Ok, I know the old one had 2, but this is more detailed. If you set up the markers correctly, a script places the whole convoy correctly on the road (if there's any). Some other missions also on the way.

The markers are also in arrays like the units, so you can extend the number of locations (or decrease). You can also disable, enable, force a mission type by setting a single variable. Tried to make everything as flexible as my time and will allows. Altough starters should probably first try out the DMA template, because it's easier to get the hang of. Once you're familiar with DAC and the DMA template, it's easy to convert this.

The progress is good, because in the past 2 months I did almost nothing else than this. Not exactly but...

I fear of stability issues after long gameplay, because I will almost surely forget to delete some units after each mission, so they'll probably pile up... (hoping to avoid this) and also of scripts bugged in an endless loop.

I know I talk too much, but this forum gives me the motivation to keep doing this. Bye!

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Bad news: I'm playing a VTD 0.14 campaign, and a I'm not able to resume it (colligpip warned me of this). Played about 10 missions, saved 3-4 times at the soldier. Now when I try to resume, the game crashes, and says something about a 'no entry' in retrieving some variable. I suppose it's the save game bug, of which I don't know much about. I don't know if this happens with the DMA template also. But if VTD does it, GDCE surely will. I would REALLY like some help about this, because all my work falls apart if I can't solve this. confused_o.gif

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well you could post the savegame here so that people could have a look.

if its the problem, you have to many global variables (AFAIK).

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I'll post it soon.

Probably that's the case. The save folder is around 4.7mb. Probably because I've combined the DMA template with DAC. And I've even expanded on VTD... Any workaround? I wouldn't like that all this was just for nothing. It's fun to play generated missions, but I think it has much more immersion if you play them in a campaign way.

Does anyone know, will this be solved in ArmA?

Or I could exclude DAC, but then the patrols would be much more predictable.

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Here's the save game:

save game

(it's a VTD 0.141 savegame so you'll need VTE 0.2)

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well you can still play each mission in one go, cant you ?

also an idea would be to "nullify" certain variables before you do a save (via radio ie).

i would do some more testing first - if it happens instantly after playing, playing for a longer time, if it even happens again, etc

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Quote[/b] ]I don't know if this happens with the DMA template also.

As far as I know the template code, there is no looping scripts that run throughout the mission, so once a mission is complete there is not much to be saved, only the units present on the map, but no running scripts. So no problem there (the same with the Dynamic Afghanistan missions).

But since you introduced the DAC to the principle there are much more factors to be saved. I dont know if you also added looping scripts that run throughout the mission, that could also bug the save.

As for the new mission principles, I like the new variations. Speciall the convoy ambush which is a nice variation. I also thought of including such a new variation, only slightly different using the present gamelogics or markers on the map. New defense variation is also nice, giving the Opfor the possibility of flanking the player, but will be trickier to place the defense location so that the player doesnt see the spawning of the troops.

Looking forward to your misison, and even if the save doesnt work I would still persue the mission since it still can be played in one go as Q mentioned (maybe release a DAC-less version for those who want to save).

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Glad that you guys giving help smile_o.gif

What demoralises me, that I had even plans for GDCE 2 which now seem unachievable. I had an idea to personalize the soldiers. They start as rookies, and if they live long enough and kill enough, they gain skill. So you need to care for them even more. This isn't so hard, as I tried to keep the mission opposition to a reasonable level. Nothing frustrates me more in OFP missions, like when you are a regular soldier and you have to kill single-haded a whole opposing army (also Red Hammer and Resistance). Also thought about something like a killing board (who is the meanest MF in the squad) KIA list etc. and some more statistic like supply will arive in how many days, and some other calculations. All through resources (I think cutRsc). I think it could be done (if no save prob). Maybe with ArmA.

@Q: yeah, you can play it in one go, but it takes much time.

The nullifying I didn't understand. Sorry, not much experience.

The mission plays & loads nicely. In this case I loaded about 4-5 times I think. I think I spent about 3 hours ingame, when this occured (a very rough estimate).

@honchoblack: the only looping that may be going is when you save is the flares script (you order the squad to light the sky), and I end it when trying to save. But maybe there is another somewhere that doesn't stop, of which I'm unaware of.

About the defense mision. It's present in the DMA template, I just reworked it (added the markers, a bit different spawn, and gameplay). Not only the spawn visibiliy is the prob. You have to avoid water areas also. Altough if you look at the script (a little geometry), you'll know where to expect the spawn points. Also added a "wait for enemy" in defence and ambush missions, to simulate that you didn't arrive just in time (and also to give you time to prepare  wink_o.gif ).

Also didn't try out vanilla DAC. I don't know maybe it can't be saved/loaded too many times, as it's (by my knowledge) intended for regular missions where you save 1-2 times.

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If the prob will not be solved: I'll make DAC optional. VTD and GDCE are already made that way. You have 2 versions of one script. One is using DAC and the other bypassing it. But I'd like to use DAC.

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Depending on what exactly you want to save, you could try Sinews of War saving. You won't be able to save the DAC information, so everytime you load, DAC will initialise again. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as it can make things less predictable.

Good luck with GDCE, it sounds like a very impressive project smile_o.gif

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Thanks tacrod!

I saw it in some of the DMA works, but seemed complex to me. But surely will try that. I agree with you about initialising DAC on every load.

BTW Some of the features are already implemented in VTD 0.14 so if someone's interested, it can be seen as a preview to GDCE. For example: the base is resupplied there also. After some (predefined) time all (predefined) objects are reset to their initial condition, and 2 pilots drive away in a heli or plane (to simulate the resupplying). But since (I suppose) not many people play VTD it probably isn't discovered. Some other stuff also there. But on most of these, GDCE will improve (like the arty).

Because of the saving problem, the progress percentage may be inaccurate. It is progress made with the current saving script.

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Just a small change: artillery will do everything, except you won't see them firing the shells (targeting is now ok). If I'll have the time&will, I'll try to implement an universal shell removal from the turret (because the default M1A1 arty smile_o.gif will be surely changed in every conversion). Arty respawn with base will be also in.

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GDCE is taking shape as the final steps are done. First to comment myself about what is achieved:

Quote[/b] ]Here are the almost definitive features of GDCE:

 - completely new behavior of units called and encountered (compared to VTD)  *CHECK* should be working ok

 - realistic radio use (new)  *CHECK* exactly what I meant to do

 - resupplying the base by schedule (VTD improved) *CHECK* should be flawless

 - 14 mission types with some variations (VTD improved + more) *PARTIAL* well, 13 and 17 with variations (maybe will do even more)

 - included DAC for unpredictability (as in VTD until new DAC) *PARTIAL* it's in, but we'll see about the future

 - 6 types of support via radio (new) *CHECK* just what I wanted to do

 - evacuate KIA and heal by MedEvac (VTD improved) *CHECK* done, but not much improvement (until I find some good troop carrying addon)

 - dynamic briefing (VTD) *CHECK* same as before, just added content for new missions

 - survival handbook in briefing (new) *PARTIAL* yet undone but will do

 - logical time progression (VTD improved) *CHECK* same until some suggestions arrive (because I'm satisfied with current)

 - JAM3 compatibility (VTD) *CHECK* yes

 - insertion, reinsertion, extraction by helicopters (VTD improved) *CHECK* done

 - intelligent rearming (VTD) *CHECK* done

 - realistic support communication (VTD improved) *CHECK* done

 - found a workaround for the OFP >7km waypoint problem (VTD improved) *CHECK* done, altough have a minor glitch

features for mission editors:

 - all things needed to change in 4-5 files (and no need to search through a messy code) *CHECK* done: 4 files + here and there what I probably didn't notice

 - (mostly) understandable commenting of code *OPEN* you tell this

 - editing manual *PARTIAL* will do

 - MANY definable variables which change gameplay *CHECK* hope, you'll be satisfied

 - if you know to use DAC and you're into scripting, you'll be able to convert this to your mod in about 1-2 days! *CHECK* I hope, yes

 - fully customizable markers (number of markers for certain mission types, number of cities etc.) *CHECK* definitive

CoC UA won't be implemented (this would be a *FAIL*) mostly because it would reduce flexibility, as you hardly convert to new units, and there's a bug which crashes the game after long gameplay.

What I said about the arty I developed, all is done:

- on map

- destructible

- respawnable

- if destroyed, unavailable until resupply (respawn)

- hear them firing, see them targeting, but don't see firing (a bit confusing) - maybe will solve the firing until release

- min/max range, accuracy decreases with range, wind effect, shell flight time * but bear in mind all these are just basic scripts to add to realism (but probably far from it)

If you call ground support or SF support and you're not too far, they will come onfoot/ground and if you're far away, they'll insert by heli.

The only major thing that remains unsolved is saving. I'll try to implement the SoW saving ,but no promises, especially because I know NOTHING about MP scripting. But as tacrod suggested, you'll be able to choose if you want to run DAC.



BTW adding new missions, does not change almost anything in the rest of the scripts, just the mission choice script.

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Almost finished. At least the beta. Writing docs, polishing & testing.

Actually the beta will be roughly about 80-90% of the full v1.00 release. Most importantly, the beta will be west only, while the full version will have west and east variations also. Also (hoping) bug reports will enhance the full release. The beta won't have the SoW saving, but the full may have it.

Don't expect too much, this will be a beta. In a couple of days.

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