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GDCE related

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hi kutya,

everything sounds very interesting.

I hope we can try it out soon. smile_o.gif

Will you further pursue this concept under ArmA?



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Hi Silola!

It depends on some factors I don't know yet. I'm finishing my education, so don't know what'll do after and don't know how will ArmA run on my comp. Other than that (or bus accident, meteor etc.) I'll surely continue. The major thing is that I hope this saving issue will be solved, so a real campaign can be made with all the bells and whistles smile_o.gif

Just played my first mission, and died like crap, because used to Vietnam density and not to open places. On the first look it seems playable, it's just rough on the edges. I think next week is release day.

Bye, and best wishes on DAC smile_o.gif

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I was thinking about the survival handbook. I meant it as an ingame guide on missions, weapons, tactics and generally the functioning of the mission. I have lost the will to write it because of two reasons:

  1. it would be lot of work to do, and probably almost noone would read it

  2. this is a generic campaign, so with every conversion the handbook should be rewritten. This way it is open to the mission editing person, what will he do with the notes section of the briefing. When I'll do some conversion, maybe I'll include it.

If someone thinks otherwise, share the opinions.

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I saw it in some of the DMA works, but seemed complex to me.

Saving is really very simple with SoW. PM me if you need a hand with it. Once your learn how to load and save one value, the rest is very easy.

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Okay, will try. I just need time to look at it's functioning so I'll ask later, just not to ask obvious to answer questions. Bye!

BTW @everyone: for the beta release don't expect that it will be ready for conversion, it will probably have lots of bugs since I really can't track them all. That's why is a beta smile_o.gif. This will be just for you helping me whistle.gif

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Work finished smile_o.gif

Remains testing and I'll try to implement SoW saving when I get home.

As I said, release this week biggrin_o.gif

@colligpip: glad for your offer. I hope many people will beta test this smile_o.gif The more, sooner the full release.

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Just had the idea that, theoretically GDCE could be also converted to a tank commander, heli pilot or fighter/bomber campaign, altough many mission types would be needed turned off. And others modified. But I think it's possible.

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