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GDCE related

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For info, read below the download links (marked with "***").

Download links:

* GDCE (default):



This thread

sides: US Army VS. Soviet Army (default JAM3 units)

date: around 1980.

map: Everon

addons needed: JAM3, Mapfact rucksack and CTI markers (included).

version of DAC used: currently 1.0(optional)

description: the first real GDCE to be released.

* Vietnam Tour of Duty v0.141



  Ofp.4players(thanks to Imutep and Ofp.4players)

sides: US Army VS. Vietcong and North Vietnam Army

date: around 1968.

map: SEB Ia Drang

addons needed: VTE v0.2 and CTI markers.

version of GDCE used: pre GDCE

version of DAC used: 1.0

description: just a small update on top of VTD 0.14. I got a permission from MI_Fred to include one of his pictures.

* Vietnam Tour of Duty v0.14




  mirror (thanks to Imutep and Ofp.4players):


sides: US Army VS. Vietcong and North Vietnam Army

date: around 1968.

map: SEB Ia Drang

addons needed: VTE v0.2 and CTI markers.

version of GDCE used: pre GDCE

version of DAC used: 1.0

description: this is the base of GDCE. It has a long history: there was CoIn by Tacrod. Sanctuary modified it to become the DMA Dynamic War Template. I converted it to using SEBNamPack2 and named it Ia Drang Tour of Duty. After much work it became the Vietnam Tour of Duty, altough in this (latest) version, it only uses one phase on Ia Drang island again. But there are many new features and it's much more stable than VTD v0.12

* Vietnam Tour of Duty v0.12




  mirror (thanks to Imutep and Ofp.4players):


  mirror (thanks to Tacrod):


sides: US Army VS. Vietcong and North Vietnam Army

date: around 1968.

map: A Shau Valley, The Bra

addons needed: VTE v0.2 and CTI markers.

version of GDCE used: pre GDCE

version of DAC used: 1.0

description: the version of VTD which is a campagin and on 2 islands. If you want to play VTD, this version is play oriented, altough it has much more bugs than VTD v0.14. Also some features are missing that are implemented in VTD v0.14

*** GDCE info starts here


Generic Dynamic Campaign Engine

What's this post about?


In the first hand this post may seem a bit awkward, but I thought about the best structure I could and came to this. Every time a new version will be made, it will be updated in the above 'download links' section and also this readme will be probably modified by time. The future posts will be info on new versions, conversions and ( I hope smile_o.gif ) other people's comments, questions etc. This should be a meeting place for all future GDCE related work. For now I'm doing this alone, but I hope that with time, some people will join and help making this a good base for dynamic campaigns.



My idea is to make a generic dynamic campagin, which uses only OFP Resistance v1.96, but to make it really easy to convert to using other addons. But it does not mean that you only change the soldier you are playing with. It goes to some detail doing this. To best understand what I try to do is to try out VTD v0.14. It uses Vietnam The Experience in many places: islands, units, music. I try to add as much features as possible, but to keep maximum flexibility. The structure should be that every now and then a spinoff should be made with the latest version of GDCE, which should be indicated in the header of the mission. At the time of this post, GDCE is not released, so the 2 links use the older version of the engine (VTD 0.12 and 0.14). When GDCE 1.0 will be released, I have the intention to make various spinoffs using: Vietnam War (VTE 0.3), DMA Toyota Wars, UKF - Afghanistan, Serbia - UCK. The most important thing with GDCE is that it should have a stable structure, on top of which can be safely built on. Some mission enchancements are and will be included. DAC (Dynamic AI Creator by Silola) is working well and *** I'll try to implement CoC Unified Artillery 1.1 also*** CoC UA 1.1 won't be implemented, at least in v1.00. A couple of reasons for this, but don't worry, I'm having my own arty support, altough can't compare it to UA, but much better than BIS arty. We'll see if all of this will be acomplished. Every now and then, you should check the edit date of this post to see if something new is added.

Story (not ingame, but the story behind the making)


This isn't so important, but if someone is interested, here you can read why I came to the idea to do this.

When finished OFP, I didn't want to play it over again, so searched for missions. Most liked the dynamic campaigns like CoIn by Tacrod. After that discovered Dynamic Afghanistan by Honcho. The real thing was the DMA Dynamic War Template by Sanctuary. Actually those three people are in the same group (Dynamic Mission Alliance). Then I realised, that making dynamic campaigns isn't so hard as I thought. I was new to scripting and didn't know the subtleties of OFP. I made Ia Drang Tour of Duty. It was a modified version of the DMA template using SEBNamPack 2. Later converted it to VTE 0.2. I had plans to make a real campaign with subcampaigns on several islands, so I renamed it to Vietnam Tour of Duty. From the gameplay aspect you should play VTD 0.12. It is most close to my original idea. If you want to improve the work done, you should edit VTD 0.14 which is the currently most up to date version. The future GDCE will be the rework of VTD 0.14. I noticed, that this whole work of mine does not have a real structure. Then I reworked everything to make VTD. But with experience, got some new ideas, which I couldn't implement with the old architecture. Also waited for VTE 0.3, of which I don't have any info on, so my Vietnam fever cooled off. The next step in the evolution of VTD (now GDCE) should be a serious one and if my time allows, it should continue to ArmA when it comes out.

Support needed:


- an experienced mission maker for giving advice. Especially for warning of future problems that may arise, that are avoidable with good architecture.

- also an experienced mission maker, for adding a MP feature for the whole thing, since I'm on dial-up, and doesn't have a network available.

Sorry for the long read, but I think it is needed for a project I have in mind. Suggestions and constructive criticism welcome.

Greetings to everyone, and thanks for your attention smile_o.gif

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Thanks for your support, Imutep!

First post updated.

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That's no problem!

When you need a hoster for your projects, so please let me know. So you don't need Rapishare or anything else.

We wanna host that for you if you will. We make it gladly for you. Your Projects are welcome. wink_o.gif


PS: Sorry for my bad english biggrin_o.gif

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Just continuing the work you guys in the DMA have done!

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good stuff kutya thumbs-up.gif


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Could someone suggest me a nice radio addon? I'm currently using the Mapfact rucksack addon which is around 3mb. It's really nice, but has many features I don't need and I'd prefer smaller size. I just need a simple radio object as a secondary weapon. Or maybe there exists a radio in default OFP I don't know of?

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Could someone suggest me a nice radio addon? I'm currently using the Mapfact rucksack addon which is around 3mb. It's really nice, but has many features I don't need and I'd prefer smaller size. I just need a simple radio object as a secondary weapon. Or maybe there exists a radio in default OFP I don't know of?

Video-mission Cas Partyzanu from theraptor,

theres a nice radio addon with animations too

have a look here


and here


But you gotta get a permission from that guy wink_o.gif

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Thanks for the info, but where should I look for it?

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I'll look at it, altough it's 25mb and I'm on dial-up.

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I'll look at it, altough it's 25mb and I'm on dial-up.

and its n czech language icon_rolleyes.gif

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At first I was thinking about an addon-free version of GDCE, but as I thought over more deeply, it seems that at now 3 addons will be needed:

- CTI markers - needed by DAC

- JAM3 - for weapon compatibility and AI blocking smoke

- Mapfact rucksack - because of the radio

I think this is the minimal number needed for decent work. Suggestions welcome.

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well thats fair enough. that would make it quite easy for us to convert it to WarGames. i ll have a look at your mission structure tomorrow. i think i can give you some good suggestions how to make it "best". smile_o.gif

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Glad to hear that smile_o.gif

The next version will differ much from VTD 0.14 but the concept will remain. For example, functions will be introduced (for distance, etc.). Almost everything will be reworked, except the stuff that was already solid as a rock. Also have some ideas to overcome the OFP's >7km waypoint problem. Managed to do it in VTD 014, but still isn't perfect.

Currently I don't have big problems, except that LOTS of work waits to be done.

EDIT: I forgot: I will test if DAC works without CTI markers and the radio is needed only if you don't have a radio in your own mod. You need to change a simple string to change the radio object, and everything should work! Theoretically you could use even a pistol as a radio. All in all, I hope only JAM3 will be needed.

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Just a progress update: managed to develop a radio system that enhances radio use. It improves further the system that I've been using in Vietnam Tour of Duty. At start, you have a radio man in your team. If he dies or drops the radio, communication won't be available. BUT, if another team member picks up the radio, communication will be available again. Also ported all the support options to the ingame radio (instead choosing from the action list). Also if you get too far from the radio man, communication won't be available. This may seem complicated, but ingame, you need to care for your radioman (or his radio, heh), and all will be ok. I think this could be ported to other missions, too, altough I'm using a couple of scripts and global variables. Managed to use only 1 script that has an endless loop, but it is running only when you lose your radio (hopefully rare ocassions).

In other missions, the most close I've seen is that you had a radio man, with similar functionality, but once he died, communication was off, until you recruited a new radio man.

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The first post is updated: a small update on VTD 0.14 and some new info on GDCE.

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Here are the almost definitive features of GDCE:

  - completely new behavior of units called and encountered (compared to VTD)

  - realistic radio use (new)

  - resupplying the base by schedule (VTD improved)

  - 14 mission types with some variations (VTD improved + more)

  - included DAC for unpredictability (as in VTD until new DAC)

  - 6 types of support via radio (new)

  - evacuate KIA and heal by MedEvac (VTD improved)

  - dynamic briefing (VTD)

  - survival handbook in briefing (new)

  - logical time progression (VTD improved)

  - JAM3 compatibility (VTD)

  - insertion, reinsertion, extraction by helicopters (VTD improved)

  - intelligent rearming (VTD)

  - realistic support communication (VTD improved)

  - found a workaround for the OFP >7km waypoint problem (VTD improved)

features for mission editors:

  - all things needed to change in 4-5 files (and no need to search through a messy code)

  - (mostly) understandable commenting of code

  - editing manual

  - MANY definable variables which change gameplay

  - if you know to use DAC and you're into scripting, you'll be able to convert this to your mod in about 1-2 days!

  - fully customizable markers (number of markers for certain mission types, number of cities etc.)

This is not a final list of features. These are the planned ones, which I hope I can develop (some of them are already done). Feel free to give suggestions.

By realistic, I mean realistic for me and most close to real, allowed by OFP. Do not expect miracles. But when ArmA is out...

@Q: You said something about making this the "best" a while ago. Comments?

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Forgot to tell about artillery. It will not be CoC UA, for simplicity. In conversions it may be included, BUT I made a new artillery support. It should be something inbetween the old VTD arty (improved the DMA stuff) and CoC UA. It doesn't have all the fancy stuff like UA, but:

- the arty exists on map

- if they're destroyed, arty won't be available until the base is resupplied

- some basic calculations are implemented (time of flight of the shells, min/max range, and dispersion according to range)

- smoke support is also done by the arty, so it works as arty strike. If I'll have the time and will, I'll improve this more (cuurently if you don't see them firing the shells, only the sound)

- it's not perfect (yet smile_o.gif ), but you can hear them from the distance firing the shells, and after a while the fireworks begin

BTW After all, in this mission you're not a real spotter, you just need sometimes to call for arty support.

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hello kutya  smile_o.gif

sorry for not responding earlier.

as you are using dac you already have quite a good system for the vehicles, all defined in one place and are accessed via global variables.


now there is also VTD014.seb_iadrang\main\globals.sqs

which defines again units and vehicles for different use.

maybe it would be best to use this as a base and let DAC_Config_Units access the actual vehilces from here.

one place to define all things is rule number one to make it easy  smile_o.gif

yet the same system would be great to have for weapons too. right now the classes are scattered in:







if one uses arrays in one form or another to declare the classes (which makes things more complicated overall and there are ways to by-pass this), one can add a small "hidden" system, like a fixed different number of spaces between each column or tabs to be able to edit in excel - one more thing which helps a lot with a conversion!


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">VTD_SongsN = ["VTE_whitershade", "VTE_paintitblack", "VTE_satisfaction", "VTE_whiterabbit", ...]

hope you can understand it  smile_o.gif

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Thanks 4 the suggestions!

Quote[/b] ]sorry for not responding earlier.

No prob., I just thought you forgot.

I'll have to read your post several times to make everything clear clear confused_o.gif .

Some I can answer now:

@DAC: I thought about what you said, but I wanted to keep separate DAC from VTD, to be able to implement a newer version of DAC when released. I also have many specific arrays for vehicle and unit names, and the 4 arrays defined by DAC are to general for this. I think the only way would be to put all my arrrays into DAC_confing.sqs which I'd like to avoid (mentioned before).

@weapons: that's a good idea, and I'll try to find a solution, altough for the rearming script it will be tought or I'll have to simplify it.

@arrays: maybe I didn't really understand, but if you were speaking about spaces between array elements, like:

arrary1 = [ el1, el2, el3, el4, el5 ]

or another version:

arrary1 = [ el1 , el2 , el3 , el4 , el5 ]

Then it's done (the first version).

Again thanks for help!

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