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What to fix in the next patch

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Oh and sounds, not as big a problem as the guy who can hear helicopters from the other end of the map, but I can hear enemies breathing sounds and footstep towns from greater unrealistic differences.

Also, I can hear whether they are left and right, but the sound tone for a noise infront of you is the same as behind u, so real hard to tell when using stereo speakers.

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Fix fix needed is transport unload in MP. I have to use scripts to get the troops to unload, and even then it does not work 100% of the time.

When an engineer puts a mine he doesnt stand up again, so you cant tell him to lay another mine. You have to tell him to move first.

Also i put scripts in the init field of players in mp, where the scripts remove weapons and add new ones. These seem to work all the time for the russsian troops that i try this with, but the western troops of the players dont always work after you have restarted the game. This is on a LAN. We have tried restarting OFP and the server and it doesnt work all the time.



I know you only want bugs to fix, but i just thought i would mention a couple of additions i think OFP would benifit from. A pistol for the Pilots and the action to be able to carry wounded troops that cant walk. Obviously they would need drop some of their weapons and so would the wounded troop.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BigUzi=WoP= @ Jan. 27 2002,11:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Marak when you asked what bugs we wanted fixing in the next patch I certainly did'nt think there was so many. But everyone who has posted in here, have also praised the hard work and dedication you guys have put in to built this gem from scratch. If you can fix these bugs the game  just gets better and better. BIS has a growing and loyal fan base and its an innovation that our imput is being sort in this way. So get stuck in guys we wait with baited breath............................

Bring on  the 1.44

Thanks for listening to my ramblings lol

The Big Ouoooose<span id='postcolor'>


We fuckin' luv u, BIS! That's why we bother complaining so much! U simply rock! biggrin.gif


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i dont know if yall would call it a bug exactly, but seems odd and not very realistic, (when the rest of the game was done VERY well)

the M203 has a sight, and having fired them on many occasion in the USMC, the sight does help a ton, it seems it would be easy to do code and gfx wise, just like the m16 sights the 203 needs a sight as well..also dunno if yall call this a bug as well, the M203 has a MAX EFFECTIVE range of about 200-300 meters dependin on conditions etc, in 1.42 (dunno bout the other versions, i bought the game at ver 1.3) in 1.42 u can enaged hostiles in excess of 600 meters, just aim it high and lob it on over..but on the other side of it, yall did model the Weapon engagment zone for the m203 frag rounds very well, as well as the hand grenade, both have the real life correct lethality range...but being able to use it at 600+ yards is a touch much...i have images of the m203 sight, plus lots of tech data on infantry fighting vehicles i can send in if any would like to make this a reality

(note to mod makers, i do have/own a M4A2 and could send in burst and single shot sound files, (yes i do have my Class3 weaopons permit and transfer fee =))

Great game and great community, keep it up by all means =))

BIS games have a home on my drive any day =))

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Greetings all

I hope I can add to the discussion -

* How 'bout the ability to custom select your own players clothing / uniform type as well as the face in the Player Editing Screen.

* Please limit the pinball / kangaroo mode when vehicles and aircraft are destroyed (although it is kinda amusing).

* An option for the AI automatically rearm at the nearest friendly / enemy weapon source when out of ammo instead of being ordered to.

* Friendly AI being more careful when firing while moving behind other friendly units. The numbers of friendly fire casualties I've seen makes the American Forces during Desert Storm look positively angelic.

* Tracked vehicle speed uphill seems very low. I have been overtaken by a foot AI when in a M113 gunning it up a steep(ish) slope.

* Ability to hand over to other players/AI unwanted weapons or the ability to drop them.

* You jump in abandoned enemy vehicle, senior ranked AI orders you out of a vehicle, you are forced out by the program, and then the AI orders you back into the same vehicle it expelled you from. This always happens when the avocado dip hits the fan...

* Faster reaction times from the AI when shots hit near them - going prone or into nearest available cover / foliage.

* The Soviet AI launches all of their RPG ordnance at the castle tower and castle ruins when they are placed as a "unit" on any world. They must see something truely evil in the ruins because they keep wanting to take it out!

Groovy game, lads.

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When flying a helicopter with a joystick and you set the speed to max it just keeps flying up into the air forever.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When flying a helicopter with a joystick and you set the speed to max it just keeps flying up into the air forever.<span id='postcolor'>

I can confirm this. In a recent posting I included a screenshot where I flew at 60.000 meters. It's only when using joystick throttle control. The traditional "UP and "DOWN" controls still limits you to 150 meters (and are much easier to use).

The same goes for planes. I could push a Cessna to 360 kmh with the joystick throttle, while the "FORWARD" key only gives you the 300 kmh, which is max in the config anyway.

This bug gives joystick owners some really unfair advantages in the air. Escaping to 60.000 km alt!

This was tested on a Logitech WingMan Digital 3D joystick, with newest drivers, on w2k.

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1. Landing gear on Hind (Make it work)

2. AI soldiers firing on Aircraft (Enable it) It's lame how I can totally wipeout 50 troops with a Kiowa Warrior and they don't even try to shoot it down. (Could be added as a realism option)

3. Sidearms. (Ambitious, I know) We really need Sidearms.

4. Increase the Damage of the AT weapons. AT soldiers are useless because one round is never enough on the T-80s or M1A1s. The Russian AT would at the very least totally immobilise an M1A1. It is Frustrating to nail a tank with the AT rocket and then get mowed down by the apparently unharmed tank.

5. Increase the ROF for the CAR-15 (XM etc) It is way to slow.

6. Hitboxes seem to be screwed up at very long distances. I find a lot of the time when I am sniping that the round lands right on the Target but instead of Blood I get a cloud of Dust because I have "missed". This may just be me but it seems to happen consistently.

7. AI without Night Vision still see far too well at night. SOmetimes I am 200+ yards out sniping Regular Soldiers with my Druganov and they return accurate fire even without NV in pitch darkness.

8. AI helicopters do not engage Soldiers.

9. AI should follow the Vehicle and not who is in the Vehicle. For example it is impossible for the AI to know that Americans are in a BMP just by looking at it. I know that is a gameplay consideration but it could be a little better. Maybe a radius effect or something. Ex : If they get close enough they notice the Vehicle is being operated by Hostiles. Still not the most realisitic but better. Could be an option anyway.

Thats about all I can think of.

I would just like to say the OF is the best game I have ever played and I thouroughly enjoy every minute of it. You have done an amazing Job and it is only bettered by the fact that it is so easy to script missions giving it unlimited playability.

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With the A-10s if anyone had the problem... They do drop the bombs... The A-10 AI has to recognize the laser target and then it will engage. It has taken a few minutes so if you could Increase the AI values so it recognizes the laser designation quicker

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just got done with some house to house fighting and dunno if its a bug or not, but it was confirmed with the 3 ppl playing other than me..smoke when used near houses seems to "blow thru" the houses, just coming outa the walls..it would drift around them sure, but not thru them in RL..just a observation =)) also one might look into the "bomber man mission" on single player..i found this today...

find a soldier at max range like say, about 500+ yards away, center the crosshiars on him and squeeze one off, see the round go over him?!

the m21 is .308 winchester wich at 1000 yards will drop around 300+ inches in the vertical plane, and if in the case of 1000yrd and a 5 mph cross wind the drift to the side will be over 15 ft..so with this data you can see that at 500 yards with a M21 you would most assuradly be holding roughly 5 man widths over the target, unless you was using a multiple recticle optic or a mil-dot ranging optic, both give shooter several crosshairs to employ..

keep up the great work...btw that data is from the following saources

Sierra Bullets (maker if the militarys famed 168 grain Match King Boat Tail .308 round)

Colt Firearms

Gunsite Training Academy

Thunder Mountain Weapons School

Camp Perry statistics from last years match.

I can send this data if need be.

God keep you all and keep it up by all means =))


[email protected]

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The next patch is going to be HUGE!! biggrin.gif At least if they decide to include all of the requests in this thread! LOL

Luckcily I´ll get a fast connection in a week -phew-, finally I can join the bunch of crybabies complaining about bad mp code wink.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hidden @ Jan. 30 2002,11:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Luckcily I´ll get a fast connection in a week -phew-, finally I can join the bunch of crybabies complaining about bad mp code  wink.gif

Hidden<span id='postcolor'>

LOL I hear ya bud wink.gif I'm getting Cable today (assuming they turn up) Must say I'm rather moist with excitement smile.gif

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Would it be possible for BIS to regurgitate the bug list and let us know what to expect in the next patch? Atleast the bugs they feel are important?


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* AI kneeling - the AI should react to the player's kneeling position much like they do when the player goes prone.

*AI Suppress fire command - Works well in Ghost Recon, ambitious but incredably useful. Makes AI fire in the general direction of the enemy with the intention of slowing the enemy down or making hime take cover.. Also useful for having helicopter machineguns to provide fire support.

*Drop unused secondary weapon if out of ammo for that weapon.

*RRC - Rigid Raing Craft - simple boats w/o armament which allow troops to be ferried to the shore - damned annoying trying to use the PBR all the time.

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Just a couple of issues that I noticed in 1.40, that were fine in 1.30 and are not fixed in 1.42.

1. Cannot target LGBs when flying the A-10 LGB, which means there effectively free fall bombs. (Quite good for carpet bombing, but not a lot else ! )  wink.gif

2. On the Malden MP map City Conflict (2-8T) all the players are set to (NOBODY) and its impossible to set them to AI.

One other feature I would like to see is your commands given priority over things said by the squad.

e.g. if your piloting a helicopter and you give the "fire" command, the gunner won't actually fire until he's finshed telling you about all the vehicles he's just spotted, by which time it may be too late.

Wicked Game Guys

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I have also noticed that you cannot kill people while they are in parachutes. I used the editor and placed a few Russians in chutes and emptied 3 clips into him as he fell, nothing. When he hit the ground he was fine. Then I put a Vulcan and unloaded on him as he fell, again he was fine.

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im short on time so excuse me if this has already been brought up......

Is it possible to add Join in Progress on one of the next patches?confused.gif I think this would be one of the greatest features that could possibly be added to OFP. All of the best games have it... Half Life, Quake, and Diablo even... well I hope it can be done!

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The *only* thing i have ever wanted in Operation Flashpoint since i first baught it, when it just came out, was a netcode as stable as the Half-Life netcode..

That's my only request... Half the reason i baught this game was because when i played the demo, i thaught it would be great online...

But even with 512/128k DSL, The lag is quite hard to understand, Where the hell does a 10 second delay come from if all 4 players ping 50, and the server is faster than T3?confused.gif?

You shoot instantly, and the blood appears right away, but 10 seconds after my target has run away with 30 shots in his face, he all the sudden dies, If he had not shot me 30 times while we both exchanged fire, In that case, i tend to die 5 seconds after he.... I don't understand.

It's as if the game generates lag no matter what, poor networking code i would supose, some games were made with MP in mind (Quake, UT, Half-Life), but many others (Ghost Recon,FS2002,OFP) Seem to be let down by this somewhat.

Everything else in game seems just fine to me, But i feel i have been horribly let down by the Multiplayer aspect of this game...

sorry for the rant, i feel this is important, I wonder how 56k people go with this game online? I think we probably get the same lag or similar anyway.

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1-Tank Commander Orders execution delayed because of the dialogs going on. ( Can't believe it's still there after all these patches) This is a VERY frustrating bug.

2-Tank Commander who lose command of his tank (and squad) after having exited and re-entered the tank from the driver position.

3-Double mouse pointers in win xp

4-Firearms should retain the settings you give them. I always have to reset them at burst after a use of the binoculars for example.

5-I can enter a badly damaged tank and repair it. Why is it impossible for the soldiers under my command ?. Impossible even if the tank as been repaired.

6-Vehicles engines sound statics

7-Civilian cars can't be refueled at stations.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1-Tank Commander Orders execution delayed because of the dialogs going on. ( Can't believe it's still there after all these patches) This is a VERY frustrating bug.<span id='postcolor'>

I forgot about that one. And yes that's a very good point.

Why are we waiting so long for a response ? mad.gif

These types of threads are opened for two reasons only. 1 to get more stars by a name and 2 ..Oh I forgot 2. Remind me BIS what 2 is !

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Why are we waiting so long for a response ?  mad.gif

These types of threads are opened for two reasons only. 1 to get more stars by a name and 2 ..Oh I forgot 2. Remind me BIS what 2 is !<span id='postcolor'>

This thread was opened to help us to identify the most serious problems in the game so we can try to improve the game again with next patch.

I am not sure what type of response do you want. Anyway, our response will be the next patch. Nothing less, nothing more.

Also, I would like to thank everyone who helped us in this thread. Your feedback was highly appreciated and we're trying to improve the game. ETA of the next patch 1.43 is around end of February.

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