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Please stop the false info

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Dear Bis,

We really want to ask you in a friendly and gentle way to stop providing the community with the false release dates.

We do understand that a good game takes a lot of effort and time to make and we have evry repsect for this aspect but lately the shit is hiting the fan.

What we really dislike is the current situation where bis announces for the **** th time that the game will be released in 3 months time and than after 3 months, they announce that it is in another 3 months time.

What I really notice in my clan/ofp community is that people are starting to behave really desperate due to this false info all the time.

Certain clanmembers already stated that they will nog buy the game anymore ,as they don't want to support a compagny that acts this way. This makes me really sad.

Please just announce that the game will be released in June 2008 and stop bugging us with the false info.


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Guest Ti0n3r

LOL. Every release date is a speculation as long as they aren't signed to a publisher wink_o.gif

Who cares? I don't.

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Certain clanmembers already stated that they will nog buy the game anymore ,as they don't want to support a compagny that acts this way. This makes me really sad.

tounge2.gif They'll buy it anyway.

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Surely you can do something else with your time rather than twiddle your thumbs waiting for ArmA?

The release has slipped a few times, but thats only to be expected with a game. Deadlines are rarely met because unforseen problems arise, or new additions are made to make the wait more worthwhile.

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ArmA is not the only game in history to have been pushed back more then once. It happens in the gameing world...

Besides they have all been estimated release dates, and you don't have to take them as set in stone. In fact you shouldn't... so its your fault when your dissapointed.

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i think BIS made a really clever move with the wikipedia. personally i'm more then distracted with it, until the arma release. since we know ofp basics are present in arma, why dont u learn how to :

-make missions

-make addons

or just play ofp with your friends.

i still play ofp everynight with my buddies in vetsquad, plp still make new maps for it, or in my situation study addon techiniques.

now with the wikipedia i can start working (new) addons features like normal maps, animations,scripts ,etc.

so why moaning BIS crew and specially forum moderators, with this kind of post, that takes us nowhere and gives not any kind of profit?

i know this is a democratic forum but come on!... banghead.gif think on that plz.

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We really want to ask you in a friendly and gentle way to stop providing the community with the false release dates.

No, not we, YOU. Because YOU are the one taking the releasedates as real releasedates, Placebo said multiple times that dates CAN change, as with every game.

False info is saying that something will be in that wont, release dates dont really matter. Developers cant look into the future and see when their game is done, they can only make a guess, and when they are wrong, they have to change the releasedate. But thats better then releasing an unfinished game is it? banghead.gif

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Ehrm.. Ehrm.. Yeah, everything mentioned above here really.

Why argue about this, patience is a virtue, right?

And I've rather wait a few months, instead of them rolling out a game that's half-finished, and about as realistic as CS.

Not that that could actually happen, but you get the idea...


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Lucky none of us are Duke Nukem fans. Personally I've given up even bothering to look at or speculate on release dates 'Q4 2005' anyone? The game will be out when I can buy it in a shop and take it home. Until then, I'm playing OFP.

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You should all consider that originally ArmA was supposed to be OFP:Elite for the PC with one new campaign added to it.

So now look at ArmA, lots of stuff added to it, stuff that probably costed weeks, maybe months to get to work properly. The multiple turrets on a vehicle for example or that destroyable bridge or projectile kinetics. The OFP engine has been modified to stream terrain, this means you can make a continent sized battlefield, if you have the time. And now according to latest news they are working on adding lots of things to the AI to make them work better.

If these are just empty promises and won't actually be in then yes, complaints are in order. But BIS is an honest company, so far they didn't really give us reason to say they outright lied to us.

I don't think i have heard of a recent game that hasn't been delayed atleast a few months (maybe console opening titles and some mainstream stuff for christmas season).

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dont kid yourself there my friend. smile_o.gif

just like fairytale was a money making boost for ofp, ArmA is a nice earner to put back in the development pot for Game2. arma is nothing more than a vbs/ofpe mix. its gonna be a winner and i will buy it,but since the anouncement of arma BIA and BIS have won some very lucrative military sim deals and i think arma team was reduced to bare minimum.so its gonna be at least 2007 now before release smile_o.gif. i am sure this will be anounced at the GiC in liepsig smile_o.gif.

and my opinion, take as long as you like bis, for i am waiting Game2 the actual sequel to Ofp smile_o.gif.

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Oh come on, ArmA will be a much larger upgrade than Resistance, VBS and Elite combined.

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If you compare the first screens with the last 4 then you see that they did a 'bit' more then planned wink_o.gif

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If you compare the first screens with the last 4 then you see that they did a 'bit' more then planned wink_o.gif

Agreed , but my sentiments remain the same,ArmA was an afterthought and delays the wait for the true sequel ofp2/game2 etc.no problem, nothing will change arma iscoming ,great news etc, its just my opinion that q12007 is a realistic date, becuase it would be suicidal for Bis to try and attract the mainstream crowd in the fall when it is alleged that the ps3 is coming out.

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Agreed , but my sentiments remain the same,ArmA was an afterthought and delays the wait for the true sequel  ofp2/game2 etc.no problem, nothing will change arma iscoming ,great news etc, its just my opinion smile_o.gif

Well, i agree on that, i also believe that OFPE was meant as that at first, but then they probably thought that a PC version of OFPE would make us very happy and give them some extra money, and ArmA was born. wink_o.gif

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I know what you mean about whiney clan members. Some of them are just so uniformed.

Quote[/b] ]Oh...It's just going be like ofp 1.5 it sucks

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It probably wasn't much of an idea,at first OFP:E was probably going to be like OFP itself,but with all the things they added,it would a shame not to make it for PC,but they took it a step further. And what exactly does this have to do with the over priced ps3? This is PC,not console.

Many claim that its basicly a mix,and to an extent is true,with some game2 added content,the problem is some of the people that claim that don't really know what lies in the mix,OFP:E is a bigger upgrade than most people think,in some of the biggest areas that needed fixing,such as solid collision,no more sinking through objects and more,but I'm not going to state that here,too many things to state.

As for the release dates,they kept moving back because BIS had no publisher,but instead of letting the game sit as it was when it was basicly ready and waiting,they decided to continue working on it and look what they have turned it into,something much better. We are not certain yet if they have gotten a publisher now or not,chances are we'll have to wait for some info about the game convention thing in Germany. But its understandable,and BIS is not the only company that pushes release dates back,they say it "may" be this date,while other companies say "it will be" this date and push it back and back and back.

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First ArmA was ment to be OFP 1.5 and now it is called OFP 1.75. So there has been change of plans. Elite wasn't published to PC as ArmA was considered to be ready before year 2006, soon after Elite. This is atleast my thought from info i've get conserning ArmA and OFP:E.

From start OFP:E seemed to be it's individual release for XBOX and ArmA individual release for PC. As it has turned out.

I think that now they will finish ArmA. And after that release new VBS with ArmA upgrades. And they stated in E3 in 2005 that VBS has kept they busy and OFP wasn't thought to be so complicate to convert for XBOX as it turned out.

And how much they are working with Game2 right now. But i do think that ArmA is their main target now... And to me it seems that now has been too quiet... Soon something should happen.

ps. What about US and Australian militaries (due their and BIS cooperation in VBS)... Do they have right to deny some parts from ArmA: 'You are releasing our military secrets with that M1A1/Stryder model'? Just curious point, but not very important.

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Guest Ti0n3r

ArmA is actually OFP ~2.92 right now rofl.gif

... wink_o.gif

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Certain clanmembers already stated that they will nog buy the game anymore ,as they don't want to support a compagny that acts this way. This makes me really sad.

Maybe you shouldn't buy an games at all? In case you didn't notice, all game producers do this and it's nothing unusual about it... huh.gif

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