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G36 Pack

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Hi, some time ago "i made" a G36's K pack that was released unfinnished, i was going to add some Desert versions... but i had to delete the HD so i loosen all what i had; you could take that config of my wip_g36's k pack and use it as sampler and do your own from that one.

The best G36's models out there that i've seen, are the NORFOR Weapons pack and this is how our G36's was looking like when i was working on 'em:



About the mag... the plastic mag it's only used inside the bases, when the people go out to a party, they carry the metallic magazines. I hope that ya've luck with those G36's K. Let's C ya

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ok wip i've allways admired your work anyway so ok P.S can u test this for me check your PM

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WOW very impressive desert camo.

Quote[/b] ]About the mag... the plastic mag it's only used inside the bases, when the people go out to a party, they carry the metallic magazines.

Which army do you mean? If you mean the German army your not right. Which sense would it make to use 2 diffrent types of magazines? None.

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Now THAT'S a good, realistic looking desert camo for a rifle. No offence Jackal326, but it looks much better than your camo job. Notice the wear and tear, the weathering, the uneven paint application, indicative of a true 'in-the-field' job.


SJB Weapons Pack camoed rifle for comparison

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Yes, its a well established fact, the camo variants of my rifles suck horse-cock. However, this is not the place to discuss it.

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Yes, its a well established fact, the camo variants of my rifles suck horse-cock. However, this is not the place to discuss it.

Glad to see you're upholding your typical beliefs in constructive criticism icon_rolleyes.gif

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Get over yourself


That's priceless coming from you rofl.gif

Ontopic: Keep up the good work, HH smile_o.gif

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Shashman, no offence but how about you suck my white ass and enjoy it. Jackal is an awesome addon maker and its cockbags like you that get my teeth grinding. How about you do a texture job you fucking knob jockey and stop criticizing other peoples work... you massive cunt.

Now, get back to the topic.

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Shashman, no offence but how about you suck my white ass and enjoy it. Jackal is an awesome addon maker and its cockbags like you that get my teeth grinding. How about you do a texture job you fucking knob jockey and stop criticizing other peoples work... you massive cunt.

Now, get back to the topic.

Thank you for flying BIS Forum Airways. We hoped you enjoyed your flight. We realize that you have a choice in OFP forums, but unfortunately your behavior can no longer be tolerated here. Have a nice vacation.

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As you can see on the pic below SF Weapons are painted with usualy min 2 colors to break the contures of the weapon. The pic is nearly as large as original weapon.

(This pic is 94kB in size)


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what the fudging hell went on here? i leave for some sleep and the forum descends into chaos than kgod for MODs there will most likely be an update when i get abck from college at around 1pm british local time

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Helping Hand if you want I could send you our G36 pack in order to improve both packs , yours and ours . whistle.gif

Regards (Mod FFAA 2.0)

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ok then sounds good is the file in the mod or do u have updated ones?

ba i have un pbo'd the g36 and are working on it as i type do u have an msn account?

Ok Change Of Plan

The Models That I'm Going To Use Until Mine Are Sorted Out Properly Are These From The The Spanish Army Mod So The Textures Which I'm Crap At Will Most Likely Be The Ones From Their Pack Along With SJB Optics And Textures Via Permission Of Course *gets out poking stick*

New G36 Courtesy Of Them [At Least I Think Its Theirs]smile_o.gif



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If you put the relevant folders into your O2_Viewer folder (e.g. C:/O2_Viewer/SJB_TOSM4) then the textures will show up correctly in Buldozer when you preview the models. I know I said this before, but I wasn't very clear about how I phrased it, hopefully that will remove the confusion caused.

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Hi, i was talking about the spanish Marine Infantry (the 1St & the better, from the 1537), we use the plastic mag in the parades, in the instruction & on the guards & maniouvers; i guess that the logic of use 'em in this kind of events it's to let fryends & foes or unknowns in our own soil, that you're carrying combat ammo and that your weapons have 20 bullets ready.

We use the metallic mags because we don't want to see a mag broken entering in possition in afganistan or other hot party places and some other issues. I never tryed out the spanish army mod, but afther seen those models... i'll like to ask a man in that mod for the .jpg textures of those G36's models & try to play a bit with the textures & make some desert & maybe green or woodland camo versions for the spanish army mod or just the addon makers (and for extension... the OFP players) and HH, in the same way than as i was doing with "my" wip_g36k pack.

Something like this:


Let's C ya

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Hi, i was talking about the spanish Marine Infantry (the 1St & the better, from the 1537), we use the plastic mag in the parades, in the instruction & on the guards & maniouvers; i guess that the logic of use 'em in this kind of events it's to let fryends & foes or unknowns in our own soil, that you're carrying combat ammo and that your weapons have 20 bullets ready.

We use the metallic mags because we don't want to see a mag broken entering in possition in afganistan or other hot party places and some other issues. I never tryed out the spanish army mod, but afther seen those models... i'll like to ask a man in that mod for the .jpg textures of those G36's models & try to play a bit with the textures & make some desert & maybe green or woodland camo versions for the spanish army mod or just the addon makers (and for extension... the OFP players) and HH, in the same way than as i was doing with "my" wip_g36k pack.

Something like this:

Let's C ya

hehehe allready doing that lol i have  tweeked them all nearly just need texturing i think

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who doesnt lol

erm probablly wont do anything today i nearly fainted at college with it being 36degrees n all so i gonna go to sleep might resume work tonight when its colder


well this is one of the nearlly done ones its a G36K with no carrying hanle module but instead has a reflex and laser pointer on it the laser needs tweaking and so does the reflex but its nearlly done


P.S to all mods my PC says the img is 100KB so dont PR me wink_o.gif

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The picture is 483 bytes to big wow_o.gif

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my comp says 100KB exactly so until mod tells me to remove it it stays ok??

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Mine says by .28 kb.

The gun looks great though!

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