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Any other (ex) Battlefield 2 players?

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Its too bad about SOLDNER - I had HIGH  HOPES for that game but it soon became apparent it was not ready for prime time after intial release. I did not know it had gone thru so many patches as I had not kept up.

I am hoping for the best for AA ofcourse.  I want to thank all the respondents to this thread with your positive answers - such a difference FROM the PlanetBattlefield crowd who seem to be a LOT MORE IMMATURE...lol! You can tell by their answers for the most part! I guess thats to be expected..I guess.  

As for some questions users have stated here.

Q - Why welcome Vanilla BF2 players?

A - Yeah...if they cant prone and bunny hop what would be the point. Great Point!

Q - Arcadish players probably won't like AA

A - Probably so true...AA (like OFP) is more a "thinking"

and strategy type game than reactionary. But still...

I think the "I will blow things up" idea is still there.

Once again...keep the thread going with your ideas and thoughts - thanks once more.

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I'll give ya one better.

Difference between bf2 tanks vs AA/OFP?

Takes two-three people to use it as its best,driver,gunner and commander,not just a driver/gunner and commander.

Is dolphing diving availbal and c@n we buny hop?

..O.o.....no there is no such thing as jumping in this game,why would you want to anyway?

To increase my rank and unlock weapons

stay with 2142 and steer clear of this.

Why should I promote teamwork? What can my team mates offer me?

Well for one a much longer life span or a shorter one. If somebody gets into a humvee and you have an objective to achieve across a 100km distance and you leave your buddies behind,they probably won't even think to help you next time you need them.

Friendlies also offer good distractions and can help you guard certain areas,back to back method is good.

Truth be told,there are some players on bf2 that will and do cooperate with their team mates and use their assets for the best. An example would be the SF expansion. Lets look at the mostly one helpful object they added..the zipline and grapple hook. Most people will toss these and take it while you are climbing it to reach and support them. So you pretty much fall to your death thanks to your 'team mates' fluke. Some people won't follow you if you go and double check and try to get them to do so. However few people will follow you up the ziplines and whatnot. If you save a team mate and stick with them for awhile then they just might get the hint that you want to help them. Afterwards if you are in a squad you just might find them joining.

Another example of ill hearted teamwork would be the support classes. Medic and Ammo. Now when you don't need ammo or a medic pack you usually find them lying all around. However when you do need a medic in the worst times,you find they will mostly ignore you. Countless times I have called for ammo or a medic,to the point of going to look for them. And once I found them and called for some help,while looking at their face,they turned their back and ignored me. When I followed and kept asking they turned around,stared for a moment and then went back to running. Usually squad mates are the only ones that will come to your aid.

Now lets talk accidental and purposely teamkilling and whatnot. The punishing system...one of the worst ideas they could have thought of. Now imagine this. You are in a helicopter fight and loosing. Well your gunner decides to bail on you,at the same times you move forward or turn the helicopter while trying to flee,thus accidently tk'ing your gunner. And in return you get punished as if you did it on purpose. Then there are those that will ram a weaker vehicle such as a jeep into your tank,getting you team vehicle damage,after about 3 of these your score is much lower,then they do one final ram and cause you to tk them without you doing a thing. Afterwards you get a punish. After that your desire to play is pretty much gone. And example of purposely tk'ing would be for a vehicle. Team mates will kill you without much thought to get into a vehicle,I'v been sniped out of a helicopter pilot or gunner seat with the M95 by a 'friendly' sniper several times. Other times they will proceed to shoot your vehicle and damage it on purpose. Or C4'ing your jet or helicopter as it takes off because you dared to steal "their" vehicle.

And of course bf2's infamous red name bug made worse by the community. Now I can understand certain parts,such as you being in an APC or tank and you see a tank or APC come at you with a red name above it. Well your going to see it as a threat and kill it,maybe you'll get a red name tk for it. That is understandable. But what if your buddy is right infront of you with the same uniform as you? Or a few meters ahead,their colors clearly visible to you but with a red name above their head and their not attempting to kill you. What do you do? Most bf2 players will kill you regardless. Simply because you have a 'red name',who care if your wearing their uniform or not. Now imagine that in AA or OFP where you have no names above the head,can you imagine how many tk's they will have because they cannot identify who is the enemy or not?

Another example would be the grenade incidents. You throw a grenade while trying to kill an enemy around a wall,those around you will hera your character shouting "Grenade!" or "Frag grenade!" or whatever it is they say if its on MEC or somethin. So you'v lodged the grenade and your team mate hears this and what happens? Boom! You get a tk for your team mates fluke and get punished. Not everyone will do this but 80-90% of the BF2 players will.

Now lets talk transport. So your team has just gotten all flags but one. Its on the opposite side of the map,a good distance and you have only one vehicle around you. Lets say its a humvee. A humvee in the game can hold four people. You run for the humvee,a team mate runs for it. Your team mate manages to get into it first and hits the gas. You plea for transportation by using the "need pickup" command and they just drive off,leaving you with nothing but dust. Now not all team mates are like this,some will get into the vehicle and wait for you. Others will not see you at the start and drive off a ways,call once or twice and they may notice your characters icon blinking on the map. Then they'll back up and you catch your ride.

The HUD. Okay heres the deal with the map. On OFP you have a more realistic simple papertype map,showing towns,roads,elevation in a simple standard and forests. You can also mark places to meet,target points,along with that you have a watch and a compass. And it can only be viewed (the map anyway) by pressing M. In BF2 you have a minimap to the upper right corner of your screen with icons respresenting various things such as team mates and vehicles and so on. When a team mate talks. Turning from blue to yellow and back several times. Also a text message appears on the side of your screen. Many people do NOT watch their map.

How many will port over? I hope that only a very few amount that believe in teamwork will port over. A good portion of their community seems very obsessed with hacking too,displaying it proudly. It has everything that could ruin the gaming experience,and they hacked the bf2142 demo already. Do we really need those kind of people? In a game such as OFP/AA where the consequences are much more dire. tk'ing with no respawning,being stupid with a vehicle when it will never respawn. Taking a vehicle and leaving your team mates behind over a 400km distance?

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Well thought out and executed as well. I can ony say that hopefully the worthy BF2 players who like teamplay and mutual cooperation are the ones which would gravitate toward AA. Because of that I think a fair share will do just that. I guess the only other thing to do is to advertise AA and spread the word. I dont know how much advertisements will be funded to sell AA but word of mouth is always a good way to at least get people interested in AA. In the coming weeks we will see how good this momentum will continue insofar as sales and popularity is concerned.

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I doubt we'll get that many,not with 2142 luckily around. They'll be too busy having at its pretty graphics which are in their mind somehow better,plus they can't go away from their bunny hopping. I'm not gonna stop em,I'm done accepting the patches that crash my computer and only break the game more. "Added pause between standing and proning" but instead they added a pause between standing and crouching so you can still go prone in a second and open fire. Not to mention load times increase amongst other things. The last bf2 patch was saved to my F drive yet wanted to write to my C drive,so my 700 megs kept going to 0,luckily I had it ghosted and saved. Last time I apply a damn patch that has "EA" on it.

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cup is half empty eh?

BF2 players are invited to come out and play! nener.gif

They are talking about 100 player games, and I want to see a few hundred servers filled with em.


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Have been following AA for over a yr, an have been keepng ppl i know informed. the clan i just left is still heavily into BF2, but are looking for another game becuase of the above mentioned reasons. In my opinion this game AA is gonna be so much bigger than B2 or BF 2142. Theres just nothing out there to compare it to except maybe Joint Operations an that games over 3 yrs old. Team play is gonna be a must in this game if u plan to survive very long.

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"How many BF2 will converge over?" thread merged into here.

Searching would have found this previous thread, please search before posting, especially search before starting new threads.

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How can you even mention ArmA and BF2 in the same topic? crazy_o.gif

I enjoyed the 2142 demo: fun, but it freezes and crashes too often to make me want to spend money on it. But 2142 isn't attempting to be a warefare game of any sort. BF2 is just UT2K4 with a "modern warefare" look.

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Wrong,BF2 is a kind of remake for a BF mod called "Desert Combat". Though not exact,there are several vehicles used. 2142,I can't judge really other than it being worse than BF2 in terms of the CTD,instead it crashes and causes my computer to reboot,yaaaaay.

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I really enjoy BF2, sure it has faults, every game does, but BF2 does deliver a very good multiplayer experience and the demo I played of BF2142 seems to improve it further.

ArmA s a totally different kind of game, I prefer realistic shooters, and with ArmAs war simulation angle I reckon it'll be a nice change from BF2, but BF2 will still stay in my play list.

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We're a quite small italian clan called =F4F= .... and most of us are bored to play BF2 (except for Project Reality mode) because is just an arcade game (non mentioning all problems due to server crashes, patches, cheaters,...).

Surely w'll join the AA community ... hope soon and earlier than 1st quarter 2007 wink_o.gif

Hope to seeya soon on AA servers biggrin_o.gif


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I would say that the biggest difference in the 2 games and what will probably keep away BF2 players is the scale.

You can't run & gun and die several times in an AA CTI because you have to GET to the battlefield and that will take some coordination and a bit of time. You will have to value your life. In OFP you can't even mount vehicles if the group leader does not let you.

And of course the AI. AI in this game cannot be thought of as simple bots that take up space: they are combatants in a war just as much as you are. TeamKill in this game and the AI will turn on you. If you play this game WITHOUT AI then you might as well play BF2 because that is what sets these games apart.

If you only love playing PvP (8 on 8) CTF's then this is not the game for you.


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Quote[/b] ]And of course the AI. AI in this game cannot be thought of as simple bots that take up space: they are combatants in a war just as much as you are. TeamKill in this game and the AI will turn on you. If you play this game WITHOUT AI then you might as well play BF2 because that is what sets these games apart.

If you only love playing PvP (8 on 8) CTF's then this is not the game for you.


I completly disagree. In zeus recently, we have been playing some 'jinef' style missions which involves an objective defended by inferior number of troops (balancing done with limited 81mm arty support and not so defensive structures) vs superior number of enemies. it is usually 8vs16, and involves no AI and no respawn. These are some of best games i've played, and trust me i'm no stranger to coop, or large scale AI based PvP.

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Quote[/b] ]And of course the AI.  AI in this game cannot be thought of as simple bots that take up space: they are combatants in a war just as much as you are.  TeamKill in this game and the AI will turn on you.  If you play this game WITHOUT AI then you might as well  play BF2 because that is what sets these games apart.

If you only love playing PvP (8 on 8) CTF's then this is not the game for you.


I completly disagree. In zeus recently, we have been playing some 'jinef' style missions which involves an objective defended by inferior number of troops (balancing done with limited 81mm arty support and not so defensive structures) vs superior number of enemies. it is usually 8vs16, and involves no AI and no respawn. These are some of best games i've played, and trust me i'm no stranger to coop, or large scale AI based PvP.

But the "no respawn" part adds value to your life, whereas in CTF, which benreeper was talking about, you die only to respawn back in the middle of the fight a few seconds later. I also agree with benreeper about the CTI, you usually have to travel halfway across the island to see some real action, and when you die you'll have to start all over again. In CTI, half of the battle is logistics, getting your troops and equipment in the right place as fast and efficiently as possible, and can be the difference between victory and defeat (as is true to real life). For most cases in BF2, the battle is fought and won by the side that kills the most enemies, and while that may be one way to win a war, it really begins to play out more like a game (fake) than a real war - capturing flags to drain your enemie's reinforcements/gain spawn points, confined battlegrounds, instantly placed into action, perfectly balanced PvP teams... might as well be fought in an arena with tons of spectators watching on. At least in OFP/ArmA you can appreciate how serious the combat is and not take to feeling you're superhuman, but still enjoy the experience (that feeling of relief and/or success after the fighting, and all the other emotions that come with playing CTI or the campaigns). I think that's what BIS means when they say they are trying to make a game to portray the seriousness of war, or at least in one way.

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I think scale is the least of differances between the games.  When I said BF2 is like UT2K4, I didn't meant it is UT2k4.  OFP & Armed Assault are sims with deep, realistic gameplay.  BF2 is a caricature of combat with cheap thrills, over the top effects, and no realism.  Worlds apart.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. biggrin_o.gif

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By scale you're thinking size, but what seperates ArmA and BF2 (among other things) is what you can do and how many things are going on at once. BF2 does also have smaller battles, but that's not the whole of it. ArmA will have a more appreciable environment (with animals, weather, tides, etc...), more things to do (some that might not even involve fighting), and generally a grander scale. Like I said, BF2 just seems so much more staged, ArmA should make you feel like it's a living world.

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Am I the only one that thinks CTFs in OFP are fun?

Comon guys didn't you play the great CTF maps like, hexen,drop zone, dead zone, etc.... I had some great times on those maps.

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Am I the only one that thinks CTFs in OFP are fun?

Comon guys didn't you play the great CTF maps like, hexen,drop zone, dead zone, etc.... I had some great times on those maps.

No, they can be fun. I'm simply comparing BF2 to OFP/ArmA and how repetative BF2's gameplay is. In ArmA you can still play CTF, but on top of that you can do a lot more.

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Hello BIS community,

my name is Juraj, I'm from the Slovak republic. I've been playing BF2 the last half-year and am really dissapointed how EA/DICE treat their customers. I quit about a week ago, as I didn't enjoy playing BF2 at all.. Server crashes, CTDs, bugs present after a year of "support", silence from developers, "fixes" causing even more exploits/bugs...........

I've been looking for alternatives of which ArmA to me was the most appealing. Great community, supportive developers. It is a real refreshment for me to be here and follow up on current events smile_o.gif

I hope multiplayer will be good, but judging by only the number of game modes, it WiLL be. I only fear about the pace of the game - will it be too slow compared to BF2?

I am member of an English based clan - ZiiP - great guys who are in for fun and teamplay. We have 60+ members and we are all eagerly awaiting the demo xmas_o.gif

Keep up the good work BIS! *beggs to god BIS won't take EA as publisher*

See you around.

O and my sig WiLL change to a more "suitable" backround image tounge2.gif

Yeah, me too, I was huge BF, BF42, Road to Rome, secret weapons, vietnam, I had all of it! but even I was insulted by EA's support for BF2!

My greatest fear is that EA will be the North American Publisher for Armed Assault.  mad_o.gif

Edit: woot first post!

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My greatest fear is that EA will be the North American Publisher for Armed Assault. mad_o.gif

Edit: woot first post!

Same here... but I doubt they are that smart to pick up this game...

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Hey Alaskan_Viking and welcome to the BIS forums (normally I'm welcoming people over @ ZiiP lol).

Well I don't think it will be EA, there are no indications. As I'm following up on BIS stuff, I also see that they guys are very different than for instance DICE. DICE had a project (BF1942) and were happy that they found someone who published it worldwide. The influence grew and grew, resulting in total EA control over DICE. I think DICE is not happy with what their "baby" has developed into.

I think BIS cares for it's "baby" and I think they are not here for a quick buck. I'm pretty confident that it's not going to be EA smile_o.gif

Apart from that, with 2142 released, it would only cut they're profits wink_o.gif

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Yeah, if EA got the North American ArmA licence, they'd just sit on it, to keep their cash cow (the BF series) from getting hurt. mad_o.gif

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I use to play Battlefield 2, up to 160 hours of desperation altogether surprisingly. Frankly it was a big pile of ****. Putting aside all the bugs and crashes it really was a frustrating, overly-competetive, A-hole swarming environment.

After nearly literly throwing the cd out the window out of anger and frustration, I remembered OFP. inlove.gif

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Don't forget the Jets that can't be hurt by any kind of ground based Anti air weapons...

And the pilots who think they're so great when they go 100-1...

Oh, and don't even get me started on the insta proning machine gunners! mad_o.gif

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