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Modules for game2

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I remember an idea once posted on this forum...

It was suggestion to make different packs containing one particular part of the game developed to the real sim-like level (e.g. the tank sim) based on the oryginal game2 core but sphisticated enough to to constitute a whole new game. Something simillar to the modules and addons for VBS1, but not just only addons!

For those who don`t remember or don`t know what It`s all about:

Here is the link to the topic I am referring to.

Game2 will have a great engine allowing us to do many things with the core game, even more than with the old ofp. Moreover, the core game2 will be quite sophisticated and realistic simulation of different aspects of the battlefield. On the other hand, It`s impossible to merge different kinds of simulation into one game and although BIS claims they want to make It as real as possible, they probably won`t manage to get close to sims dedicated to just one subject(?)(If they will...well, time will show).

In other words: companies are making game engines, and then selling them for other comapnies that makes other games, why couldn`t BIS make a module for theit own game, using their own engine, making It a whole new one?

The thing is, that there were different opinions about It...

I want to make this pool to examine the opinions of older fans and some new guys that are and will be joining this community when ArmA is relased.

To put the whole concept in another, short way:

1You buy game2, you enjoy It, but you still have the feeling that It would be great to have the "steel beast" level of complexity while playing as a member of tank crew. Then you order your tank-module and play the game (+ the whole new tank campaign included in the module).

2You want to fly the AH64 and still think the franze's one for game2 sucks ( rofl.gif )? You do the same as above and play with the helo sim.

Of course all the modules are compatible with the core game and of with each other, so It`s possible to play the core campaign with the usage of the added stuff. There`s no need to worry about the MP because It would be solved by BIS anyway.

So, I`m not talking about something like 30+ add-on modules like "MG gunner module" "AT soldier module" that you have to buy in order to play the game, or play It with the announced level of realism. It`s about usage of the engine capabilities...


1. The core game would still contain tanks, helos etc. The modules would be separate parts...imagine having ofp compatible with steel beast now. It`s basically how It should work.

2. It wouldn`t be necessary to buy those modules to play the game2, I suggest thinking about independent, whole new, sophisticated sims, focused on only one part of the battlefield (e.g being a amember of a tank crew), built on the same engine

3. Yes, It all makes sense only if BIS won`t manage to merge It all ino one game

4. Yes, they do not have to do this^, because ofp keeps the balance between realism and gameplay, ground/air and naval warfare, but they CAN, It's like an expansion pack like Resistance

5. BIS would certainly manage to make It MP compatible, I mean, It would make sense only if It was MP compatible

edit: sh*t, didn`t know I can`t thicken the font in the poll choices

edit2: PLz take under consideration that the last option to vote "all in the core game" wasn`t a good Idea and stayed there by accident, It`s there unnecessarily as Spy17 noticed, because everyone would like to have those things in one game. I won`t change anything because too many ppl have already voted, and It shows BIS that everyone would like such improvements either in the core game or in the modules.

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I don't think it'd work out well.. Would you rather pay Åxx instead of waiting a while and downloading a mod that does the same thing?

The module system works perfectly for VBS1, in millatry-type places, where they wouldn't want to have to make the stuff them-selfs, they can get a company to make the module for them, and it's easy to limit where it can be used etc.. But for a game like Flashpoint, where it's very modable, I'd say, no..

Although, being able to install mods like "modules" would be usefull, but I dont think many people would pay for them.. Engine upgrades via modules would be interesting though, but thats basicly what patches are far tounge2.gif

- Ben

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Guest Ti0n3r

Fuck modules. If they want to add new stuff they should just give it to us for free wink_o.gif

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Well, you didn`t get the idea...

I`m not talking about modules like in VBS1...You can `mod` ofp and make some extra models, but you can`t make a tank sim...I`m talking about something that can be sold separately rather than downloaded with patch...

Why didn`t they give us Resistance for free? It was jus a campaign with some updates...Well, It wasn`t just a campaign, but I`m talking about something much bigger than a patch. Patches for the core game would be relased anyway.

Nobody wants to make a whole big tank sim and give it to the ppl for free. Am I right?

edit: I want to say that BIS could make the "game2" the "tank sim" (based on game2 with the focus on thank stuff), and "helo sim" (just like above), games that can be sold separately. Well that`s the evolution of my idea, but afaik there have been different games (silent hunter and destroyer commander?) that could be played in mp together. I don`t remember how It worked, but games made from one core (game2) could be even more "friendly" in mp, If you know what I mean.

That would make sense imho, because If it was done by BIS It would have all the technical obstacles broken. You can say "well, If BIS can do this, why don`t they include It to the core game?", belive me I would like to see that in the core game, but here are the main advantages of this system:

1. shorter development of te core game

2. if the prices were reasonable you would buy it anyway (and thinking that way you would pay for this, paying for the core game with those modules included so there`s no difference)

3. those packs could include whole new campaign with the part of the battlefield grown-up ,on which this one particular module is focusing

4. It wouldn`t be bad when It comes to editing the game, It would help imho

5. If you like tanks you buy tank module, if you don`t like It, you don`t buy It

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It sounds like fun, but you're overseeing one little aspect: MP gaming wink_o.gif .

Also, what you are suggesting means breaking a very intensive simulation up into multiple (scripted?) engines... wich is practically a no-go wink_o.gif

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I`m only suggesting things, not pointing exactly how it should be done, so use your imagination andtry to see it done by BIS, not by me.

As I wrote earlier, there wouldn`t be problems with MP because If they did something like that, they would certainly make It MP compatible. It would be an option to choose by the server admin (no modules, tank module only, tank + helo module, helo module only and so on). All the modules would have to be compatible with the core game so ppl with game2 only could play with those who have the tank module.

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I think ofp would lose that magic thing. That magic thing is that it doesnt matter if you are a gurnt, pilot or gunner in a steel beast it is still a great expierience. Those thinks should all in at the first release. Addonspack's are fine if they help to get the cashflow going for bis, but modules NO! smile_o.gif

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I'd prefer to keep all the eggs in one basket, and have a good tank/air combat/naval/infantry combat simulation, rather than 4 separate (though exquisite) examples. What's the good of infantry without armoured/air support? What's the good of tanks without infantry/air support?

Unless, of course, BIS can just make the whole thing exquisite...

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What about if all things were released but modules to improve things were released? Like say normally in a helicopter a few keys would be used,and if a expansion module was released then even more keys and more realism would be added to that category.

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If you could run all the different modules for all the different vehicles/styles of combat at the same time, sure. But I imagine the keyboard would become mighty cluttered mighty quick. smile_o.gif And what of the lag?

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Hmm...advanced coding so that the key buttons change depending on the vehicle...though it would be interesting,sadly doubtful...but I don't really know the limits of this stuff.

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@CameronMcDonald: the core game would stil include tanks helos and stuff!...I`m not talking about addon packs!  I`m talking about modules, big, sophisticated modules that could be concerned (and sold) as a whole new games/sims.

You`re saying that ofp is a good

Quote[/b] ]tank/air combat/naval/infantry combat simulation
? It depends on how you understand the "good combat simulation", and even if ofp was a good combat simulation now, it would become a ultra good combat simulation...ppl! Let`s face It, ofp will never have the realism level of steel beasts when It comes to the tank simulation...And that`s the only way to change It...

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modules arent really much more than small mods.

eg ADF1/2 a australia defence mod

they provide a wide range of units used by the ADF.

however it is inappropriate to use such defined modules ingame to on a purchasable base.


cuz if some one doesnt have a module he cant join an mp game or cant use another addon/module cuz he lacks of another one.

and thats also a problem in vbs1.

people cant afford paying 50$ for each module.

only to play with 1-2 new units on a mp game

either free or addons like red hammer or resistance

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Looks at BF2 (yea I know..), you now already have the main game, SF expansion and the so called "booster"-pack Euro Forces :/. And not everyone can pay online with creditcard.

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Yeah...but the series got worse as it went and more graphic demanding and less content. (bf2 franchise)

I duno how realistic the game will be and whatnot,however we don't fully know what Armed Assault is capable of,perhaps we should wait to find out what it has before we start tossing rocks.

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Here is the LINK to the topic you are referring to.

I wonder why you took the option to vote: "I want It all in one game (If it`s doable !!  )"

Because of course everyone would like to have it that way!

It is just a question of this being doable.

Remember BIS employees are just humans  smile_o.gif

I just want them to make addons focused on vehicle specific realism!

Read the old tread I hope I explained the idea good enough.

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Sure why not?

It works for VBS. Just don't have the same prices crazy_o.gif

It would suck though, if the core had like three different soldiers, one tank and one heli.

And all islands should be in the core.

Except those wich is made afterwards (by BIS).

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I remember reading that the US military are building an interchange system between all their different simulators (VBS1, multi million $ flight sims, etc)

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If i understand you right, then you will need the core game

to be able to play the game itself. If you are now let's say

a pilot and you like to play the game from perspective of

a flight sim you gonna buy the flight sim module.

Now you will still play the same game but when flying a plane

you will just have much more detail and hardware support

like flight control systems etc. I could imagine that you maybe

even get different radio traffic upon the flight module or different huds with more detail too.

Now when entering a mp game it'll be not important if you

own a module supported by the server or not - if you own

it, you can use it, if not you use what you have (core game

will be a must).

For everybody it will everything look same, just from your

perspective you will have a difference based upon the module

you are additionally using.

AI will not need to be scripted different because of a module,

because they will belong to the core game's engine - the module just affects your point of view.

If it's like this, hell that would be great - i'd love it - i voted

for variant 1 - if it's not like this - well then i voted wrong whistle.gif

~S~ CD

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@Chris Death

Yes, that`s exactly what I mean...

When using a module, the game becomes more realistic/harder/different only from your point of view, what`s funny, sometimes server would allow (optional) both, modules and core game clients so you could play with your tank module against a guy who`s sitting inside a "easier" tank from the core game...

There are two things you can do then, reconnect without the module loaded, or find a game with a "tank module only" limit....

PLz take under consideration that the last option to vote: "all in the core game" wasn`t a good Idea and stayed there by accident, It`s there unnecessarily as Spy17 noticed, because everyone would like to have those things in one game. I won`t change anything because too many ppl have already voted, besides It shows BIS that everyone would like such improvements either in the core game or in the modules.

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i dont really get it y you folks kinda think of modules for arma or game2..

as i posted previously this doesnt make much sense for a commercial game... and itl will make things really complicated.

eg addon packs like resistance or for bf2 euro force

add very wide range of diffrent units of diffrent country etc etc.

whilest modules (like for vbs1) are build for military customers mainly

means they add what they need eg in marine module

av8b, marines, mortar ch53, ch46m hueys etc etc etc.

now imageine you dont have a certain module and you want to play amission that contains only a single unit from a module you dont have...

that would suck wouldnt i?

youd had to buy that module in order to play it..

this really puts people of in vbs1 cuz theyre very expensive..

and its frustrating sometimes.

however vbs1 is not commercial game and the army can afford such costs..

but not gamers..

even if a lets say fictional IDF module for arma or game2 would be released it would still cost eg 20-40 euros..

so from a gamers view thats really just suicide.

better go with  normal addon packs like resistance or what ever..

and y trying to copy vbs1 anyway....

if you want to play vbs1 get vbs1...

if you can afford seperate modules you can afford vbs1..

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yep id have to agree with all of the above, VBS1 is bad enough for me tounge2.gif

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- no you do not get the idea:

This is about improving the SIMULATION aspect of OFP.

Not even VBS1 gives you a better flight model, damage model or improved sensors or gauges for vehicles.

Otherwise I probably would have bought VBS1.

And your idea to buy a real simulation (vbs1) instead of OFP just because you would like to see improved realism (in a game looking for realism) is just as contra productive as asking a flight sim fan, asking for improvement, to buy a real plane simulator. (we want realistic games - not professional training)

I want to merge the plane, helicopter, tank, ship and tactic FPS sim freaks to come together in one game: OFP

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hm maybe i dont get it cuz im female.. lol..



Quote[/b] ]Not even VBS1 gives you a better flight model, damage model or improved sensors or gauges for vehicles.

Otherwise I probably would have bought VBS1.

so you think by getting modules (which are just specific addons) you can rise the realism?

i doubt that...lol..

stand allone addons can do that aswell..

ofp/arma/vbs1 addons cant change the engine..

vbs1 has the possibility to compute between different systems

(calytrix) to eg let a plane fly realtime in vbs1 while operating from a flightsim.

but that prolly wont be managable in arma or ofp..

its getting reall ridiculous..

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