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Good news on the AI!

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Quote[/b] ]First of all we were informed about the general game play. As was already stated in many prior interviews, Armed Assault will feature character switching in the Singleplayer mode. This can be configured by the mission editor: Every unit set to “playableâ€, an option that in OFP is still exclusive to the Multiplayer mode, can be commanded. This option can also be changed via scripting in the course of the mission. The AI wasn’t that impressing in the demo, but Rastavovich assured us that this will change for the final product.

I find that reassuring yay.gif

Full article here: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?newlang=eng

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yeah, I just read that too smile_o.gif .

But if you think about it clearly... like the animations, this AI was only a placeholder.

Also, note that the animation system was totally reworked, maybe, just maaaybe... wink_o.gif .

Either way, ArmA's AI will get modded, we all know that tounge2.gif .

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oops... just saw the other interview thread... close if you wish.

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For me AI could not exist. There`s nothing better than fights human vs human. Imagine CTI 30 ppl vs 30 ppl without AI, that`s gonna be hot.

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yeah its good that thats clearified but the real question is whats being changed about the AI?

*shouldn't this be in the other thread? heh moderators job... band.gif

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@ May 21 2006,23:13)]For me AI could not exist. There`s nothing better than fights human vs human. Imagine CTI 30 ppl vs 30 ppl without AI, that`s gonna be hot.

Imagine, a "Lan campsite", five hundred "slots", all taken by people. a 24/h game, no lag, good communication etc etc...

Now imagine this: four hundred and ninetynine AI.

wich of these sounds more doable for the average gamer? smile_o.gif

Oh, and let me tell you: OFP AI can be scripted to act VERY real. VME AI is "command-wise" realistic at a group level (if an combined arms assault is going tits up, the AI will retreat, pound the target with tank shells, and retry) , but the AI is also very personal at a individual level (People will provide cover for injured squadmates while a medic rushes to the site.)

Though currently this AI is very cpu intensive, it shows that it "can be done", and I think this kind of AI would shine in an optimised engine.

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Would you rather play 30 vs 30 or 30 vs 30 with an added 300 AI? Those of us that like AI would rather have larger, more reliable games. It's alot easier to balance a game if hundreds of AI are added.


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upcoming server CPUs gets use smile_o.gif and these HT addon FPU cards smile_o.gif

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Either way, ArmA's AI will get modded, we all know that tounge2.gif .

did i missed something?? AI could be modded ?! ...you say i can add a new behaviour, new decision logic?

I don't believe this, where did you found this information?

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I wish AI could be adjustable. wink_o.gif

Ingenious OFP Mod creators would make an excellent AI. smile_o.gif

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yeah like scripts in missions and i remember some VME a.i that was pretty hard worked on. Didn't Ecp had some a.i stuff in it?

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Either way, ArmA's AI will get modded, we all know that tounge2.gif .

did i missed something?? AI could be modded ?! ...you say i can add a new behaviour, new decision logic?

I don't believe this, where did you found this information?

Though it's stubbornly undervalued by the community, the VME's mod CQB AI is terrifying. see the story above, or try it yourself here wink_o.gif .

What I find interesting is that whereas the VME AI (and any AI mods) depend on scripts to "overwrite" normal AI actions (very cpu intensive) armed Assault seems to havea "custom AI" option... though wether this works like a "custom face" , or it just enables you to change some parameters of the vanilla AI, is uncertain.

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@ May 21 2006,23:13)]For me AI could not exist. There`s nothing better than fights human vs human. Imagine CTI 30 ppl vs 30 ppl without AI, that`s gonna be hot.
Quote[/b] ]Imagine, a "Lan campsite",  five hundred "slots", all taken by people. a 24/h game, no lag, good communication etc etc...

Now imagine this:  four hundred and ninetynine AI.

wich of these sounds more doable for the average gamer?  smile_o.gif

I can imagine even 1000 slots biggrin_o.gif but i was talking about what`s included in ArmA. We know that there will be 60 slots.

And i prefer to play against human being than AI or AI controlled by human being. It`s a challenge wink_o.gif

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It was modable in ofp, wasnt it?

I guess it is hard-coded in OFP.

Hard-coded AI is faster than scrips usually.

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Sorry guys, I don't remember Rasta saying exactly that -- it was more like: "we hope to improve the AI"; in any case, AI improvements can happen in a variety of ways, many of which do not involve the complete reworking you're hoping for. Of course, I could be mistaken, since German is not my mother tongue. Still, best course of action is to follow my rules. A) don't count on it if they don't say it's in there and B) don't believe it until you see it.

So don't count it.

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You do realize you are trying to preach to the devout that prayer alone won't save their sick Grandmother....  biggrin_o.gif  tounge2.gif  wink_o.gif

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