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SPAD had a similar problem which was due to addons. He had it too much. Thus bugs. To have no problem, it is necessary to create a mini-mod. smile_o.gif

Otherwise, try to lower the quality level of the graphics.   huh.gif

The campaign is playable on my computer, 768Mo, GC 64Mo ATI RADEON 9000...  PIV 2,6 rofl.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Is the Rhino larger thant a Space Marine in this Mod? You have to realise that 40K vehicles especially the Marine ones are huge.

A marine in between 7-8 foot tall, the rhino is bigger than that and a Landraider stands at 13 feet, thats the size of a double decker bus.

It may be at the right height, but it's too square. The back of a rhino is more of a rectangle. Mmkay?

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Since there was discussion about drop pods I would like to present you my Deepstrike Script 1.0:


Deepstrike script 1.0 by Dragonian







-Drops a defined number of drop pods on the location the user has defined

-the user can define scattering of the pods

-the user can define the time between pods

-the user can define the units in the pods

-After the drop the units will disembark and move to an user defined location



-Copy both of the script files (pods.sqs and dismount.sqs) to your mission folder

-Make a trigger

-Make two markers (object/trigger/game logic) and name them what you like

-Call this script on activate or deactivate:

[Position marker, Number of pods, Xrange, Yrange, Starting height, Minimum time, Variable time, "Type of unit", "Type of leader", Friendly unit, Separate squad?, Waypoint marker] exec "pods.sqs"


[marker1, 6, 100, 200, 300, 1, 2, "uterminator2", "uterminator3", chapterleader, true, marker2] exec "pods.sqs"



-Position marker:

-Type = object/trigger/game logic

-The marker you want the pods to be dropped on

-Example: marker1

-Number of pods:

-Type = number

-The number of pods you want dropped on the location (Maximum of twelve (12) pods is recommended)

-Example: 6


-Type = number

-The X-axis range of the area in metres the pods will be dropped on

-Example: 100


-Type = number

-The Y-axis range of the area in metres the pods will be dropped on

-Example: 200

-Starting height:

-Type = number

-altitude in metres the pods will be dropped from (Don't know if this really affects anything because the pods seem to take their own altitude if they are spawned in air)

-Example: 300

-Minimum time:

-Type = number

-The minimum time in seconds between the creation of the pods

-Example: 1

-Variable time:

-Type = number

-The variable time in seconds between the creation of the pods (a random value between zero (0) and this value will be added to the Minimun time value)

-Example: 2

-"Type of unit":

-Type = string

-The type of the units in all the pods other than the leaders pod

-Example: "uterminator2" = terminator with assault cannon

-"Type of leader":

-Type = string

-The type of the leader of the squad

-Example: "uterminator3" = terminator sergeant

-Friendly unit:

-Type = object (side = resistance)

-Unit in which squad the dropped units will be assigned to if the squad is not separated as it's own squad

-Example: chapterleader

-Separate squad?:

-Type = boolean (true or false)

-Will the unit be separated as it's own squad or will it be joining the Friendly unit determined above (true = the unit will be on it's own / false = the unit will be lead by the Friendly unit)

-Example: true

-Waypoint marker:

-Type = object/trigger/game logic

-The marker you want the units to move after disembarking from the pods

-Example: marker2

FILE: Deepstrike Script 1.0

Please give me constructive feedback about errors and bugs in the script on this board or with private message.

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Hey Dragonia, I got your script but I haven't had time to check it out yet, but I will soon.

Spad, I found another wierd glitch. When you stand a certain distance from the Terminator with the Autocannon, the model switches from the autocannon to a stormbolter...that's all I notice for now.

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Great Addon!  As we all know, this is still a beta and there are bugs. I wanted to compile a list of items starting with units that CTD or have errors loading.  I will add on to this message if needed by the creators.

The following units were loaded using the Desert Island map:


Black Legion Defiler (Missing icon)

Saim-Hann Scorpion Heavy Grav-tank (CTD)

Fire Wind Pilot (Error Loading, must rename .pbo file)

Fire Wind Fighter Pilot (Error Loading, must rename .pbo file)

Air Caste Pilot (Error Loading, must rename .pbo file)

Air Caste Fighter Pilot (Error Loading, must rename .pbo file)


Baneblade Super Heavy Tank (CTD)

Mortar Support (CTD)

Cadian Scout Sentinel (Laser Cannon) (Missing icon)

Cadian Scout Sentinel (Autocannon) (Missing icon)

Warhound Class Scout Titan (Error Loading, doesn't load all the time)

Warloard Class Battle Titan (Error Loading, doesn't load all the time)

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Aircaste/firewind can be fixed by renaming Aricaste.pbo to aircaste.pbo wink_o.gif

Although when I using them I noticed their heads didn't seem to work properly, I don't know if this is a general bug though, because I had with a few other addons as well

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Most of the things you listed I don't have CTD's. The Black Legion defilers worked well, they just weigh like two pounds and go flying when hit lol. The BaneBlade I loaded but it said it couldn't find Steel Legion crew, or something like that...MORTAR support, I believe I had a CTD if I remember right... the Sentinals worked, like the defiler, they don't have an icon though. I havn't really tested they others WITH crew members in them, but I know you can place them empty and they load fine. You could still use them by placing some soldiers and using the "this MoveInDriver", etc. commands.

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Hey there

Having some really good times with this mod!

A few bugs that no one has pointed out yet-

(maybe theres fixes?)

The termies and dreadnaughts have no weapons

when loading them in multiplayer

they only have their subpower generator thinges or whatever

Kinda a problem in LAN.

Just letting you know


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Ok, here is the deal.

First of all I like to say I'm very impressed with this mod. Its great. The amount of work you done is incredible.

Second thing what I want to say is that I havent played Flashpoint for about 1 year - I thougt I was cured - but it came out I was in mistake - becouse of this mod smile_o.gif

I've started to write a mini-campaign. So far 2 missions. I will release them soon (1 more to come). But what is importent - Ive wrote a working script for fire dispersion. I want to share it becouse I think playing with it gives much more fun.

this is how it goes:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

; fire dispersion script, execution:

; [unitName,dispersion_numer] exec "filename.sqs"

; unitName - no explenation needen I hope;-)

; dispersion_numer - number from range <-inf;0> ,

; the less you give the greater dispersion you will have

; works good with -0.6,

_unit = _this select 0

_basic = _this select 1

_health = 0



? !alive _unit : goto "END"

? getDammage _unit != 0 : goto "MINUS"

goto "TEST"


_health = _health + getDammage _unit

? _health >= 1 : goto "END"

_unit setDammage _basic

;hint format ["%1 %2",_health,getdammage _unit]

goto "TEST"



_unit setDammage 1

;hint "unit dead"

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For all those with the blessing of Map-making and campaign creating skills, I only ask of you one thing... PLEASE make them co-op!   This is a great mod, and it's multiplayer compatible... so why waste it?   We need versus missions for folks who happen to know 20 people that play it, or servers to play on, but we also need 3 or 4 player missions, for folks who know a small group of LANners who'd simply love to play.   I'm not the best at working on maps, but I'm trying to create a co-op mission... which reminds me...

SPAD? ARCHANGEL? SPQR?   ANYONE?!   Where did you guys *.pbo the buildings (Imperial and Tau)?   I need to know what to De-PBO so I can use the Wrp-Editor.   Thanks for any light you can shed on that!

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If you use Total Commander and you know the name of this building, which apper in editor you can open 'suspected' pbo (even if its coded - it dosent matter) in lister and search for string "nameOfYourBuilding" - thats how you'll find pbo, which shoud be decripted with UnPbo.

Good luck smile_o.gif

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What is this...Total Commander? Also, I'll try that... but ya know, in the event that they see my post, ^_~ they can post the file name so folks that follow behind me won't have to... ya know, in case I die after I find what I'm looking for lol rofl.gif

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Moving to A&M:C as beta is released content.

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