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German GameStar slaps Armed Assault

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The german website www.gamestar.de slaps Armed Assault and Bohemia into the face. Editor Petra Schmitz visited the IDEA Games boot yesterday only to write a hilarious, stupid and unprofessional article. The translation:

"Flashpoint - nothing more

Bohemia Interactive, creators of the tactical-shooter Operation Flashpoint, have apperently spend the last years in deep sleep. In the meantime they probably woke up for a few days to snap their tactical shooter from 2001 to beef up the textures and blow up the island to 400 squarekilometers. Then they have built in the possibility to play the missions as sniper, tankcommander or ordinary infantry and improved the movements with motion capturing. We have to admit the latter works amazingly. The other two improvements seem to us to be more of an occasion-work, as there has to be a brand new game after all. Armed Assault however is no brand new game. This is only a generally improved Operation Flashpoint and seems to be in times of UnrealEngine3 or even the Crytek Engine a bad joke.

Noone knows better than us that graphics isn´t everything and you don´t have to roll up already succesful concepts. But what Bohemia tries to deliver - worse than moderate. Maybe that´s why noone from Bohemia was there. You could only find two PR-guys inside a tiny room at the end of the Kentia Hall. We left both of them with a sad feeling, remembering with melancholy the huge size of an Operation Flashpoint.


They can´t be serious, can they? This is the most unprofessional article I´ve ever read. Gamestar is known here for it´s unprofessional behaviour so people here don´t take this too serious. But it´s still a brashness mad_o.gif

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They already changed the text as too many comments did complain there. whistle.gif

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Yes its true! And the reaction of our german community is extrem... i think the gamestar did not have so many comments on an article bevor.

The article is just unfair!

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What I'm thinkin is maybe Idea went to E3 with the Old Arma demo. I dont know this cuase i was Half a world away from LA. But I know some people from this forum saw it.

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They already changed the text as too many comments did complain there. whistle.gif

I still read the original text there wink_o.gif They just added the line "Because BIS wants to sell AA as OFP1.5 it´s not so dramatic"...

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John R. @ May 13 2006,14:42)]Yes its true! And the reaction of our german community is extrem... i think the gamestar did not have so many comments on an article bevor.

The article is just unfair!

It's has the third most comments atm.


And it's only a day old.



An editor answers:

That a little report from E3 can create these emotions. I haven't been to E3 myself, so I can't comment on the critics or the game itself.

But: E3 2006 is over. It's half past 5 in the morning at the moment, the editors still sleep and tomorrow they'll take their plane to Munich.

But it's also certain that we will continue to visit and observe BIS and ArmA closely in the near future.

Regarding the functioning of BIS, it should be allowed to mention it. Because if the developers would work that hard and consequently on their games, the Xbox version of OFP wouldn't have come 2 years to late, BIS wouldn't have lost Codemasters as publisher and wouldn't have been searching for a new publisher for two years. ArmA was planned to be released in 2005, now they say 2006 and to tell the truth, I wouldn't be surprised if it would be pushed back to 2007, because no major publisher wants to take the risk at the moment - there are certainly its causes. It maybe that the graphics of a game are taken too important by to many gamers, but it has been that way all the time and (unfortunately) it will be that way all the time.

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it does seem to be a rather poorly written piece.

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Is it just me or has ArmAss always been an updated OFP. I never once thought it was going to be a brand new game. I hate it when people go to these events and they havn't evern done any basic research on the game. Anyone of us could of provided much more usefull information than that poor excuse for a worms genatalia......

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Journalists that judge a game based on graphics...and compare them to unrealistic counterparts...well, this is the reason flight sim games have slowed down so much these days. It is really sad how unprofessional it is.

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They dont know OFP from their asses to their elbows, arma is not a new game how many times do we need to drill this into peoples thick heads, journal or not its a shite article. mad_o.gif

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I hazard a guess that when he dies and goes to hell he will be forced to play 400km2 maps on his beloved crytek.. yay.gif

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I hazard a guess that when he dies and goes to hell he will be forced to play 400km2 maps on his beloved crytek.. yay.gif

He's a she. wink_o.gif

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BF2 player.... if no Publisher... then sell on-line and skip the middle man. I think it is the way of the future, so better to start sooner than later.

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Guest Ti0n3r

Who gives a fuck? yay.gif

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I don`t belive my post will change a thing, but here it goes:

big "boooooooooo" on german gamestar... icon_rolleyes.gif

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well E3 sounding a real disaster so far. 2 reviews and both been piss poor.But to be honest i dont expect much from any press.thats why i always get a little frustrated when the actual dev makes us work hard for crumbs of real quality coverage/news /spec.

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Formerly this used to be the best german games/computer magazine. But the new head created a complete new style and did more hyping than something else. Sad but true.

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Many contributions of the "fans" are really bad. Same level as well as the article. search self. :P

Faith of the Gamestar has not liked 2 people from IDEA. biggrin_o.gif

Or they were disappointed by the empty surfaces. ... . . . ...

Or ArmA is really bad what they saw with own eyes. ... . .


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Who gives a fuck? yay.gif

Possible buyers? Most fans will buy the game but what about those who would love ArmA but their first impression is based on a crappy article?

So I think there is a basic responsibility in journalism, you can't be too biased nor spread lies. If something doesn't please constructive criticism should be given. Or at least tell why something sucks.

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Many contributions of the "fans" are really bad.  Same level as well as the article. search self. :P

Faith of the Gamestar has not liked 2 people from IDEA. biggrin_o.gif

Or they were disappointed by the empty surfaces. ... . . . ...

Or ArmA is really bad what they saw with own eyes. ... . .


Yeah. Man, we're defending BIS there. Sadly some are more flaming than something else but there are also excellent posts.

BIS, please dont forsake us biggrin_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

What I mean is that I don't think people in general are dumb enough to even read something like that and then take it as facts or even a valid opinion. But people in general might be dumber than I think. I don't know though wink_o.gif

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