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Vegetation concealment

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And you are talking about which OFP version?

Look, i have just tried it, so i can be 100% sure.

In OFP 1.96: if you kill enemy who doesn't know about you, he WON'T report you. And the same goes with the "West detected by East" trigger.

And by the way, all these events are dependant on the KnowsAbout value.

I just tried it in the editor. Period.

well mate I experienced in 1.96 and it was in effect, there are many things going on which must be taken into account for precise conclusion. period smile_o.gif

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found it  biggrin_o.gif  search avons  FAQ for monty python or how not to be seen

Ye, thats prolly the best single mission ever made for OFP smile_o.gif

Problem is that its not the truth in OFP pistols.gif

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Perhaps you should consider that during any patrol the enemy will be looking specifically at bushes, even perhaps firing into them if they suspect something is there.

No need to take a chance by presuming nothing is in the bushes. Because everyone hides in them...

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Perhaps you should consider that during any patrol the enemy will be looking specifically at bushes, even perhaps firing into them if they suspect something is there.

No need to take a chance by presuming nothing is in the bushes. Because everyone hides in them...

So if in doubt empty a clip into every bush?

CO: "Pvt Chunder, why did you not engage the enemy?"

Pvt Chunder: "Sorry sir but I ran out of ammo...."


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Well, basically u can make a logical judgement where the smart enemy might be hiding, a few rounds into a suspect bush can wield unexpected suprises.

Who really cares if you know theres a resupply point anyrate.

I never found bushes a concearn at all. enjoyed the game for what it was worth, don't know what the hastle is with everyone beleiving their version of 'reality' is infact realistic, and everyone elses isn't, and thus the attitude 'this bs it's not true which moan whine arcade sim moan duke nukem whinge halo 2' etc etc etc

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I am not sure how about other versions, but in 1.96 this bug doesn't exists anymore

Sorry, but I can only say what I know from personal experience, and AI can at least shoot you through bushes without true line of sight. It happens annoyingly often and definitely needs to be fixed. Same counts for tents.

In OFP nothing is more dangerous than approaching some AI soldiers in a tent or if a couple of bushes seperate you. They will always see and shoot you before you even guess they could be there.

I've experienced this numerous times. Even thru buildings which is very annoying. I scout them from a hill top and see them in one end of a town. I run down on the opposite side, covered by buildings and blam, I take one to the teeth. From the "deathcam" I see him with two buildings between us. This was before Resistance though, so it might be an old bug.

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I've experienced this numerous times. Even thru buildings which is very annoying. I scout them from a hill top and see them in one end of a town. I run down on the opposite side, covered by buildings and blam, I take one to the teeth. From the "deathcam" I see him with two buildings between us. This was before Resistance though, so it might be an old bug.

and you think the bullet came through all the buildings too?

I doubt it, looks like you must have been in his line of sight if he managed to deliver bullet into your precious virtual body wink_o.gif

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I remember in a coop mission on Everon, where the steep hill with the castle on top is, a hostile AI patrol was all the way down in the village with me and a buddy almost at the castle (which is roughly 700 meters of distance in game). The mission was to take control of the castle. So we weren't doing anything but trying to get a good angle of approach when suddenly my buddy got capped by a single shot.

Not from the guards at the castle, mind you. But from the xray eyes AI soldiers down in the village.

They had no sniper in that patrol on a sidenote, and there were bushes and some rocks we were crawling amongst. How those guys ever saw us is beyond me, and how the AI managed to kill in one shot is as well. I just hope they fix this kinda stuff for Armed Assault.

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Yup. It's as if they don't just have an 'idea' where you are when you go past cover, it's as if they're refining their aim and the second there's a LOS, they just pull the trigger, no re-acquisition time at all.

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I remember in a coop mission on Everon, where the steep hill with the castle on top is, a hostile AI patrol was all the way down in the village with me and a buddy almost at the castle (which is roughly 700 meters of distance in game). The mission was to take control of the castle. So we weren't doing anything but trying to get a good angle of approach when suddenly my buddy got capped by a single shot.

Not from the guards at the castle, mind you. But from the xray eyes AI soldiers down in the village.

They had no sniper in that patrol on a sidenote, and there were bushes and some rocks we were crawling amongst. How those guys ever saw us is beyond me, and how the AI managed to kill in one shot is as well. I just hope they fix this kinda stuff for Armed Assault.

Sounds like Saint Pierre.

Btw, i've had similar difficulties with AI shooting through tents, bushes, walls etc. I hope this would be fixed in ArmA. smile_o.gif

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I remember in a coop mission on Everon, where the steep hill with the castle on top is, a hostile AI patrol was all the way down in the village with me and a buddy almost at the castle (which is roughly 700 meters of distance in game). The mission was to take control of the castle. So we weren't doing anything but trying to get a good angle of approach when suddenly my buddy got capped by a single shot.

Not from the guards at the castle, mind you. But from the xray eyes AI soldiers down in the village.

They had no sniper in that patrol on a sidenote, and there were bushes and some rocks we were crawling amongst. How those guys ever saw us is beyond me, and how the AI managed to kill in one shot is as well. I just hope they fix this kinda stuff for Armed Assault.

hmmm (a big one) Im sure that the weapon used by the "shooter" is not a BIS one because only machine gunners and snipers shoot that distance(700m?), and since you said its a single shot and no sniper, then its a custom made weapon... like JAM G3? hell I like it.. smile_o.gif

so I belive that its quite reasonable under these conditions..

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It might have been a machine gunner since I am 100 % sure that mission was without addons. Point is not about which gun can fire accurately over that distance, but rather what Scrub said two posts above.

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It might have been a machine gunner since I am 100 % sure that mission was without addons. Point is not about which gun can fire accurately over that distance, but rather what Scrub said two posts above.

yeah I know, but you can never imagine 100% sure that u are "lurking under shadows" may be while climbing the hill, due to angle of steep change, you might have "screened" the sky for the troops down there... for example I was playing coop with a mate, the "shadow killer" map, I usually reduce the brightness and gamma to real low setting where u can only see with NVG, and hell I was seeing my mate running on the hill, and he was clearly 400m away from me... but still X-ray thing is really working on the "tents" smile_o.gif

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Not from the guards at the castle, mind you. But from the xray eyes AI soldiers down in the village.

They had no sniper in that patrol on a sidenote, and there were bushes and some rocks we were crawling amongst. How those guys ever saw us is beyond me, and how the AI managed to kill in one shot is as well. I just hope they fix this kinda stuff for Armed Assault.

You ran into one of the BIS PK Snipers.

They're a special brand of BIS elite soldiers.

Those PKs they're carrying are really fully automatic sniper rifles, they always hit with the first shot. pistols.gif

It's really due to poor configuration values on the PK which makes AI masters of using it.

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Guest Ti0n3r

That is not only due to a poor config, it has more to do with the way OFP simulates weapon recoil. You will never hit anything right or left or below your ironsight (when spraying), so any soldier with more than 0.2 of skill would kill you easily most of the time. Think this will be fixed in ArmA though.

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That is not only due to a poor config, it has more to do with the way OFP simulates weapon recoil. You will never hit anything right or left or below your ironsight (when spraying), so any soldier with more than 0.2 of skill would kill you easily most of the time. Think this will be fixed in ArmA though.

I just upped the dispersion, worked good enough and its nice when there are bullets flying everywhere around you  tounge2.gif

(oh, and i set Aimprecision to 3.5, but thats for every weapon wink_o.gif )

EDIT: And altough noone ever shot at me in real life, it seems to be realistic enough tounge2.gif

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