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William Porter's Blog

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Err, yes back to the topic.

Who do we think is behind William Porter? I have to wonder if it isn't our old friend Placebo. smile_o.gif

I'm assuming its Viktor Bocan

Quote[/b] ]A good place for OFP fans to monitor is the "Inside BI" tab on the BIS website. If you have been visiting it frequently you might of noticed it, the image of BIS Lead Designer, Viktor Bocan leads to a interesting place. A new blog, which looks like a fictinal blog in which the main character of Arma writes. From the blog we can deduce that the main character will be called William Porter. Im not going to reveal everything so get over to the blog and check it out for your self. You can always count on BIS to create little suprizes such as this! Note: To go directly to the blog you can just click on the banner at the top of the news post.

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Quote[/b] ]Placebo has pretty much confirmed that the Russians and some other items in the video are placeholders. (The Russian soldier/spetnaz models were lifted directly from OFP:E)

I hope they include them anyway in the editor for custom made missions. That's the one thing I'm some what dreading about arma, we will have to wait again 3 years for excellent US troops and then 4 for excellent russian troops (and poor old England will never have a complete OOB it seems).

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The mod community is much more established now, so I wouldn't worry about that.

My main concern is that all our missions will be lost, seeing as how the old content (read: islands) will not be in ArmA.

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hmm the addon comunity may be established but with the increased quality in the addons the longer it takes too make them.


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I personally welcome the freshness.

It's like cracking open another aged wine or liquor smile_o.gif

I am absolutely thrilled about the new discoveries that are going to happen and become a part of "OFP" history all over again.... for me it's alot like a second chance at life.

Screw the addons/scripts/missions biggrin_o.gif bring on the excitement and drama!!! (ok... I'm kidding a little)

unless of course something bad happens to me this episode crazy_o.gif then maybe I should buy some OFP insurance or something... BIS, do you have any policies available? crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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I think it'd be interesting after which real life island BIS built Sara this time.

Has anyone found a good match?

Sahrani looks like a customized version of New Zealand to me.

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not really, new zealand's two land masses aren't connected. and the two islands themselves are quite long.

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not really, new zealand's two land masses aren't connected. and the two islands themselves are quite long.

That's what I mean by a customized version -- if you were playing around with New Zealand's shape, and cut off most of South Island, then connected the two, and tweaked North Island to fill out a square better, you would get an island much like Sahrani.  

It's a bit of a stretch, I know (and i'm probably the only one who thinks this), but that's what Sahrani makes me think of.

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not really, new zealand's two land masses aren't connected. and the two islands themselves are quite long.

That's what I mean by a customized version -- if you were playing around with New Zealand's shape, and cut off most of South Island, then connected the two, and tweaked North Island to fill out a square better, you would get an island much like Sahrani.  

It's a bit of a stretch, I know (and i'm probably the only one who thinks this), but that's what Sahrani makes me think of.

So what your saying is, if you change both of NewZlenad's islands completely and join them up together you end up with a single land mass that looks nothing like newzeland?



Hmmm....you might be on to something there.  

Definetly a simularity with the Northern section.

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Long time BIS contacted me with a request, they wanted me to draw something , a kind of angry man very badly , without any talent.

I did not understood why, but i drew this quickly in MSPaint and sent it to them


Now i see the map of the island "Sahrani"


And what happens if i put the horrible drawing i always have in my archive on top of the island map :


I begin to suspect something.

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BIS wants to make everyone miserable with having subliminal angry men in their games. I blame the Bush-administration. confused_o.gif

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Not sure if this is on topic, but I'm still wondering whether the login option on the blog is something that can be used to enter a new section of the site?

Also, I followed the "tri psi" link (to their website) and found this photo in their "project" section.


If I'm not mistaken, wasn't this guy acting as a news anchor in a trailer used by BIS in an early promotion of the XBOX version of flashpoint elite (or was it an earlier video of arma? My memory is failing me). Regardless--this seems to be an interesting and continuing partnership. Are BIS and tripsi related somehow, and is this company involved in any of the work on the game?

EDIT: Just noticed that Vojtech Novák is involved in tripsi (http://www.tripsi.info/web/docs/team.php)...there's the connection...

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Looks like everon just that terrain has been changed and the two parts of the island is turned against eachother, makin a ~90 degree angle.

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lol great minds think alike smile_o.gif, followed that one, if you look at insidebis on bistudio homepage and find that guys profile ,he got a couple of sites, one with e3 showcard, syays 2006 at bottom but its 2005 , apparently the guy in the photo is making a movie called messenger and the bis guy is linked to the amatuer movie scene, i was hoping for the arma link too smile_o.gif. although ya right he did present the early trailer of arma on score. god czechs hard to read , moving on to the next easter egg smile_o.gif

bi people

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Not sure if this is on topic, but I'm still wondering whether the login  option on the blog is something that can be used to enter a new section of the site?

This login is not pointing to any other website which is a part of William Porter's blog. It's just administration login.

And yes, Vojtech Novak = TriPsi

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Long time BIS contacted me with a request, they wanted me to draw something , a kind of angry man very badly , without any talent.

I did not understood why, but i drew this quickly in MSPaint and sent it to them


Now i see the map of the island "Sahrani"


And what happens if i put the horrible drawing i always have in my archive on top of the island map :


I begin to suspect something.

Anyone else made a drawing for BIS? So we can get a complete picture of the Islands (if any) rofl.gifyay.gif

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Long time BIS contacted me with a request, they wanted me to draw something , a kind of angry man very badly , without any talent.


...Is this true? confused_o.gif

Of course it was a (bad attempt at making a) joke wink_o.gif

Well today I searched for 45min to look for a Island that looked like Sarah might be just like Nogova or not... smile_o.gif

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hmm long ago a mainstream dev asked me to make a map also,

i too did a bad drawing, i tried to create ambience and wild life feeling ,grass etc.

btw i think william porter = medvidek wink_o.gif


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lol same place i got this ??

lol not really of course yours are much better, robert or should i say William ,lol


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Ok... That wasn't funny (Arma screen my @$$, my heart skipped a beat on that one) wink_o.giftounge2.gif

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I think I saw that in the ArmA demo I played at GDC. Glad to see you pulling ideas from the community Medvidek

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