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Operation Urup campaign final release

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Those of you that have played Operation Urup Final Candidate 2 or the individual missions will find lots of new surprises, challenges and details. Any comment or feedback will be appreciated.

Enjoy biggrin_o.gif

Operation Urup campaign


Version needed: OFP 1.96

Type: SP Campaign

Islands: Kolgujev and Nogova

Addons needed: Mikero's editor update

Number of missions: 10

Supported languages: english

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I like this campaign, gw, but will FFUR 2006 cause any problems with it?

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I like this campaign, gw, but will FFUR 2006 cause any problems with it?

nope it shouldnt, but the first mission will probably lag like !¤"#

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"First contact" (first mission if we dont count the intro) has had several changes in order to eliminate some lag. These changes are new for current v1.1.

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Hey Mandoble biggrin_o.gif

Today i played a little bit on your Campaign and she's realy good. The Intro is cool, but very long tounge2.gif

I just play the first Mission and i was dead in just few seconds. I will try again!!!

More feedback.....next week. wink_o.gif



Look here

Mirror: here

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Imutep, Berro,

FileFront indicates 0 downloads so far for v1.1, be sure you are downloading "OperationUrup_v1.1.zip".

Imutep, I understand you are playing the old version, Final Candidate 2, not the new one.

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Now i download a second time the Campa on Filefront. It names v1.1.zip wink_o.gif

What's wrong?



here is the Mirror

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great stuff Mandoble thumbs-up.gif

i wasnt able to play more last weekend.

hopefully it will work out this one.

again thanks a lot !

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As long as your downloaded file ends with v1.1.zip (or similar), everything is ok.

Thanks Q.

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There is a quite interesting bug (a no way to solve it) in "The Mayor" mission.

From inside Lipany's hotel there is no way to see the bus (hotel's windows render outside buses invisible). If you start a firefight from inside the hotel and firing through the windows, you may be hitting a passing bus and killing the passengers. In few minutes the police will track you down and try to jail you "without apparent reason".

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I want to say that i like your campaign... it's really nice... but im still in mission 2.  tounge2.gif

The reason for my post is that i saw a bug in your campa...

I can't finish Mission1. After the return to the fleet with the Uh-60... nothing happens. There is the black screen with good job Soldiers... but an end trigger isn't firing. And by the way it isn't really good to create a black screen if u fly a chopper. So i had to cheat to get to mission 2...

In the moment i have no more bugs to report.

Keep up the good work, as i said i like your campaign.

And sorry for my poor english, dude.

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Thanks for the feedback 23-Down.

So far I've been unable to recreate your bug. 4 secs after black screen with the "Good job soldier" message, the mission ends correctly. Anyway I will try few more times.

And you are right, black message while piloting a chopper is a bit risky, but this is only for the last four secs of the mission.

If anyother has experienced this problem, please tell me as soon as possible.

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I had the same bug as 23-Down had, black screen with Good Job Soldier at the end of Mission 1 doesn't go away...

I'm still at mission 2 aswell, this is way harder then the BETA Campaign help.gif

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C'mon, it is not harder, it is just a "bit" different.

BTW, Beachhead is way easier than First Contact and way way easier than some further missions wink_o.gif Just remember to not go West, else it is going to be the Hell.

I'm still trying to reproducte that bug, so far no luck.

Anyway, If you want I can change the end mission criteria for First Contact and post a new campaign version.

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If any of you are experiencing the same problem indicated by Superball and 23-down, try v1.2, already available to download.

First Contact end mission sequence changed. As soon as you reach your feet with the chopper, mission will end with success (of course, after cleaning up SW island).

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Operation Urup 2.0 work in progress. It will cover the years before the intervention on Urup Island. How Grunt ONE got into the army, how he did met OGRE and all the previous military operations. Still not sure, but probably also a bit of Yazov's actions in Moscow coup and his previous relations with Makarov.

"Brothers" is the first mission and is currently available to download as single mission from OUC web page.

Enjoy biggrin_o.gif

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Operation Urup 2.0 work in progress. It will cover the years before the intervention on Urup Island. How Grunt ONE got into the army, how he did met OGRE and all the previous military operations. Still not sure, but probably also a bit of Yazov's actions in Moscow coup and his previous relations with Makarov.

"Brothers" is the first mission and is currently available to download as single mission from OUC web page.

Enjoy  biggrin_o.gif

That's cool man!

Once you got the 'idea' complete just give me a ring and I'll be happy to test it again smile_o.gif

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Finally found some time to play ofp, so I decided to play your campaign, v1.1, hope I've played the latest version. Anyway, I've played first three missions (with ECP), and I think I need to report to you about my 'findings'.

1st Mission:

In the Briefing you could remove "Return to the plan" link; the Objectives are not shown then, so you must click on the Plan tab to see them again, so ... In Gear selection player have 6 mags and 4 empty slots without any possible choosing options; a bit pointless, especially in comparition with the other squad members (they're normally equiped), and with the fact, that the player can rearm himself later in the boat.

During the attack on the first island there's a bug; when the enemy is surrendering, the squad goes in hold fire and careless modes, but some of them are still 'engaging' the Resistance soldiers (which do not surrender btw) by-in the tower. Mission didn't ended; got black screen with a "Good Job Soldier" sign ... and had stayed that way. Mission end cheat didn't worked(??). Maked a cheat save, then aborted to the Main Manu, then resumed the mission, and then the mission has ended.

Other 'sightings' of mine were more related to the mission designing process, which is a 'tabu' for me (if I can I do not interfere in it in any way - I hold it as a strictly authors' domain), but still: is there no a single LAW Launcher aboard on those Poseidons? - sure they are; in the second mission is plenty of them. I've already mentioned the 'surrendering pharadox' (Soviets are surrendering, Resistance-Terorists not - cowards, those Russians tounge2.gif ). There're many things which I'd do differently; amoung the other things I didn't liked that 'Al Quaeda civil suicider' part one bit (and what that fuel truck is doing on the 200 x 200 meters small rock btw). But as I said, the mission designing is strictly authors domain, and I do respect that, and I do accept them as they are. But since this campaign is in a beta stage I've tooked here myself some extra liberty.

2nd mission:

Possible bug: I have a feeling that my squad was not inserted (parashooted) properly; we've almost landed in enemy port base, not where the marker suggersting we should. Then when the base was seized, we've runed up to the designated place, but the enemy was already very close to that ruined town. And here I've 'discovered', how that enemy soldiers are dangerous; we've been outnumbered at least two to one, thankfully to that inacured deployment in worst tactical position than the enemy, but by skills it seems both sides are equally mached (where I mean the 'equality' between the Specs Ops and the Resistance, not Spetz Natz). I know, a matter of mission designing ...

3rd mission:

The Intro of this mission didn't ended; the Spec Ops which the camera was following was killed, and there the intro 'freezed'.

Otherwise I didn't encountered any bugs, all of my remarks regarding this mission are mission designing related, so they have no value, but I must say when after the refuling and after a few hundred of meters of driving our tanks have been lefted without a gas for a second time, I've stoped to play the mission.

What can I say for the end ...  Intros are fine, Briefings are as they should be, and the Overview Page is very nice, but regarding the missions (which personally interesting me most); there're many things, which don't seems (for me) to be logical, and-or well co-related, and-or well co-ordinated. IMHO and in my eyes this campaign (at least first few missions) needs some more work and above all some proper balancing.

I hope this will help you to eliminate-improve some things, and I hope I haven't been to harsh; this was not my intention at all, I'm just honnest.

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Thanks for your comments karantan.

First contact

- Return to plan: agree with you.

- Gear section, empty slots: I will revise it.

- Soviet surrender: Problem is that your forces will keep firing and enganging already captive soldiers, so I switched all to hold fire. Terrorist forces at the tower are very small and pretty easy to eliminate for the player alone. In any case, I will have a look for it.

- Black screen without end: solved in current version 1.2

- No LAWs: all removed on purpose for both sides. You didn't plan to encounter any armour and the last BMP at the SW island implies you should get help from the civilians. The driver was not supposed to suicide, but to leave the truck near the BMP and flee away by foot before the truck explodes.


Insertion point: The chopper will drop your forces at the designated point unless attacked from the port base. If so, it will move a bit left or right. But you have plenty of time to reach the designated point as the counterattck will occur only if you decide to march to west crossing the town borderline or when your forces take the port base.

General Yazov:

Running specOp killed: no idea how it can be killed in the intro. Artillery?

Refuelling: After your initial fuel barrels and ship are destroyed you can steal a single fuel truck, you will have fuel enough just to destroy a T80s + BMPs patrol defending Yazov base. But if you talk with civilians they will give you directions to find some other ways to get fresh armour. In any case, once you reach initial Yazov's base, you dont need armour anymore to end the mission.

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Quote[/b] ]Running specOp killed: no idea how it can be killed in the intro. Artillery?

He has been killed by explosion of destroyed tank.

Also I'm reporting a bug which I forgot to mention: when that civilian driver in first mission is supose to help, he has standed up and then just spined on place, because that woman (his wife) is placed to close to him; I had to push her away, so he could carry on with his -sorry- absurd 'assigment'.

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Thanks Karantan, 23-Down and Sudden Death. OUC V1.3 is ready with the following changes:

- Campaign intro: Minor changes in torpedo launch sequence so they do not hit sea bottom nor Colossus freighter at launch time. Yazov and his men will start wearing prisoner clothes (thanks Sudden Death).

- Magazines and grenades loadout increased for player in First Contact, Beachhead and Cobra leader.

- First contact: Once russians at NE surrender, your forces will switch to hold fire and safe instead of never fire and careless, so they will respond to attacks from terrorists at the castle tower. More dialogue added between player and civilians at SW island, civilian gas truck attack sequence totally changed and more separation added between the truck driver and his wife (thanks karantan).

- Beachhead: haveld delay time between jumps from UH60 so that your forces get less scattered (thanks karantan).

- General Yazov intro: Running blackop will keep up all the time.

- The Mayor: buses waypoints changed so they dont keep hitting buildings while turning back. Now you can differenciate between different busses by driver's wearing and number of passengers. Bus drivers will now announce next stops by text (thanks 23-Down).

- Last take: Angelina simlulated epilepsy attack stops correctly once you get her handgun.

V1.3 was going to be available to download today, but I need some urgent feedback first about Brothers (first mission of OUC 2.0). I'm quite concerned about object placements. If you played it and noticed any object missplacing, please, tell me ASAP. If you played it and everything seemed correctly placed, teel me too.

Most of these objects are already used in OUC 1.3, if they seem missplaced for you in Brothers, they'll seem wrong also in OUC 1.3.

Brothers require Mikero's editor update addon (editor103.pbo)

Thanks in advance.

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Operation Urup Campaign v1.3 is finally available to download:

OUC v1.3

Changes over OUC v1.2

As with previous versions, only Mikero's editor update addon is needed.

Operation Urup 2.0 has been progressing too and the second mission ("The Forest") is also available for testing:

Operation Urup Campaign 2.0 work in progress

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