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Silent N Deadly

Aircraft/Airport Equipment Pack

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Hi guys, my main objective with this post is to get some ideas, and feedback. Now for the background; I am currently working on a Airport "equipment pack". So far I have begun with aircraft tugs or tows. I currently have 3 versions that are pretty much almost done, some details and additions I still have to do. I am thinking about making a few more versions, if I can find some good reference pictures. Another thing that I am thinking about doing is other airport/aircraft support equipment. I was wondering if you guys can give some ideas about some equipment. Something that can be used in OFP to enhance the flying experience etc. It's obvious that OFP has a great amount of various aircraft but its missing airport equipment and aircraft tugs. If anyone has some reference pictures and ideas and suggestions I would really appriciate it. Here's some quick screens of the 3 tugs I have been working on: (Please note that all images are WIP and will not reflect the final version, I have already added a few extra modifications since the pics.)




(Photos are all WIP)

The tows are all able to pull different aircrafts and different amounts of weight...Im only focusing on medium/low weight tows at the moment.

Suggestions and Ideas are greatly appriciated.  smile_o.gif

Quick Edit: It's obvious but textures are not made yet, and some details will also be included through textures...currently its just the model. Thanks

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Very nice, maybe work out some scripts to tow planes with?

There is that new pack that dudes is working on

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Very nice job on these so far, glad to see someone is taking the initiative in starting an Airport equipment pack.

I remember there is already one of these, but how about another airplane stairs truck?

Here are a few pictures;




You could always have a static version;




One more thing I would suggest is one of those Passenger gates that leads straight from the airport terminal into the aircraft, though I am not sure how useful that would be with the current airport available confused_o.gif


Well, I wish I was of more help but I hope the links give you some new ideas. Take care with this smile_o.gif

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Wow, I'd most definately hit those.

I mean with whatever aircraft I'm flying.

Because they aren't yellow right now...


You should make some runway lights since that other guy who was making them never released them (unless I missed them).

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This is an excellent idea, not only on the eye candy level, but on the usefulness level. Nobody likes having to abandon a perfectly good aircraft cos it's stuck in a hangar confused_o.gif No more of that thumbs-up.gifsmile_o.gif

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Hey, don't forget Philcommando already made a "stair truck" included in his Boeing 757 pack he made some time ago, check it out here ! thumbs-up.gif

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in case ur interested i have some 6 or 8 models from a 3d colection rdy to be adapted to ofp. they arent very high poly, so basicly its just needed to replace some parts like wheels (currently they have around 500polys per wheel) wheel drive, etc.

if u want to give a try on them pm me.

other that your models look fine so far. keep the good work.

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Thanks for the links belgerot...the fraport link is especially helpful. Nice list.

blackjack[VS]: Sure I'd be interested, I'd be good to put them to use.

Thanks for the comments guys!

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This is great idea. Im sick of parking my plane in a hangar... or crash landind near some tree's and not being able to move my multi million dollar plane away....because it doesnt come with reverse sad_o.gif ... great idea... the models look top notch...... this migh finally be an addon thats actually as good as the bis tractor biggrin_o.gif

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I would like to see a bright yellow vehicle with FOLLOW ME! sign!  crazy_o.gif

And maybee a mobile control tower, they set up at the start of the runway depening on wind. But to warn incoming aircraft if they have they wheels down or not...

Wheelguard would be straight translation from dutch...


sorta like this... but in red

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Ok SnD, I've googled a load of things you could make. Simple google searches will get you more pics of each thing.

Aircraft Wash Rack.

For the desalination of Navy airplanes and general washing. Salt water is harsh, so aircraft are periodically washed.


Aircraft Jack.

Mostly painted yellow like most other airport/base stuff.


Pneumatic Test Trolley.

These would be seen sitting next to an aircraft out on the pan next to the GPU and stuff.


Ground Power Unit.

The GPU is for powering aircraft on the ground funnily enough. This one is green as military forces like green stuff but if you want it to be universal equipment then yellow is also good.


Aircraft Towbar.

As most planes can't reverse park, this bit of kit is a must. Again, it's mostly painted in high vis colours.



Again yellow is the usual colour preferred by most users.


Here's a website with some commercial vehicles.

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Colonel Klink has made an aircraft objects pack that ha something extremely similar to that already in it.

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Oh and Bratty has made an airplane tow tractor... dunno where that one was but... was definitely cute, although I think it only reached support stage of default OFP planes, if not even only the A-10...

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Thanks Architect, I like those ideas. However the wash rack I can't seem to find images of that model/shape on google...the only decent one I could find was the one you posted. It good but too small to see the details.  thumbs-up.gif

The follow me truck is a great idea too...I can imagine the fun with it during MP games.  rofl.gif

Yeah I remmeber Bratty's tow, dont remmember if it got released though.

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I have done some more work on it and now there are a total of five tows done, and a few other misc objects. A Hydraulic Power Unit, Ground Power Unit, Baggage Carts, Carts, and other stuff are done/planned. I have found a really great site about airport equipment which will assist me in future endevors.  pistols.gif Thanks to Blackjack I now have 3 extra tows done, really good models as well. Thanks Blackjack!

Some Quick Pics:




I have some other stuff thats almost done as well but as it still requires some work I decided to post pics alittle later.

I also decided to rework the previous Tows to make em better looking/more detailed.

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is it my almost 8 year old monitor totaly burned or are those screenies very dark? cant see anything but some vultures on it. i'll open the pics on psd and raise the lights there. anyway i think i can see the models i sent u in the pics am i right? i'm glad you wanted to work them out, because they are useless in my models folder. send us some pics of the wip when u have some.

cya soon!

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Ive thought of some other things aswell

Small block to place near the wheels of an aircraft. Fire extingguisher on a cart, and just portable...

BTW are you doing personel aswell? Then there would be allot of new things.. Air traffic control teams, outside personel, fire department, anti bird teams....

Mobile control center would be sweet, and just some yellow landrovers 110 and 90 would be great, also with FOLLOW ME!

Maybee a cart with jet engine, or gas turbine... Other stuff like container with equipment, like electrical or repair stuff...

Small carts for mechanics to place tools...

Various sizes aircraft stairs

going to be cool! yay.gif Love the little vehicles!

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Quote[/b] ]Small block to place near the wheels of an aircraft

they call them chocks huh.gif

I work at heathrow airport as a ground handler and tbh dont understand the point??

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I was on the internet at school on friday and I found this really neat forklift on TurboSquid. I downloaded iit and it looks pretty nice. Do you think it would fit with the "Airport Theme?


Also I really need some Texturers to help me. I have been looking but I haven't found anyone. If anyone is willing to help me please email or PM me, I can't do it all myself since I don't texture. Thanks!

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