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Suursaari Island

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Our well-known travel agency Saarinen & Lahtinen, Helsinki, is proud to offer you this season's visits to the finest resort of Baltic Sea, romantic and peaceful island of Suursaari. No matter if you seek for quiet sceneries of natural beauty or possibility to show your swimming suit of latest fashion, Suursaari has it all!

High cliffs, mountains, deep woods, dramatic rocks and more natural beauty than you can imagine! Evening dancing (featuring jazz orchestra of Ville Haapasalo), row-boats for hire, fish restaurant, beach of Suurkylä bay and dozens more atractions only island in Baltic Sea can offer.

Accomodation in pleasant private residences across the island or in modern hotel rooms, both in unbelievably reasonable prices. We provide accomodation services in both villages, Suurkylä and Kiiskinkylä.

All you have to do is to visit our office and be offered the trip which will suit your taste and wallet. Special discounts for families and army officers on vacations!

Suursaari Island is joint project of several individuals from CSLA and FDF mods, made as a tribute to FDF great WW2 expansion. Real Suursaari/Gogland is situated in the Gulf of Finland, this addon is game-friendly approximation of real terrain. The addon uses objects from FDF Mod,version 1.4 is needed.

Since we have documentation on real lighthouses and other landmarks of the island, future versions will certainly contain them. Due to its history, this island is also begging for winter version with ice covered sea, which is also considered for future updates. For technical details and other data, check readme in release package.

Download (36.4 MB)



Download page at Tiscali

Download at OFP-Center.DE (Thanks, Jason O´Neil.)

I wish to thank SmartDrv for maintaining communication link between me and FDF Mod and Maa for making it avalilable on CSLA public download. Special thanks to all the contributors, researchers and testers - it would not be possible without you.


EDIT: Replaced the image. Sorry for this, Placebo, I swear it was <100kb when I sent it for upload. smile_o.gif

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the link's working if u use it without a download manager

btw u forgot to add:

"High cliffs, mountains, deep woods, dramatic rocks and more natural beauty than you can imagine! Evening dancing (featuring jazz orchestra of Ville Haapasalo), row-boats for hire, fish restaurant, beach of Suurkylä bay and dozens more atractions only island in Baltic Sea can offer."

and tanks and choppers and soldiers and jets and explosions and nukes tounge2.gif

very beautiful island indeed notworthy.gif

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Looks nice but I have cleaned my OFP folder a few hours ago ... and the requestet FDF was unfortunatly also a victim wink_o.gif

Have to download all again tounge2.gif

Well, I've added a link for download here on OFP.4Players, if some more are needed.


With best regards...

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Looks nice, please don't hotlink images greater than 100kb smile_o.gif

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Hi there...

There is an additional Mirror available @OFPC

By the way, nice island... are there any additional pictures available or only this good looking wallpaper?

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I have just taken them from ofp.info, so you should give the credit to them! wink_o.gif

ok... than ofp.info

*offtopic end*

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Downloaded yet to try out but it looks very good, cant wait for some missions for this island.

Great work im about to test it.

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Great job!

Really nicely done island! Love the rocky shores, forests, towns and new textures.

It really is a great addition to FDFMod. Thanks!

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outstanding thumbs-up.gif

terrain, textures, towns and the whole feeling notworthy.gif

too bad its FDF only being realistic. confused_o.gif

nice talent Edge smile_o.gif

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Looks nice.. just a shame you can run through objects like they're not there (buildings, fences etc.) and like most FDF stuff the frame-rates are a little lower. Other than that it's good enough.

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Looks nice.. just a shame you can run through objects like they're not there (buildings, fences etc.) and like most FDF stuff the frame-rates are a little lower. Other than that it's good enough.

Detailed islands like Rukajärvi and Suursaari take some FPS hit but I would say FDF units and buildings have proper lod levels and are quite low-poly generally if you compare to many units out there. The fence is deliberately a run-through because it would be stupid if player should be blocked by a low, loosely built wood fence. So far I've found one building which you can run through and remember that putting on time acceleration enables you to run through some objects which you normally couldn't.

PS. A toast to you Edge, marvelous work!

New maps for the island should appear in some time to FDF Mod Mission Repository

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The fence is deliberately a run-through because it would be stupid if player should be blocked by a low, loosely built wood fence. So far I've found one building which you can run through and remember that putting on time acceleration enables you to run through some objects which you normally couldn't.

Fence: Fair enough just looks odd, I like that when driven over they're destroyed and you don't just pass through them.

I have now been in game again and found that I could run through the majority of the buildings and stone walls - and I've not tried it with time acceleration. All of the buildings in the 1st shot can be walked through. At least with the 2nd shot it looks right from the inside - might as well make that an open/close door in the action menu.



I'm not putting a downer on FDF as a whole, I think they're a talented bunch who produce some high quality work. If I come across as less than enthusiastic it's because I wouldn't have expected to have come across bugs like this in FDF productions.

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@StealthTiger: The problems you mention are most probably not related to FDF Mod or the island, but are result of stretching the engine to its limits. If FPS drops, collision computation is simplified. This may result even in the complete omission of collision-related LODs (geometry) and then you can pass into the buildings.

I suggest you to lower some settings (terrain detail, maximum texture resolution, view distance, screen resolution) to avoid this problem.

@Blake: Thanks for such nice words! smile_o.gif I am really looking forward to the missions!

I only regret I didn't have time for winter conversion yet: In March 1942 it was recaptured by the Finns during the so-called Continuation War after an invasion party trekked over the ice from Kotka. - this would make great minicampaign...

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@Edge: Thanks for the explanation. I'll try that, although I'll be astounded if it makes any differance, as the fps is around 25-30 - which should not be low enough to cause any problems.. at least non that I've noticed when the fps drops in some of the 20 other islands/mods I have.

All in all it's a very nicely detailed island though.

Edit: As suspected with the quality set at it's lowest and with an fps of 46 I wandered into the large green house...


Now then, this has all taken place in the town of Suurkyla in the NE of the island. I haven't tried this anywhere else, but I imagine that if the same models are used then the issues would appear in the areas too.

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Good islands are about good terrain and landscape imho.

As they are the major factor to influence missions and not

the "compulsory" stuff. wink_o.gif

So way to go Edge. thumbs-up.gif

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The island is really nice, but its a bit ehh empty.

No problem because this is nice to try out my skills with making maps. This map does look really well, but it lacks some stuff like a airbase of size!

thumbs-up.gif good stuff!

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The island is really nice, but its a bit ehh empty. No problem because this is nice to try out my skills with making maps. This map does look really well, but it lacks some stuff like a airbase of size!

I know what you mean, but I was sick with islands with "compulsory" stuff like airport, military base, castle ruins and factory placed without any common sense. This is different map, made in realistic scale and with some logic (e.g. there is no place to put even a small airstrip on the real island, it is too rocky and ragged).

Good luck with your mission making, Manhunter09. Try something different from "start at some (air)base, go somewhere and blow some things up". The island was made unusual so that some unusual scenarios could be made for it. smile_o.gif

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Looks like Edge came up with feasible explanation since I'm so far able to walk through only one building and that's the brown garage-style hut.

Winter version would be most welcome!

And you're right, no compuslory airfield stuff on this island it's better to keep historical accuracy since it's real island.

Here's some war history what took place in the island:

Suursaari was abandoned without a fight in Winter War dec.1939 and occupied by Soviets. There were no attempts to recapture due to desperate situation of Winter War.

In early Continuation War Finnish torpedo boat managed to sink Soviet minesweeper 'Kirov' in Suurkylä harbor. On dec.1941 it was abandoned by Soviets which counter-attacked few days later taking the island again from 70-man Finn detachment. A significant operation was thereafter planned and in March 1942 Gen.Pajari's detachment of 3000 men stormed the island across ice and after some fierce fighting took the island. Finn casualtier were 61 killed and 109 wounded while Soviets lost some 213 men.

Victory parade was held afterwards on ice in front of Suursaari casino. A day later Soviets made large air attacks against defenders to retaliate the loss of island. In summer 1942 lots of aerial and naval combat in the Gulf of Finland took place around the Suursaari, most notable was the battle of Someri island which Soviets suffered loss of 15 small naval vessels and some aircraft while trying to seize the island and around 500 men killed and wounded.

In september 1944, after Finns had made peace with Soviets and Germans were to be dislodged from the country, Hitler put 'Operation Tanne Ost' into action and 2000 Germans covered by naval gunfire landed to Suursaari at midnight.

Germans regarded 11km-long Suursaari as important blockade to Soviet Navy operation from Kronstadt and preventing them from making raids on Baltic Sea.

Finns were unable to hold out and by morning Germans had 4 kilometers wide and 1 km deep beachhead in northern part of the island with 1500 man ashore. Germans however lacked heavy weapons to pound Finnish strongholds at the island and supporting naval vessels had to flee when Soviet ground-attack aircraft strafed them. German radio connections to Estonia were severed and their situation became hopeless as they couldn't get reinforcements. Later in the day Finns counter-attacked and Germans were squeezed into three separate pockets. With Soviets bombing and strafing the beaches and Finns attacking the Germans had no choice but to surrender. The Germans lost 153 killed and 1231 men as prisoners. Finns lost around 100 men.

Originally Germans expected to take the island by negotiations but commander of Suursaari garrison Lt.Col.Miettinen refused.

Overall, the 1944 battle of suursaari was welcome to Finnish political leadership as they could now show that active operations were taking place against Germans of Finnish soil. Earlier Soviets had made threats as German withdrawal was progressin slower than they demanded.

here's also about the operation:


Just noticed some stuff is contradictory to my book sources but one can't bee 100% accurate :P

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