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I hope somebody can answer me.

Me and a friend have one copy each of ofp.

Anyway, we like to play and makes our own maps, and so on.

Now the problem is, why do fade kick in.

We can play for about 5 -40 min, and then BOOM.

It ends.

We have to leagl copies and we have 2 access codes.

So why cant we play.

I am very dissapointed and angry mad.gif

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if you have the no CD crack you wont even beable to conect due to fade, if this happens after playing for a while then it's not fade

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It's not fade. Fade doesn't do this. Get in touch with [email protected], or with bis via the method mentioned in the ofp troubleshooting faq, and maybe they can help you.

Do you have current ver. of dx etc.?

Also, try connecting to a internet game. Maybe you can narrow the prob down to one computer.

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yeah get in touch of technical support and don t forget to give them your compleet adress so they ll KICK your little freak ass


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (hlq2action @ Jan. 22 2002,07:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yeah get in touch of technical support and don t forget to give them your compleet adress so they ll KICK your little freak ass


Usually when someone has an illegal copy of the game they don't waste their time contacting Technical Support or Customer Service about this problem -- they are smart enough to know that this is a dead end. They also don't cheerfully say "Ok, I'll try them!"; instead, they will bitch and moan and try to discover some workaround that will let them continue to use the illegal copy.

Also, Codemaster's explanation of what FADE is and what the significance of the messages and warnings in the game are is inadequate, and a disservice to the legitimate OFP owner.

I'm convinced that only a tiny percentage of people who start playing the game would be able to tell which messages are a reminder of FADE, and which indicates a possible violation of the licensing.

Anyway, I doubt that FADE would let you play for 40 minutes before disconnecting you. I'm sure there is a real problem here, I just don't know what it is yet.

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I think FADE is the most idiotic piracy protection ever. If I have some performance issues with OFP, I instantly think "oh-my-god, maybe something has activated FADE?"

It makes legal owners paranoid, not just pirates.

It would be better with a more visible protection system, that will display "PIRATE" in 500-point font across your screen and close down the game, than this sneaky-business FADE protection that makes everyone who tinkers with addons and missions into semi-paranoids.

Suma explains that FADE can affect accuracy of weapons. So all legal owners who happens to suck at aiming think they got FADE.

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I still doubt the existance of FADE to quite a degree... or at least what it really does..

I think its a placebotic effect weapon.. as in if you stole the game every time you have a NORMAL problem, CTD... graphics problems.. etc etc.. youll think OH MY GOD ITS FADE!.. when I had win98 it crashed alot.. was that FADE too? tounge.gif

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Don't be a moron.

Fade would be easy to make.

Why don't you try editing your main exe or something and find out?

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Why don't you try editing your main exe or something and find out

Well I did use a W@rez copy for 4 weeks when I scratched my orignal (radio fell on it) and I never had any problems at all.. not in MP, not in SP and not with the mission editor.

I used a cracked .EXE and cracks for all the patches.. then when my copy arrived I uninstalled the w@rez version and reinstalled the new with the proper serial and so far.. no probs either..

Don't be a moron.

tis not I who am making un-tested statments...

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Same thing here. I was a bit worried about the dual CD-key thing (I was worried the CD-key would be transmitted to a central server and then banned) as I run the server in the office where we have an E3 connection and play from home. So all I did was running a pirated version here and my legal copy from home. Both works without any FADE msgs popping up tho.


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Well you are somewhat stupid then, pardon me saying so...

Not only do you violate the copyright acts, but you admit it on the official forum of the company whose copyright you are violating.

hmm... confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wobble @ Jan. 22 2002,20:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why don't you try editing your main exe or something and find out

Well I did use a W@rez copy for 4 weeks when I scratched my orignal (radio fell on it) and I never had any problems at all.. not in MP, not in SP and not with the mission editor.

I used a cracked .EXE and cracks for all the patches..  then when my copy arrived I uninstalled the w@rez version and reinstalled the new with the proper serial and so far.. no probs either..

Don't be a moron.

tis not I who am making un-tested statments...<span id='postcolor'>

The thing with those cracks is that they remove all traces of safedisc, and therefore disable fade. This doesn't mean fade doesn't exist. It just means ppl have found a way around it. Why would anyone need a way around it if it didn't exist?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rekrul @ Jan. 22 2002,16:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I run the server in the office where we have an E3 connection and play from home. So all I did was running a pirated version here and my legal copy from home. Both works without any FADE msgs popping up tho.<span id='postcolor'>

You can use standalone server executable to run the server in your office. You do not need to use pirated version for this.

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Yes I know that now and hence have installed my version with my CD-key now, I just forgot to add it.

I also forgot to mention that I ran the pirated version cause pre 1.40 versions required the CD for DS wich was a significant reason.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nordin dk @ Jan. 23 2002,01:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well you are somewhat stupid then, pardon me saying so...

Not only do you violate the copyright acts, but you admit it on the official forum of the company whose copyright you are violating.

hmm... confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

No I'm not violating the copyright act. I can make 10 copies for my own personal use as long as I don't distribute it. And this is exactly what I've done. Since 1.00-1.30 also demanded a CD to run a DS I had to do it this way.

I don't have the manual here now, but if you read the License Agreement in the back of manual, what I did violate was editing the original files (or 'media' as I think it says). If Codemasters/BIS wants to spend time and money on that, they're more than welcome. smile.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why don't you try editing your main exe or something and find out

Well I did use a W@rez copy for 4 weeks when I scratched my orignal (radio fell on it) and I never had any problems at all.. not in MP, not in SP and not with the mission editor.

I used a cracked .EXE and cracks for all the patches..  then when my copy arrived I uninstalled the w@rez version and reinstalled the new with the proper serial and so far.. no probs either..

Don't be a moron.

tis not I who am making un-tested statments...<span id='postcolor'>

The thing with those cracks is that they remove all traces of safedisc, and therefore disable fade. This doesn't mean fade doesn't exist. It just means ppl have found a way around it. Why would anyone need a way around it if it didn't exist?<span id='postcolor'>

FADE is not SafeDisc nor embedded in it. Also there are several other things FADE checks than CD, and I've discovered some of how it works but I don't see the point in elaborating on how either of them works as it would only benefit crackers (pirates) than normal users.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rekrul @ Jan. 23 2002,10:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well you are somewhat stupid then, pardon me saying so...

Not only do you violate the copyright acts, but you admit it on the official forum of the company whose copyright you are violating.

hmm... confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

No I'm not violating the copyright act. I can make 10 copies for my own personal use as long as I don't distribute it. And this is exactly what I've done. Since 1.00-1.30 also demanded a CD to run a DS I had to do it this way.

I don't have the manual here now, but if you read the License Agreement in the back of manual, what I did violate was editing the original files (or 'media' as I think it says). If Codemasters/BIS wants to spend time and money on that, they're more than welcome. smile.gif

-Rekrul<span id='postcolor'>



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I get the same damn thing when i got backinto the game it says Origanal Games Dont Fade and mine isent a burned copy this never happened b4 now it really pisses me off i wana play mor ethen 5 minutes.1.30 never did this b4.

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How is Fade activiated and what does it do to OFP...

Wel fade is activaded as soon as you cracked ur cd or got a warez copy no you cannot edit EXE and disable FADE.

What will fade do to OFP well asoon as you started your Illigal copy of cd the game will be playable for like 3 to 1 month or so than what happenes is the names of missions dont apear ur guys become to look like paper thins sticks. On map for enemy soldier its blured so you see around 100 of them.

your night vision goggles are messed up all u see is birght green dots.

And lots more and it basicly delates file after file after file untill game cannot be played.

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If FADE does indeed exist.. I pity them for wasting money on it.. seeting has how the basic NO-CD crack seems to eliminate it.. (base on what ive read here)..

just another wast of money that is beaten before its a week old..

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