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Napoleonic Wars Mod 1.0 released

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Hello, currently working on a 19th century style map, with different areas : a big fortified city, countryside farming areas, a great steppe, swamps, a harbour, a fortress, etc...

I'll release it with my old Waterloo map, and it uses only OFP and mig_farmland addons, which will be included.

The southern door of the city :


The harbour, with PC boat :


The fortress :


About units, swedish troops and French National Guards of Paris are done, going on with other units...

@ Avimimus : no time to work on "other side of the Atlantic" events at that time. I'm concentrating for this release on 1814 (Campaign of France) and 1815 (Waterloo) troops, which is quite a hard work goodnight.gif. But along with Spad desires and mine, as OFP is more a guerilla and ambush game, next release may concern some guerillas troops, such as French and British sailors and marines, maybe corsairs, maybe spanish guerilleros and why not indians...to fight on caraÄbe style maps. I may create some US troops as Spad did in the old Napoleonic pack, if some of you wish it.

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superb fortress, very "oldy style", nice idea to make some guerillas unit like spaniard or french corsair for sunking british boat biggrin_o.gif , us troop can be found in the old napoleonic pack but i am sure that when profT will finish his first objectives, he will redone them.

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excellent work! I cant wait for the new release!

btw, makesure that both in the fortress and the walled city that there are firing steps on the walls...I want to be able to defend a city properly...

Also, anychance that the walled city will be star shaped like Badajoz, cuidad rodrigo or almeida?

keep up the good work!

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yes like badajoz, and make a big mountain of british body as an object for historical atmosphere .

the pirate boat is nice do you plan to make a british frigate or another regular navy boat?

some royal marines could be excellent for sea commando attack., a small exotic island with such a fortress could be excellent for colonial warfare

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Oh also, a few requests...

I know that you changed the smoke code to help cut down on lag. However, would it be possible to make a High detail version with the much more realistic smoke effects?

Also, I know it's vital to the bayonet fighting to have units in the "up" position, but that also eliminates any possibility of using the "safe" mode for things such as picketts or columns of march. Careless mode just makes it too easy to ambush.

Let it be up to the user weather or not to use bayonet fighting rather than neutralize one of the basic combat modes...

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@ Dynamite_cow : yes, but you can easily switch to normal pos with a trigger covering all units you want (activated by anybody), with on activation field : {_x setunitpos "AUTO"} foreach thislist

I chose to set units "up" to make it easier to use close combat ability, with no script.

I hope this helps you somewhat, it's not perfect, but it should do the trick for now...

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@ Spad : no, i won't make any ships cause i'm not able to, so i'll use with Philcommando's agreement its sailingship pack, just adapting it to my needs (changing crews, adding multiturret-scripted canons, modifying canon's ammo etc...). If someone want to help about boats....and create new ones...

@ odakenshin : sorry, i won't change the config to include a more realistic smoke, cause it'll be too much work and i don't like lag...About setunitpos, jackxx is right and it's very easy to do...player can chose, but default is ability to use close combat which is very VERY important for that mod...

I'll include a few simple scripts for line formations (i've redone my old one with a more simple and "lagless" one, ending naturally when units are fired at) or for line defence (very effective !!! units staying in line and crouching after shooting, and reversable, no disableAI nothing), through a little demo. A little demo for the navy things below too :

About pictures :

A navy combat with adapted philcommando's ships :


A boarding combat  :


French Paris' national guard, and French sailors :


Annnnnnd swedish soldier, British sailors and marine :


Voilŕ !! Very nice Philcommando's ships allow us to create naval combats, boarding when ships are stopped through a setpos script, and carrying troops with his "rowboat" (that i modified slightly to embark a full squad).

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Just worked on a dammage system for these boats, and i did animate the 3 masts for them to fall after dammage in a random way through a little random script (they are animated parts so you see masts fall) :


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Rather impressive  thumbs-up.gif

What do you think about using a progressive fire script, depending on the amount of damages already taken by the boats, like Shikansen's and WW1 Team airplanes (maybe too much CPU-killer ?) ?

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Is having more than one mod at once possible? But have 2 desktop icons with one icon playing with one mod and the other icon playing with the other? You see my dad is being a right jackass atm. Last night i was looking at this forum, he told me to go to bed then came back 10 minutes later and i was still on this forum so he told me to go to bed again which i did. Then while i was at school he took and hid my games.

So i cant uninstall and reinstall and i dont wont to get rid of the FDF mod. I can play the game without the CD (even though its not stable, and no i dont have a crack). So can i add the mod and do something to make it load with the mod thati want when i want?

EDIT: I think ive worked it out, just need 2 icons with targets lines aimed at each mod right?

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@ SPQR : yes, that's what i've done, mixing progressive dammage system and random one. Masts are randomly falling, according to damage level. Fire can occur, and progressively (very slowly) destroy the boat. Result : ship can be destroyed and have its masts undammaged, or one of them, or two of them etc...It can be destroyed by eventual fire or by canon balls, or by both of them. I've added 4 canons to the ships, which now have 14 canons aboard, 7 each side.

@ Westy 159 : yes, that's it. To shortcuts with two different targets.

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I see a Sharpe campaign brewing biggrin_o.gif

that would make me very happy...

(well as long as it was based on the books and not the movies)

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I had no idea that any of this was going on when I made my suggestion! wow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gif

Anyway, there is still hope as it looks like it won't be that big a jump from a boarding axe to a tomahawk.

An interesting idea:

Would it be possible to decrease the size of the collision check area for the cavalry? I would actually prefer to see them run through enemy infantry instead of stopping and gradually walking up to them before jabbing.

Would increasing mass help charging behaviour?

Btw. Is there any chance of scripting better formation behaviour?

Thank you for tolerating my curiousity

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any updates? I want to make a campaign, im just waiting for the british units biggrin_o.gif, hopefully you will finish them soon smile_o.gif

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Well, lot of work for my job at the moment help.gif , but the pack is near completion, just need a little free time to finish it properly.

A few news :

- I added polish and red lancers to the French guard,

- I added British general and staff,

- I've done 1812-1815 groups so that the player knows what historically accurate units he can use for that period (1812-1815 groups include new units and reusable units of the first release) ;

- for 1812-1815, French allies that changed sides in 1813 Leipzig battle (mainly Wurtembergers and Bavarians) are set in resistance side, wurtemberger troops have new uniforms,

- a few modif on helmets of some russians and austrians cavalrymen to fit with 1812-1815 period.

Just a few units left, and i'll release the pack with editor's demo missions of some simple scripts for line walk (self stoppable), very powerfull line defense, and dammage script (severely wounded units swinging, falling and then screaming every 60 seconds, giving a nice atmosphere to the battlefield).

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thanks for the update, hope to see some stuff soon biggrin_o.gif

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