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Hunting rabbits anyone??

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We need more addons like this, great job! yay.gif

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You're right Miles, .22 Ruger is the only pistol I'd hunt with.  wink_o.gif

Geeeezzzzzzzz lads, think about it, this is OFP !!! ......... heres a TIP: Shoot the Barn, not the rabbits!



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Those lil' bastards are damn hard to hit with a Spencer Carbine, tell ya!

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Quote[/b] ]If yes, get a script that allows you to lift the truck via helicopter

im gonna try attaching the rabbits to the chopper biggrin_o.gif

flying bunnies rofl.gif

freat small little addon ill be trying with the M82A1 followed up by some Sabot shells

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wink_o.gif Ive not editted the picture yet, but I just made like 120 rabits blow up really good! crazy_o.gif

used a shitload of explosives, I think its safe to say that we now have space bunny's! Ive probally shot the half of em all the way thrue the galaxy to another planet.

Shiit those bunny took off! rofl.gif POOOFFF straight up! rofl.gif

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wink_o.gif Ive not editted the picture yet, but I just made like 120 rabits blow up really good! crazy_o.gif

used a shitload of explosives, I think its safe to say that we now have space bunny's! Ive probally shot the half of em all the way thrue the galaxy to another planet.

Shiit those bunny took off! rofl.gif POOOFFF straight up! rofl.gif

noooo not the bunnies! think of the poor bunnies! icon_rolleyes.gif

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Heh. I did play with rabbit and i get in helicopter, the rabbit goes just running in my cockpit!!! rofl.gif

Try it! Place rabbit in car, or heli

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I think we need to make a killer rabit, you know, from Monty Python and the Holy Grail... biggrin_o.gif

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Hah that would be something, with the straight-to-the-neck attacking animation

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funny little addon, and hard to hit, had some of them running around like crazy, feels kinda "natural" smile_o.gif

oh when you're playing as a rabbit, don't pick up a weapon and try to shoot it, ofp will freeze biggrin_o.gif

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Hmm that sounds like an interesting tactic to stop a convoy. Put little trained bunnies on the road and once the convoy has reached the first bunnies, send more behind 'em so that they can't reverse either. Then just train your sights on the trucks, call the bunnies back and BOOM!

Or Just put a women behind the wheel and the convoy will destroy itself

Quote[/b] ]Title: Female truck drivers

After spending some two weeks in the sand on a training ground in The Netherlands we were eager to get home. So at the last day we packed all our gear and waited for the personnel truck which was sent to our unit in the field to bring us back to our barracks. So after an hour of waiting the truck finally came and it turned out that it had a female truck driver. Everyone in my unit was already saying: "Oh no, not a female truck driver" because they tend to drive very slow with a big truck and we were in a hurry to get back to our barracks because the Dutch soccer team played a match that evening and we al wanted to watch that in our batteries bar.

So we already thought that our chances of seeing the match were gone. So we got in the back of the truck, our sergeant in the front, and crawling into our green maggots for the probably two hour back journey to our barracks. But once we were driving we were very pleased to notice that this girl was not a typical female truck driver. She was really putting her foot down and we were doing some 60 km/h in the field and some 100 when we were back on the main road. Everybody was smiling in the back of the truck because we couldn't believe the spell of luck we just encountered. After 45 minutes of driving the girl stopped the truck for a obligatory piss-break, a couple of the lads went pissing and the other guys went to the front of the truck to compliment the girl on her driving style. She was shy and was very chuffed by the things we said. We even invited her to come see the match with us in our bar. So after ten minutes we were driving again for the last stretch at least doing 100 km/h.

Then in an instant we were all catapulted forward as the truck did emergency braking procedure. As all the guys were laying in their green maggots no one could brace themselves and we were all piled up on each other against  the front of the loading room. There were surely some injuries but we were more afraid for the reason she had to brake. We just hoped that no one was hit in front of the truck. So a couple of us went out of the truck to see what happened. They saw our sergeant bullocking away at the girl, the girl was crying. What happened: She obviously made an emergency stop at 100 km/h for a fluffy bunny which tried to cross the road before the oncoming truck.

Result: One guy with two broken ribs, One guy with a broken wrist and one with a broken underarm. The rest had more or less severe bruising. You can't imagine how happy we were. In the end the sergeant had to protect the girl because some of us in the back were planning to get girl from the front and tie her to a tree in the woods and go on without her.

So, girls even can be great drivers (how impossible it even sounds), but when fluffy animals are put in the equation you're always fucked.

Story from L24A in the military Humor thread in offtopic. From 2002. Its funny I still remenber this story crazy_o.gif

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Hey guys, i think your addon has some great ideas, A hunting mod for OFP sounds good. You got all you need, camoflauge rabbits, mayeb get some dear on the go :P you got woodland area thanks to OFP engine.

Good Luck


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