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ArmA Progress Updates

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Hmm, I doubt those screenshots showing the game with low quality settings will attract many people. crazy_o.gif

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I want to know when a reputable site will be given a demo to review.

So far the reviews have been sub-par IMHO. confused_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]maybe the game is worth being the sequel wink_o.gif

you gotta be kidding smile_o.gif. game2/ofp2 has been in dev since 2003 ,this is only ofp elite for pc wink_o.gif christened at e3 2005

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Guest Ti0n3r

Well ArmA is the true sequel to OFP according to BIS. That says it all, right? Let's hope they'll be able to cope with that too wink_o.gif

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Well ArmA is the true sequel to OFP according to BIS. That says it all, right? Let's hope they'll be able to cope with that too wink_o.gif

they did ? when and where did they say that, lol.

surely not, i thought they only said it was a game from the creatos of flashpoint ?

it would be a travesty if "operation cashpoint" was to be called a sequal.

looks like everyones dl the banana man and editor ,going real slow smile_o.gif

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en passant par les combats de bleubites et de forces spéciales.

( rofl.gif thinking on how the online translators will get this)

Very nice video going along this article, showing what i am waiting Armed Assault for, the mission editor icon14.gif

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maybe the game is worth being the sequel wink_o.gif

you gotta be kidding smile_o.gif. game2/ofp2 has been in dev since 2003 ,this is only ofp elite for pc wink_o.gif christened at e3 2005

Placebo said in one of the numerous interview that Armed Assault and VBS2 are sharing the same engine.

And earlier VBS2 was stated as using the "game2" engine.

so when it comes to the engine itself, Armed Assault should be very different than the " OFP:Elite for PC ".

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also there cant be an ofp2 from the creators of ofp, only from my favorite warwickshire games company

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For the people who don't understand french, it is about a rescue mission. Great video!

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en passant par les combats de bleubites et de forces spéciales.

( rofl.gif thinking on how the online translators will get this)

Very nice video going along this article, showing what i am waiting Armed Assault for, the mission editor icon14.gif

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maybe the game is worth being the sequel wink_o.gif

you gotta be kidding smile_o.gif. game2/ofp2 has been in dev since 2003 ,this is only ofp elite for pc wink_o.gif christened at e3 2005

Placebo said in one of the numerous interview that Armed Assault and VBS2 are sharing the same engine.

And earlier VBS2 was stated as using the "game2" engine.

so when it comes to the engine itself, Armed Assault should be very different than the " OFP:Elite for PC ".

depends who is being interviewed i think

jyri rydel

Quote[/b] ]What engine will ArmA run on and what changes will it have?

It will have improved OFP:Elite engine, that means higher distance view, option of massive multiplayer battles and others. You can see many more trees now (you can uproot them to create barriers). Other changes are much more detailed towns and new object destruction capabilities.

i wish bis did make official statements in these forums, its all confusing

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Guest Ti0n3r

ArmA will use Real Virtuality 2 Engine. I belive VBS2 is meant to use the same one.

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Darn! Now i wanna buy the game again.

Tioner and co.: stop discussing whether or not ArmA is OFP2 ok? That discussion doesn't belong here. I ome to this thread for the updates.

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yes all 3 use virtuality 2, thats not a problem, i just wish would give clarity. if they are now calling arma the true ofp sequal, that means people like myself ,who waited since 2003 for ofp2 and the new direction it would take, i.e rpg style play will have to atleast wait until 2009. sad_o.gif. anyway, i better stop now, i am whining about nothing lol. what will be will be.

Quote[/b] ]Tioner and co.: stop discussing whether or not ArmA is OFP2 ok? That discussion doesn't belong here. I ome to this thread for the updates.

if the engine has been updated then arma updates is the correct thread. now be a good boy

i dont see how your "damn i want to buy the game again" and reposting a link,is contributing more than the talk about the engine is.

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Guest Ti0n3r

martinovic, I'm not talking about ArmA being the true sequel or not. I'm simply 'replaying' what BIS has said. I don't even have an opinion about it.

And you're not a mod, are you? wink_o.gif

Btw, L etranger, thanks a lot for the two vids. Best ArmA footage I've ever seen! smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]if the engine has been updated then arma updates is the correct thread.

No, this is for progress updates about the games development.

Whatever, this thread is already full of spam... doesn't matter anymore i guess.

Quote[/b] ]And you're not a mod, are you?

Yea but... i can't find the progress updates i'm looking for anymore... sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]if the engine has been updated then arma updates is the correct thread.

No, this is for progress updates about the games development.

How do engine updates fall outside the realm of "updates about the games development" ?

On Topic: IMHO, calling ArmA "OFP2" is both right and wrong. Spiritually, Game2 was meant to be "OFP2" technologically, in terms of development ArmA is "OFP2"

Personally, I prefer to take the spiritual route in this case smile_o.gif

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I think about it a third way... ArmA is a non-numerical sequal while Game2 is the true "OFP2." rofl.gif I know, wierd thinking, but I agree with deadMeat. ArmA, in terms of technological development, is defintely miles ahead in comparison to OFP. In terms of gameplay addition, I wouldn't consider ArmA much more than a OFP 1.5. This is not at all a complaint as I saw OFP's weaknesses solely being in the presentation department (graphics, audio, ui). All of those things have been drastically improved upon, making a "measly" 1.5 instill a feeling well above a 2.

This, of course, is only my opinion,

- dRb wink_o.gif

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well having watched the 2 videos now, i am very impressed with the music, should make some nice cutscenes, editor well much the same ,which is a plus, if it aint broke dont fix. animations ,hmm i think bis xhose the most flat footed guy in czech to go into the studio smile_o.gif. view disatnce is becoming an isssue with the latest videos, obviously we gonna need quite alot of power to repoduce those early shots in game.i think people who enjoy joint ops will love this game, people who loved ofp, will agree that , whilst graphics were never on the want list for playability, it does look good with it. they have given us mutli turrets and good mp join in progress. altho ultimately ,i feel this game will need a successor far sooner than ofp res ever did.and finally it seems you can send addon .pbo with the mission so theres scope for fun there :0.

one frightening moment was when the chopper pushed the ai out of the way,he stood there like a total tard, always hated this when you was trying to manouver and they stood there, you had to run em over.

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These new videos have confirmed my worst fears.

Arma has been severly dumbed down as far as realism goes.

There is no more fatigue modeled in the game.

There is still super recoil.

I guess we were right to be scared when they made it "mainstream" because right now the mechanics are probably on a CS level.

The two players in the mission killed probably like 2 platoons of soldiers. Thats like something you find in a james bond or medal of honor game.

The AI runs around like it is completely retarded. I think I saw the AI fire back at the player only a couple of times in the video. Other times they just ran back and forth in front of the player instead of getting in cover and shooting them.

It still seems the same as OFP...only worse.

Right now I am questioning whether or not to actually buy the game.

But the music was pretty good.

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I'm yet to download the 2 new videos, but the new screenshots look awesome, DOOM3 eat your heart out. I am getting quite worried however that my computer will die when i try to run AA though, but the videos i have seen so far look to have it running smoothly.

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