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RHS Releases: T80 MBT Pack v.1

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Not long ago almost anyone here used a christmas avatar at that time of the year...

Dont let the tradition die people! wink_o.gif

I've got one too! tounge2.gif (found it on a 3D forum whistle.gif )

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dont beleive i havent downloaded this baby yet it looks amazing very nice looking textures cant wait for some tank missions with these

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Hi, any plans of V1.1 of this beautiful addon? smile_o.gif

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Offcourse, but we wanna make sure we got all bugs before we release a update.

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I get an error pop up when using the arena and shora version of the tank, something to do with scripting when i'm engaged, i've got the misc file in their i dunno whats happening.

I think it's effects because all i hear is the siren and then an explosion about 10m infront of me.

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Did anyone address the issue of the T-80BV's not engaging at 1500 to 2000 meters much when the viewdistance was around 1500 meters and several of the new Abrams addons easily found them moving and fired.  


Large massive companies of armored units are pushing up the main road to overrun  US defenses and lay seige to the vital stronghold of Montignac.  Four M1A1 HA Abrams tanks take defensive positions on a north corner of the road on the hill overlooking the soon to be battlefield.

No major presence of Bradley fighting vehicles because what few they had were wiped out on a complete suprise offensive that started this conflict.

Even with about 10 seconds with more than 4 shots fired, the Abrams are not taking much fire until the enemy armor gets within 1100 meters from the Abrams.  Even with the huge number of T80BV tanks rolling at them and a tank platoon of BIS T-72 tanks, only one Abrams is severly disabled and the rest just live on to slaughter the poor invaders. This includes about 2 Dragon ATGM teams with no reloads. (Depends on how effective the enemy artillery is.)

I'd just like some feedback on this issue or suggestions to decrease the ineptitude of the T80BV AI so my tanks won't be massacred but won't be having it easy either.



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btw when are you guys going to relese 1.1? my mission gets messed up when the tanks can't be threatened by mines at all tounge2.gif

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Did anyone address the issue of the T-80BV's not engaging at 1500 to 2000 meters much when the viewdistance was around 1500 meters and several of the new Abrams addons easily found them moving and fired.

As far as I know, this might be pretty realistic, depending on how you look at it. A lot of the second line Russian units don't have thermal equipment, and their fire control systems have always lagged a bit behind the west. The later T-series' one major advantage (besides numbers) against the modern versions of the M1-series is the cannon-loaded ATGMs at longer range, which allows them to reach much farther in a one-on-one conflict. But without those working, they can't range as far.

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So probably the only answer for this is if the viewdistance is increased to +2200 meters eh?

Probably won't happen with my pc with that setting, I'll get 8 fps and won't bother to finish testing the scenario.

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i discovered something wierd with these babys

i used then on the newly released irak/iran map by lobo and the stupids didn't want to follow their waypoint they get stuck some how (roads are clear other tanks just follow the waypoints)

explaining the problem now

they start to drive (safe mode) after several yards its like they loose their minds and start spinning in circles around and around and around never getting at the destination i tried closing the gaps between waypoints no luck their i tried setting their modes different also no luck (other tanks drive fine incl RHS t-55 and t-60 packs )

i dont know if this was told before, if not well then here you go

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Still waiting on this uppdate, any news? xmas_o.gif

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All i can say is its in the works, atm we got a shitload of RL and OFP things to do, i think even the usual Christmas addon wont be there this year  sad_o.gif

But we try.

Maybe i can release at least something small, maybe my personal reskinned Mot.infantry or something... well see.


Was mentioned before, seems there is a mistake in one of the Lods that caused that.

Fix will be included in the patch.

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Any news on an update, becasue I had to sideline these babies due to the misc.pbo killing the scripts for the T55, and I use them in more scenarios then the T80's.

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I noticed that King Homer is updating his M1A2. I believe you guys are good pals with him. Try to make these tanks compatible with his. Besides giving us great addons, you can also give us addons that can be used together in East vs. West battles, and would be well balanced (a rare gift from addonmakers). That would be one hell of a present for the community. Perhaps Feb. 23rd would be a great day for any Soviet release. I hope you guys know what that date means to the Soviets. whistle.gif

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I noticed that King Homer is updating his M1A2. I believe you guys are good pals with him. Try to make these tanks compatible with his. Besides giving us great addons, you can also give us addons that can be used together in East vs. West battles, and would be well balanced (a rare gift from addonmakers). That would be one hell of a present for the community. Perhaps Feb. 23rd would be a great day for any Soviet release.  I hope you guys know what that date means to the Soviets. whistle.gif

I would like a T80 pack update too. But dont make an American tank addon compatible with a Russian addon. What if the users of your T80 addon doesnt want it compatible with other addons? Dont force the user to download unwanted addons just to use yours.

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When I say compatible, I don't mean that one addon should only work when the other is also present. What I mean is that IF you have both addons on your computer, one will not be much, much stronger then the other. Read my post in M1A2 thread about M1A2 from King Homer and RHS T-80 incompatability.

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When I say compatible, I don't mean that one addon should only work when the other is also present. What I mean is that IF you have both addons on your computer, one will not be much, much stronger then the other. Read my post in M1A2 thread about M1A2 from King Homer and RHS T-80 incompatability.

ok, I see what you mean. Yes, I think the M1A2 addon should be balanced with the T80 pack, that sounds very good.

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Whats the status with the update Red hammers? I fixed the weak armor values and short IRscann via config. Now these tanks can fight with Hommer's M1's, but I don't know enough to fix the "circle dance" of the T-80 bug. Any word?

Also, there was lot of talk on Flashpoint.ru about the best M-24 pack to date. How is your coming? Spring? Summer? Never? Sorry for being impatient, its just banghead.gif ... want ... to ... fly like a crocodile!

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Whats the status with the update Red hammers? I fixed the weak armor values and short IRscann via config. Now these tanks can fight with Hommer's M1's, but I don't know enough to fix the "circle dance" of the T-80 bug. Any word?

"It's done when it's done"

"It's being worked on"

etc tounge2.gif

Seriously: the patch should be too far away.

About the ''weak armor values'': The T80 is not supposed to be anywhere near equel to the M1A2.

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Actually i tested something with Kenji yesterday, no spinning, triggered mines etc.

About the IR scan etc, gotta talk to Homer again, last time we spoke he said he lowered a few values quite a bit for the next release of his Tanks.

About the Hinds, i dont know, seriously if i knew id tell you, mainly its scripting that needs to be done, gimme a good scripter and i give you the Hinds.

Atm i work with a handfull of people with nearly no time for OFP... a few are gone cause they lost intrest in OFP... well and there are those who just cant stand it anymore that others just buy or thief addons and release them... its frustrating lately... but maybe thats just how i feel...

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Actually i tested something with Kenji yesterday, no spinning, triggered mines etc.

About the IR scan etc, gotta talk to Homer again, last time we spoke he said he lowered a few values quite a bit for the next release of his Tanks.

About the Hinds, i dont know, seriously if i knew id tell you, mainly its scripting that needs to be done, gimme a good scripter and i give you the Hinds.

What kind of scripting, eh?


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I tell you on MSN later but i guess you already have a few ideas what scripts a Hind might need.

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Hmm, yes, maybe...

Breaking down, electronics malfunctions, parts falling off, rusted components that don't work right, toothbrush shortage... whistle.gif Just kidding...

Ok ok, not EVERYTHING Russia makes is crap... tounge2.gif like my sense of humor. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Is it possible to make it so that when the Hind uses the cannon it would not shoot above the target so much. You noticed that almost all of the bullets miss the target (tank, APC, etc.) and they hit the ground just behind the target? When the bullets hit the tank or APC they should make a loud CLANK sount of metal on metal. I noticed that no addonmaker ever made that. Also the sound of the cannon should be a roar, not the pissing sound that Vit used for his Hind pack. If you gonna make your own pilots, make a correct night vision piloting system for them. Russian night vision pilot goggles are heavy, so all the pilots helmets have a counter-weight on the back of the helmet. Never seen anybody do that in OFP. The Hind is probably the best armored chopper in the world ( I read somewhere that the armor is equal to Bradley's-1 APC), so when it is fully armed, it can't just take off from the spot. It actually needs a small runway to get some speed before a take off. Is it possible to implement in OFP? Sorry for so many Hind questions/suggestions, but I don't see a Hind discussion on BI Forum.

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