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De Falco


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OFP 2 or ARMA, i dont give a damn.

Why dont we start right here, a vote not to buy the game?

Since you dont even dignify us with an answer or any news, heres my news to you BIS.

I for one have waited too long, and for such disrespect towards people that have been waiting 4 years for a sequel that was first announced in 2003 and ppl that still play the game, ill crack it, not buy it when it comes out.

Thats my News to you.

Over and out...

Sign this topic if you agree with me

[TPC] De Falco

Ps: if you dont agree dont worry, or bother to reply i wont read it.

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Amazing addon and MOD work has been done by tons of ppl around ofp.

I guess ill have to put my money where my mouth is and buy evrysingle addon, and get ofp 2 made like linux, by the comunity :P

Or maybe BIS needs some help from the comunity?!!!!

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I for one have waited too long...

Patience young padawan. And remember that fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering rofl.gif

I think this one will not buy either Duke Nukem Forewer crazy_o.gif

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People who've been around for some time should know that BIS tells us what they think might be useful to give out. That's the way it is and that's the way it will be, just accept it.

Don't expect ArmA to show up within 6 months and you won't get disappointed.

And finally, this is a forum where people should discuss things so I think you better do a anti BIS petition on an external site and not on the BIS forum.. I'm sure you can have a jolly good time competing with other people with the same oppions as you about who is most annoyed.

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de falco, you should learn how to meditate and get patience and silence in your mind!

if bis make it good it will be worth the wait!

so impatient you are - how can you win any missions in ofp?


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I'll admit I'm pissed at BIS for not saying anything about ArmA for a long time. But I know the time will come. thumbs-up.gif

Hmm they annouced it in May this year. I wonder if we will see it in May 06?

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I for one will wait till the end of time for anything made by BIS.

minus 2 votes.

Im with barcode6 here, Ill wait decades for anything by BIS inlove.gifinlove.gifinlove.gif

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De Falco~

I'm gonna buy it, and I think even suggesting 'cracking' it, as you say, is offensive, rude, and grounds for a ban, IMO.  Not as if you or the rest of the script kiddie community will be able to.

I am quite upset about not knowing whether to fit this into my christmas budget.  If I don't buy it in December of this year, I will most likely wait until summer, and that, I believe is enough to 'punish' BIS for not releasing it in 05, as that is what it appears you are trying to do.

You're only punishing yourself.  You'll buy it.  

You might wait six months (trying to download it but instead getting the same copy of Doom3 over and over haha I don't pity you), but you'll buy it.

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DeFalco is joking wink_o.gif But he has a point in what hes saying. Its more of a heads up. I think sending a PM isnt not as effective as making a REVOLUTION Post notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifwhistle.gifgoodnight.gif

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You must have a better sense of humor than I do; I detected no sarcasm, fallacy, or positive tone in his posts.

Guess some people have different boundries (Mentioning stealing a copy of OFP or a member of its family is like trying to take my gun).

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You must have some inside friends at BIS.... Because this game was announced about 6 months ago.

If you are reffering to game #2, maybe you should post it in the appropriate forum

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Viva la Revolution  notworthy.gif

Of course I dont want to wait for anything. We live in a society of instant gratification.

Bring on Armed Assault, Bring on number 2. Just Bring it on!

(constructive post award to me)

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You must have some inside friends at BIS.... Because this  game was announced about 6 months ago.

If you are reffering to game #2, maybe you should post it in the appropriate forum

err...  Yeah, who are addressing? (Sorry mods for double post)

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to all people who complaining to BIS about it not being realeased.

Take your head out of your fucking asses. We live in a world we're not everything is done on time and if you have a problem with it then life is only going to get worse. If you dont have patince for a computer game then you have no fucking life. Go outside, hang with your friends, join a book club...

I got that out of my system. Sorry but I have a really busy day and I got school exams next week.

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ill crack it, not buy it when it comes out.

Talk like that gets people permanently banned on these forums, please refrain from such comments.

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But now that you've finally woken up from your winter hibernation Placebo - can we have some news please?

If your job description is 'avoid the question at all costs' then can we all get a job at BIS as it seems a pretty easy job to do?


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prelock please

why such typical troll thread isn't yet closed ?

guy whine here about "4" years waiting for sequel ... even ArmAs/OFP2 wasn't announced earlier than in 2003 ...

maybe there should be some sort of "trash/whine" forum for such posts ...

it's BIS decision WHEN IF WHAT HOW will be done ... maybe they going thru final QA with CM maybe they signing deal with Valve to distribute ArmAs via STEAM etc.

NOONE except some with insider info know and they will tell You nothing ...

will this whine change something ? small chance ... but if you look around ... there are TONS of crappy released games WITH ugly bugs and UNACCEPTABLE errors ... and that's unacceptable to be forced patch game at same day You new title or wait 3-4 patches before it just WORK!

so please go away troll ...

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Snice you have actully taken time to check this forum placebo can you please atleast say something. It sure as hell cant be to hard or will infringe on any sort of publisher talks to just say something even if its just.

Quote[/b] ]sorry guys we arnt going to make the q4 release  publisher  negotiations cant say anything  else

It would stop alot of this kind of thing for awhile atleast if you were just a little honest rather than hiding under the we will release info soon rock. Until you release some info or atleast make some sort of statment people are only going to get more and more angry and disgruntled with the lack of info and topics like this will be more and more comman. sad_o.gif

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