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no prob new ultramarine texture from folgore

a soldier and a sergeant


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hope you like them guys smile_o.gif well the eagle well be changed and moved up..the sgt will have a new head and purity seal all over..

the veteran sgt. will have also more details..

Next will be Tyranid war veterans and blood angels space marine...wait and see !!

I need someone that could implement new things to the power armour so if interested wrote here smile_o.gif

I 'll change also the textures on the bolter ..

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Ultramarine updated p3d model and textures on the way. new pics on the way..

We are working also on the chaos space marines...so stay tuned for rocking and remember

in the grim darkness of the future there is only war !!

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the chaotic air force begin to come with the hellblade


awaiting a chaotic space marine to pilot it (folgore wink_o.gif  )

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i don't have it my mail is on trouble but as soon is possible i'll post some screen

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if you have msn it will be more easy

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i sent it to your email..if not received I'll send you another one. I don't use msn for working reason..so if you have an upload page I can upload them there smile_o.gif

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err no offense, you guys are doing great work, but I think it's better to pm each other if you having such a conversation. tounge2.gif

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and to begin the new year the works on space marine soldier

here the new excellent work of folgore on the space marine

the terrible blood angel


the mysterious dark angel


the fanatical death compagny


the ultramarine sergent


and it is not the end  smile_o.gif

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and my first test for a chaotic space marine (but folgore will do better i am sure wink_o.gif )


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With their new colors, the Space Marines look greater inlove.gif

But, while the Dark Angels basic Space Marine is dark green colored, the DA Ravenwing's SM is black colored, like the old version of DA SM.

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i made also another variant for Dark angels  with eagle chest with sword for Sgt ..robed dark angel sm is quite difficlut but i'll try.

well Spad i have some textures for the chaotic marines I found a plaguemarine white ..it seems like a normal space marine in white armour with nurgle icons and putrefactions effects of the power armour..I made a night lords one but i am not so happy of the result..This chaotic marine you did is quite good and if you send it to me i may use this base model for also a black legion one smile_o.gif

the only reason I didn't write spad pm is because in this forums readers are fan and also private message are important to show and expecially RELEASE something that took time and I am quite happy you all can see in few minutes and updated and seems that spad had some troubles with his email wink_o.gif

we should work on the bolt and chainsaw for the close combat..i am working on a power fist...

The death company will be reworked for a chaplain to lead them.i was thinking if you guys could use the sword and effects of the barbarian of the greatest philcommando

Happy new year

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Nice looking guys, BUT, everything looks way to low polyed on the marine! i mean they look less than 1200 (I think thats what thye are if I remember correctly?)

and make some new anims wink_o.gif


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1238 exactly and i found it is not a bad soluce to have this number of face more than 2000 is a processor killer  smile_o.gif

it is stupid to have model with 12000 face just because they are very detailled if you want fluid game you must have small size model.

but of course we can improve the different model.

for example the baneblade has 6500 face it is too much and very hard to decrease this number regarding the number of part already done but we try to do in other way we can increase the number of face if a model is too simple.

but for the space marine i found the folgore texture work enough (but it is my point of view and not the team' point of view) and for the basic space marine soldier new anim is not a priority

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why not increase the poly count to something like 1500? thats reasonable smile_o.gif, 6500 is the norm for tanks now anyway smile_o.gif


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Wildo in your description I can read that you are an animator why don't you help us to put some new anims for holding the bolter (rifle of the sm) ??

the power amrour model doesn't allow a good front view .

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Folgore yes iam an animator, im quite busy with some projects (modelling, animating and otherwise) but id be happy to help smile_o.gif

you can contact me via email or msn, both are williamlockwood@hotmail.co.uk

Wildo smile_o.gif

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Thanks a lot !! Spad is our Pr so I think he can give you all the further details and updated pbo including the dark angels ingame that i don't have at the mom he should send it me too and plus chaos marine) smile_o.gif Great !!

i am working on the chaos night lords but i have problems to make it properly good ingame because chaos marines have many gold details and decorations

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Exelent work, I remember when i used to collect those little models the robbing b@sterds lol it was like Å5 per 1 metal model

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black templar elite Sword Brethren

model and texture finished..well this will definetely rocks..wait for some pics guys smile_o.gif

Spad will receive them in few minutes

send me the imperial but I am working on the space marines sooo I don't know if i could work also on them...:(

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