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All this seems nice for the Damocles Gulf Crusade  wink_o.gif

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Could you not make the wraithlords giant supertough men that cant pickup guns?? because theyre meant to be like cyborgs with the soulstones of fallen heroes? well im sure you know. and im not critiscising just askin because it would make em more like their meant to be... in my humble opinion

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Hy to everyone..it's quite still a long time that I am no more an operative Adoon maker like you guys but i saw all of your and other talented hobby works in this years since ofp born.

Anyway i am also a warhammer 40k fan and I am fond of expecially the 3d edition when Space marines and all others stuff where more unrealistic and less athletics but these are just opinions.

i wish to say hello to all my old addonmakers friend like the radix and bishop

I saw this and I thought that you should improve this units because just using other models expecially pk3 ones and also others textures isn't so good...

Do not take this like a negative crticize just an advice..;)polycount

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that polycount model looks rather good for just 1200 polies - awesome work on the vehicles etc by the way - looks stunning smile_o.gif

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Spad, If you want this model you can have it, as Im never going to finnish it.


it flies, the config file is a cobra gunship

Email me [email protected] if u want it.

Im only interested in giving it to someone who will actually use it.


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It's perfect for a Dark angel Revenwing army..

What about for each addon writing in the mission editor a point for each unit +equipment ..It would be like this

40k/Troops/tactical squad(5-10max)/

Space marine with requiem =15 points

So everyone should put an army at least of 1500 points

making decision of each unit just like for a tournament list

it would be great because you could balance everything

with limitations to your power of fire and limit of units

missions would be just a scenario 1500 points against 1500 points army..

no more prob with campaign and missions

the missions for the mod would be just scenarios

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excellent model gordak sure we 'd like to have it smile_o.gif



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some screen of the eldar

the avenger


the fire dragon


the gardian made from a shard model smile_o.gif


and the dark reaper all model are configure by SPQR (thanks very much) smile_o.gif


works continue wink_o.gif

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at the begin of the forum you can see some of them with a chimera

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Looks like we're getting to the point where we could have Eldar or Tau taking on real world forces..

Finally.. a true war of the worlds!

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why not but i prefer tripod than eldar for fighting against human force.

scorpion aspect warrior is add to eldar troop list  smile_o.gif

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It's perfect for a Dark angel Revenwing army..

What about for each addon  writing in the mission editor a point for each unit +equipment ..It would be like this

40k/Troops/tactical squad(5-10max)/

Space marine with requiem =15 points  

So everyone should put an army at least of 1500 points

making decision of each unit just like for a tournament list

it would be great because you could balance everything

with limitations to your power of fire and limit of units

missions would be just a scenario 1500 points against 1500 points army..

no more prob with campaign and missions

the missions for the mod would be just scenarios

Yeah but i demand Ironwing!!

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maybe we ll make a small ravenwing pack why not

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and for the last vehicle of the eldar pack i made the heavy artillery : the fire prism


boum boum xmas_o.gif

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eldar unit face of new tau town



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I really like the light effect of the buildings smile_o.gif very nice !!

I wish to see some new space marines too smile_o.gif pleaseeee

anyway what about the imperial commissars and the dirty dozen of Schaeffer's Last chancers personally I am a great fun of them..I was thinking to begin working on the 13th penal legion but I don't have so much free time lately.

Some penitants under the suspicious eye of a commissar is quite amazing idea

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well i 'd like to make the most of them but the modeller team is small so we can't make all the stuff, i asked some help to other people like shinkansen or gordak or df2dpxs but making addon take time and they are busy too so ...be patient.

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The eldars, players as AIs, are already able within this addon to throw two types of grenades (plasma against personnel and light AFVs, OFP grenades, smokeshells - and Krak or Melta bomb against all AFVs). yay.gif

It is rather simple : you have to define two throws as weapons, each specialized in a kind of grenade. It's just a farthest developpement of KyleSarnik' and OFrP's works (if I made no mistake,as the idea's owner deserves all glory inlove.gif ).

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well it is time to repair the damage of war

imperial troyan can do something for that biggrin_o.gif



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oh a christmas gift !

what do you think there is in ?


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