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FOR WH40K fan

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Is it possible to make ork models in ofp? huh.gif

Well theyve seem to of done the space marines alright, with big shoulder pads and large back packs and stuff. So i supose it wouldnt be too difficult to do an ork. whistle.gif

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yep maybe, i prefer make vehicule than trooper so maybe it is possible. an,d for the transport if you make a geo lod only the central part of the model can be manage by ofp. the external part are empty when you fire on it, the bigest model in ofp must be split in several (not the case with the transport)

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yer that transport is nice i like it the scale i think is right but not shure dont know much about BFG ships lol

is there going to be a tau Manta transport of Tigershark cause after seeing the SM transport i think anythings possible

you have my support guys job well done

(oh the dread in the pic with the attack bike the assult cannon is ment to be on the right arm not the left felt i should point that out)

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Hi everyone, just thought id answer a few questions. The large transport's geometry can be done fairly simply, basically, using a varient of our new multiturret system which makes the multiple turrets pitch and yaw compatible, we can use multi geometry lods. This also gives the tremendous advantage of being able to determine where the transport has been hit, enabling us to make damage far more dynamic and realistic, example, if u shoot an engine enough, the engine will be destroyed and the transport will not have as much flying power or manueverability, if you shoot the bridge out the thing will crash etc. we can also display the effects of damage more realistically by having explosions, components getting blown off etc in the right locations etc.

ok next, yes we will release a fulll complement of Tau Air Caste (i.e. Manta, TigerShark, Orca) as a seperate Tai Air Caste Pack, which is supprisingly close to being finished (its been set back a couple of months as i had a hard drive crash and lost the lot, i did have a back up, but thats 3 months old). The only thing left on these is wel probably the biggest, the scripts, as fast a scripter as i am, we've decided to bump up the amount and the complexity of the features our addons will have, accordingly these addons will have massive and very complicated scripts that will bestow and awesome amount of cool features to our addons, im not going to get into any of them here, as they are a suprise, but i will say, you will be impressed.

Just to give an idea of what we are releasing and in the order of release: Imperial Guard - Imperial Guard Infantry Pack ( Cadian and Steel Legion); Imperial Guard Armour Pack (Cadian and Steel Legion, 12 Tanks so far for both!wink_o.gif; Imperial Navy Pack (No specific legion, just generic Imperial Navy, around 10 Navy Craft - in 40k navy is airforce and space craft, i.e. space ships etc); Tau - Tau Fire Caste Pack (Infantry and Armour, normal Tau and Farsight Enclave), Tau Air Caste Pack (Manta, Tigershark and Orca - these 3 addons are probably the most complex and advanced addons we've ever made/ are making).

Also on the subject of the Sentinel, Warhound titan ... i have developed a system to make them walk, using rtm animations, not crappy rotations smile_o.gif

One last note, thank you for all the encouragement and support, it would be far more difficult to make these addons if we thought we were just making them for our selves and would be the only ones that enjoyed them, so thank you all again. As spad said, any help offered is welcome, if you would like to really help us out come over to our forums (web address in my sig) even if its just to chat and give ideas on stuff, any and all constructive input is always welcome.

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Man this looks pissin wicked. That titan looks kick ass. What happened to the baneblade?? i saw the demo video of it kicking ass with the multiturret scripts but is all. Maybe more vids lol. Only one thing to say... being an imperial that sentinel looks a bit wrong.. the front armour should be sloped a bit more that one allmost looks just plain vertical. p.s will it come with different armaments like cadian.catachan,mars pattern?? great job guys cant wait till its released

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i work with my eyes and without blue screen so eror could be done, but i 'll correct all of them smile_o.gif

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Extremely impressive work.

I was wondering if you have considered making Tyranid units? I imagine they would be far more complex than Imperial or Tau units (and require a lot of close combat work, which OFP sucks at), but I had to ask.

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hand to hand suchk in ofp so i don't think that we'll make tyranid

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Ive experimented with tyranids, id love to do them but more than likely they will have to wait until ofp2 as h2h combat isnt ofp1's forté, the two initial infantry pack (tau and imperial guard) will however have h2h, which they will switch to when an enemy is too close to use ranged weaponry, as bad as it is, its still ok and better than not doing it at all.  Will be doing some custom animations though for units with specific close combat weapons, chain sword etc, which will do a random close combat animation, rather than just making one and having them do that all the time.  For normal infantry ill probably just keep them using the generic ofp rifle butt strike, ill definately do up some animations for the imperial guard to use their bayonet, and probably tau infantry to use a short dagger/sword, but as i said, probably not in the first release as rtm animating takes a considerable amount of time, and im the only one in our current mod team who currently knows how to do it  ... however if anyone wants to help in this department it would be tremendously appreciated.

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fantasic idea about the CQ system i like it  smile_o.gif  so a qustion now ive seen many mechs for ofp (i own a couple) and i was wondering what template are you using for them like PC's APU is infantry based and the Wanzer pack in base on a tank (tank tread marke give it away) just curious really but i would like to see a good dread animation and another thing air craft will there be a thunderhawk and will it have a multigun sqript?? and an idea now i was messing around with the operation Frenchpoint mods and i liked the sqript were the doors open when it reaches a certain hight thoght it would be a good idea for the air transports like vultuers, orca and hopefully a thunderhawk. to make it more relistic so good job the emperors most definlty with you

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Yes we will be doing a thunderhawk, and yes all of our aircraft WILL have multiple turrets. there are occassional bugs but 99% it works, hopefully 100% by the time we release it, anyway we have multiturrets fully on aircraft fully working currently for the barracuda, valkyrie and marauder.

Also our walking vehicles will be NOTHING like those ones mentioned, they are vehicles, i.e u can get in and out of different positions, some such as the titan will have multi turret etc, and they have the walking abilities and look of a man, i.e. they will be rtm animated, not scripted rotation animations. This is also not theory, this has been accomplised in practice in game. Ill see if i can get the time to do up a video displaying this using an atat model i made to test this out on.

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wow thats possible i wasent shure ah well i would like to see that vid cause im a star wars fan to. so will there be custom animations for the weapons (underslung for the heavy bolter) and stuff. i relises i ask a lot about the mod its just im new and curioes (not new in ofp tho)

fantastic news bout a thunderhawk (im obsessed whit that ship) it will make my misshions very real so will there be any beta releases any time soon?

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thunderhawk already done smile_o.gif

need some new texture that's all

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Are the cadions gonna be re-done?

apart from that, i would be quite good if u could make the textres so be can easily edit them and make there own coulers (isnt that what WHR 40K is all about : )

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are you making your own texture or using stuff from DOW and firworrior

and fantacis the thunderhwak will really give thos "its the enterprise" moments

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Great work though I would personally wish to see an Eldar Falcon. The war walker would also be quite a cool toy.

How do you plan this mod to be played? Will you try to implement the elements of WH40k gameplay or will it be played as OFP but with new units?

A CTI type of mission where both teams can pick the units they want as long as they stay below the decided cost limit and maybe even get to place them where they want them to be before the mission starts. The units could be over-armored but a script could for an example disable one of the turrets if it receives some amount of damage. Vehicles which fires their big guns shouldn't be able to move for some time etc.

Things like these would make this mod totally awesome.

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Great work though I would personally wish to see an Eldar Falcon. The war walker would also be quite a cool toy.

How do you plan this mod to be played? Will you try to implement the elements of WH40k gameplay or will it be played as OFP but with new units?

A CTI type of mission where both teams can pick the units they want as long as they stay below the decided cost limit and maybe even get to place them where they want them to be before the mission starts. The units could be over-armored but a script could for an example disable one of the turrets if it receives some amount of damage. Vehicles which fires their big guns shouldn't be able to move for some time etc.

Things like these would make this mod totally awesome.

I'll have to second all that.

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the first release will concern imperial guard tau empire and maybe some space marine unit.

the eldar and some other race will come after (but we already have an eldar trooper smile_o.gif )

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Hey dude to help with the sentinels heres some forgeworld pics. As you can see it slopes a more than yours. Any news on release??

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Hi wolfbite, instead making to posts in a row, please edit your first post. wink_o.gif

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Sorry accidently posted twice whistle.gif

Do you actually have to post a third time just to say that you posted twice? There's an edit button, use it. It's much more accepted by the mods than spamming.

Edit: By the way.. Those who can answer, my question about how this mod will be played is still unanswered. If you missed the details check my previous post.

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